Curva in english


pronunciation: kɜrv part of speech: noun
In gestures

curva = curve ; contour ; bend. 

Example: Textura, the type of the first printed books, was derived from a formal book hand written with a minimum of curves.Example: As a result, requesters have turned to the courts to define the contours of public access in the computer age.Example: The article 'Postmodern libraries: Librarians at the bend in the learning curve' examines where librarians are on the learning curve when it comes to integrating new technology with old skills.


» aparecer por la curvacome (a)round from + the side of .

Example: When she came around from the side of the house she looked like the day we first met = Cuando apareció por la esquina de la casa tenía el mismo aspecto que el primer día que nos conocimos.

» carretera con muchas curvaswinding roadtwisting road .

Example: It is one of my favorite twisting and winding roads and in places, it runs quite near the waters of Newfound Lake.

Example: It is one of my favorite twisting and winding roads and in places, it runs quite near the waters of Newfound Lake.

» coger una curvago into + a corner .

Example: If you've ever watched an Indy race on TV and see a driver lose control going into corners it's because they downshift too early.

» con curvascurvy [curvier -comp., curviest -sup.]  ; bendy [bendier -comp., bendiest -sup.]  .

Example: Curvy women can look superb in bathing suits, just make sure it's appropriate for your body -- pregnant or not.

Example: The narrow, bendy road climbs steeply uphill, rising from the valley to the fields above.

» curva biorrítmicabiorhythm chart .

Example: He reflected along the way on the conversation with the head of readers' services, and smiled when he concluded that Balzac's biorhythm chart must have been peaking at that very moment -- or so he hoped.

» curva ciegahairpin bendhairpin curvehairpin turn .

Example: After three miles you will enter two 180 degree hairpin bends, first to the right, immediately followed by the next, to the left.

Example: An initial climb through some interesting hairpin curves gives way to a fairly straight road with an occasional gentle sweeping curve.

Example: Highways with repeating hairpin turns allow easier, safer ascents and descents of mountainous terrain than a direct, steep climb and descent.

» curva de aprendizajelearning curve .

Example: This is a major learning curve for me and I think I'm just starting to get my head around it.

» curva de BradfordBradford curve [Representación diagramática de la distribución de articulos relativos a un tema en revistas científicas] .

Example: A new definition of the nuclear zone of a Bradford curve is proposed.

» curva de concentración de LorenzLorenz curve of concentration .

Example: The Lorenz curve of concentration and the majorization poset plays an important role in this investigation.

» curva de la felicidad, lamiddle-age spread .

Example: Genes account for about 50% of adult-onset weight change, the gain that leads to so-called middle-age spread.

» curva de LorenzLorenz curve .

Example: The so-called 'Bradford distribution' derived by Leimkuhler is more properly viewed as the theoretical form of a variant of the Lorenz curve.

» curva de nivelcontour line .

Example: In cartography elevation is the height of the earth's surface above sea level, which can be shown by colour, by contour lines, etc..

» curva de utilidadutility contour .

Example: The article is entitled 'Obsolescence of special library periodicals: sampling errors and utility contours'.

» curva de visibilidad reducidablind bend .

Example: An idiot driver overtook a learner driver on a blind bend and nearly had a head on collision.

» curva + estabilizarsecurve + flatten out [En la representación gráfica de estadísticas, el momento en que una curva se convierte en una línea horizontal] .

Example: With the introduction of powered printing machinery, however, the unit cost varied inversely with edition quantity up to about 10,000 copies whereupon the curve flattened out, the unit cost for 100,000 copies being much the same as for 10,000.

» curva muy abiertasweeping curve .

Example: An initial climb through some interesting hairpin curves gives way to a fairly straight road with an occasional gentle sweeping curve.

» curva muy cerradahairpin bendhairpin curvehairpin turn .

Example: After three miles you will enter two 180 degree hairpin bends, first to the right, immediately followed by the next, to the left.

Example: An initial climb through some interesting hairpin curves gives way to a fairly straight road with an occasional gentle sweeping curve.

Example: Highways with repeating hairpin turns allow easier, safer ascents and descents of mountainous terrain than a direct, steep climb and descent.

