Cursor in english


pronunciation: kɜrsɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

cursor = cursor ; screen cursor. 

Example: A data entry and validation package typically allows the user to define a form to be displayed on a VDU, and by using a cursor, or other prompts, enables data to be entered in this format.Example: Is the hardware configuration required by the software available, for example, amount of storage, number and capacity of disc drives, addressable screen cursors etc?.


» bola para el control del cursor en pantallatrackball .

Example: This article describes an experiment exploring both articulatory and cognitive aspects of using different input devices (mouse, trackball, and stylus).

» desplazar el cursor en pantalla pulsando la tecla de tabulacióntab over to .

Example: The following qualifiers may be added to any search by tabbing over to the appropriate heading and typing in the desired data.

» dispositivo de control del movimiento del cursorcursor-control device .

Example: Icons can be addressed by pointing at them with a mouse or another similar cursor-control device.

» flechas de desplazamiento del cursor hacia la izquierda/derechaleft/right arrows .

Example: The left/right arrows on the keyboard move the cursor to a new position on the line so you can Insert or Delete a character or overtype a new character.

» tecla de desplazamiento del cursorarrow keycursor-control key .

Example: The arrow keys are located on the numeric keypad, on the right side of the keyboard.

Example: Cursor-control keys allow this position to be changed at will, and, of course, the cursor moves on after each key-stroke.

Cursor synonyms

pointer in spanish: puntero, pronunciation: pɔɪntɜr part of speech: noun
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