Curvar in english


pronunciation: bend part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

curvar = push out of + alignment ; curve. 

Example: This article argues that box designs for small books have 3 shortcomings: their corners tend to gape; strings, buttons and other fixing arrangements clutter the outside of the box; and the box flaps are too soft causing it to be pushed out of alignment.Example: She then lit one of the torches and followed the tunnel as it curved to the right and opened into a large chamber.


» curvarsecurve .

Example: She then lit one of the torches and followed the tunnel as it curved to the right and opened into a large chamber.

Curvar synonyms

turn in spanish: giro, pronunciation: tɜrn part of speech: verb, noun bow in spanish: arco, pronunciation: baʊ part of speech: noun, verb curve in spanish: curva, pronunciation: kɜrv part of speech: noun twist in spanish: giro, pronunciation: twɪst part of speech: noun, verb fold in spanish: doblez, pronunciation: foʊld part of speech: noun, verb inflection in spanish: inflexión, pronunciation: ɪnflekʃən part of speech: noun flex in spanish: flexionar, pronunciation: fleks part of speech: verb, noun crook in spanish: ladrón, pronunciation: krʊk part of speech: noun stoop in spanish: agacharse, pronunciation: stup part of speech: verb, noun deflect in spanish: cambiar, pronunciation: dɪflekt part of speech: verb crimp in spanish: rizar, pronunciation: krɪmp part of speech: noun, verb crease in spanish: pliegue, pronunciation: kris part of speech: noun crouch in spanish: agacharse, pronunciation: kraʊtʃ part of speech: noun, verb flexion in spanish: flexión, pronunciation: flekʃən part of speech: noun flexure in spanish: flexura, pronunciation: fleggʒɜr part of speech: noun deform in spanish: deformar, pronunciation: difɔrm part of speech: verb bending in spanish: doblado, pronunciation: bendɪŋ part of speech: noun flection in spanish: flexión, pronunciation: flekʃən part of speech: noun turn away in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: tɜrnəweɪ part of speech: verb plication in spanish: plegamiento, pronunciation: plɪkeɪʃən part of speech: noun bend dexter in spanish: doblar dexter, pronunciation: benddekstɜr part of speech: noun
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