» curva muy pronunciadahairpin bendhairpin curvehairpin turn .

Example: After three miles you will enter two 180 degree hairpin bends, first to the right, immediately followed by the next, to the left.

Example: An initial climb through some interesting hairpin curves gives way to a fairly straight road with an occasional gentle sweeping curve.

Example: Highways with repeating hairpin turns allow easier, safer ascents and descents of mountainous terrain than a direct, steep climb and descent.

» doblar la curvacome (a)round from + the side of .

Example: When she came around from the side of the house she looked like the day we first met = Cuando apareció por la esquina de la casa tenía el mismo aspecto que el primer día que nos conocimos.

» doblar una curvago (a)round + a cornergo (a)round + a bend .

Example: You have to sit down to go for a wee on the tour bus, because if you stand up and you go round a corner it all goes everywhere.

Example: The vibration seems to be worse going downhill or wil appear after going around a bend.

» entrar en una curvago into + a corner .

Example: If you've ever watched an Indy race on TV and see a driver lose control going into corners it's because they downshift too early.

» forma de la curva estadística en su valor más altopeak-shape .

Example: The publication count and published pages vary approximately in parallel, with the peak-shape being flat compared with the trends for author.

» formando curvascurving .

Example: Finnish libraries in general are distinguished by the use of split-levels, skylights and curving lines.

» hacer (una) curvacurve .

Example: She then lit one of the torches and followed the tunnel as it curved to the right and opened into a large chamber.

» haciendo curvastwisting .

Example: The external auditory meatus is a small, twisting, tunnel-like 'tube' that connects the pinna to the tympanic membrane.

» lleno de curvasbendy [bendier -comp., bendiest -sup.]  .

Example: The narrow, bendy road climbs steeply uphill, rising from the valley to the fields above.

» recortar una curvacut + a corner .

Example: When driving, cutting the corner on a left turn often results in damage to another vehicle or even to a pedestrian.

» trazar una curva de Algoplot + Nombre + on a graph .

Example: If we draw a cross-section through A, and plot this on a graph showing degree of relevance, we get the result denoted APUPA by Ranganathan.

curvar = push out of + alignment ; curve. 

Example: This article argues that box designs for small books have 3 shortcomings: their corners tend to gape; strings, buttons and other fixing arrangements clutter the outside of the box; and the box flaps are too soft causing it to be pushed out of alignment.Example: She then lit one of the torches and followed the tunnel as it curved to the right and opened into a large chamber.


» curvarsecurve .

Example: She then lit one of the torches and followed the tunnel as it curved to the right and opened into a large chamber.

Curva synonyms

bend in spanish: curva, pronunciation: bend part of speech: noun, verb wind in spanish: viento, pronunciation: waɪnd part of speech: noun cut in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: kʌt part of speech: verb, noun arch in spanish: arco, pronunciation: ɑrtʃ part of speech: noun sheer in spanish: escarpado, pronunciation: ʃɪr part of speech: adjective arc in spanish: arco, pronunciation: ɑrk part of speech: noun, verb trend in spanish: tendencia, pronunciation: trend part of speech: noun slew in spanish: montón, pronunciation: slu part of speech: noun crook in spanish: ladrón, pronunciation: krʊk part of speech: noun veer in spanish: virar, pronunciation: vɪr part of speech: verb kink in spanish: pliegue, pronunciation: kɪŋk part of speech: noun bender in spanish: juerga, pronunciation: bendɜr part of speech: noun swerve in spanish: viraje, pronunciation: swɜrv part of speech: verb, noun curl in spanish: rizo, pronunciation: kɜrl part of speech: noun, verb slue in spanish: torcer a, pronunciation: slu part of speech: verb curvature in spanish: curvatura, pronunciation: kɜrvətʃɜr part of speech: noun curve ball in spanish: bola curva, pronunciation: kɜrvbɔl part of speech: noun breaking ball in spanish: bola de ruptura, pronunciation: breɪkɪŋbɔl part of speech: noun curved shape in spanish: forma curva, pronunciation: kɜrvdʃeɪp part of speech: noun
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