Curso in english


pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: noun
In gestures



» cursar una invitaciónextend + an invitationmake + invitation .

Example: The film tells of the uproar the librarian created when he extended an invitation to an advocate of theories on black inferiority to address a high school assembly.

Example: Since the invitation has been made in a business-like and considerate manner the answer is more likely to be favorable.

» no cursar una asignaturaskip + grades [Pasar a cursar una asignatura sin hacer otra asignatura que es más básica y que se considera como requisito previo de ella] .

Example: But not everybody agrees with you, Glenn, about enrichment being better than having kids skip grades.

curso1 = course ; taught course ; year ; course unit ; grade. 

Example: Earlier in this course we defined a compound subject as consisting, at the level of summarization, of a basic subject and two or more of its isolates.Example: During the early 1970s European studies became a fashionable growth area boosted by the trend towards inter-disciplinarity in taught courses.Example: General lectures to a whole year, or even several courses, are supplemented with more specialised tutorials or practicals, frequently in small groups.Example: This paper discusses the library education programme in the 1st library school in Nigeria to offer the course unit system as operated in the USA.Example: Each grade tackles a different genre e.g. fifth graders read historical fiction.


» alumno de cuarto cursofourth grader .

Example: This paper reviews research on youth motivation for visiting amusement arcades and on the relationship among the school achievement, socioeconomic status, and self-esteem of fourth graders.

» alumno de primer cursofirst grader .

Example: She was the mother of a precocious first grader named Steven.

» alumno de quinto cursofifth grader .

Example: Each grade tackles a different genre e.g. fifth graders read historical fiction.

» alumno de segundo cursosecond grader .

Example: The evaluation survey demonstrated how second graders felt they had benefited from the project.

» alumno de séptimo cursoseventh grader .

Example: A study of seventh graders at a school in Texas revealed 3 categories of aliterates: dormant, uncommitted, and unmotivated.

» alumno de sexto cursosixth grader .

Example: The study was based on interviews with 9 groups of sixth graders of both sexes.

» alumno de tercer cursothird grader .

Example: The author examines the influence of CD-ROM storybooks on the reading comprehension and attitudes toward reading of 37 pairs of third graders.

» alumno de un cursograder  .

Example: It describes the project, which aimed to introduce all 4th graders to artists and writers at the library, as to enable them to create slogans and posters about books and reading which were then judged and exhibited.

» asistir a un cursoattend + a course .

Example: Many employers will also allow staff to be given time off work to attend courses over and above their normal holiday entitlement.

» bibliografía recomendada para el cursocourse reading .

Example: Teaching faculty set up Web sites for their classes through which to provide electronic access to assignments, syllabi, and course readings.

» calificación del cursocourse grade .

Example: They were be very mardy about it, but they accepted it, because if they hadn't their course grade would have suffered.

» celebrar un curso especialhold + an institute .

Example: I believe that the issues brought forth and debated in the following papers and discussions are as timely today as they were when the institutes were first held.

» curso académicoacademic course .

Example: At both undergraduate and graduate levels, the Center offers academic courses in jazz studies.

» curso aceleradocrash course .

Example: Many professionals feel the need to move from one field to another and this requires retraining either gradually or through a crash course.

» curso a distanciatelecoursedistance course .

Example: The data show that few programmes use technology for distance education, few produce telecourses or teleconferences, and most use it in the traditional classroom.

Example: Many distance courses have a face-to-face orientation the first week of classes.

» curso a tiempo completofull-time course .

Example: By comparison with universities, many colleges house a constantly changing population of full-time, part-time, day release, sandwich course and evening class students.

» curso con créditoscredit course .

Example: The course elective system, quickly adopted by some universities, coincided with the need to establish credit courses.

» curso de clases magistraleslecture course .

Example: And the atmosphere, especially in elementary schools, should be celebratory, the events more akin to a literary workshop than to an adult lecture course.

» curso de cocinacookery course .

Example: By the end of our four week cookery course you will be cooking to the standard you would expect to find in a good restaurant.

» curso de diplomaturaundergraduate coursehonours course .

Example: The teaching programme includes large postgraduate courses and an undergraduate course, each with 50 students a year with a total of 250 overall.

Example: However, the new department's main success has been with the introduction of an undergraduate single honours course by distance learning.

» curso de formacióntraining course .

Example: Help desks, training courses, manuals, newsletters and other search aids can influence the effectiveness of a searcher.

» curso de formación continuacontinuing education course .

Example: With the advent of automation, the demands for continuing education courses took on a sense of urgency.

» curso de informáticacomputer course .

Example: Many people take computer courses, and they do so for a variety of different reasons.

» curso de iniciacióninduction course .

Example: The induction course will give all the necessary employment details relating to such matters as the amount of leave entitlement, insurance stoppages, what to do in case of sickness, etc..

» curso de licenciaturapostgraduate course .

Example: The teaching programme includes large postgraduate courses and an undergraduate course, each with 50 students a year with a total of 250 overall.

» curso de orientaciónorientation .

Example: A summary at the end of a document is intended to complete the orientation of the reader, and to identify the significant ideas for the reader to remember.

» curso de reciclajerefresher courseretraining course .

Example: However, a large number of courses are available for librarians wishing to follow refresher courses.

Example: Providing retraining courses for females returning to librarianship after childbearing will improve the profession's status and image.

» curso de veranosummer institutesummer session .

Example: For years now, we have been conducting summer institutes for local librarians and teachers with expertise for integrating the new electronic materials with the old books.

Example: This summer session they will be offering more than 400 courses and programs across many disciplines for undergraduates, graduates and working professionals.

» curso escolarschool year .

Example: At last we were ready to tackle our most ambitious and anxiously awaited project of the school year.

» curso inferiorjunior class .

Example: For example, senior classes who have grown into book-consciousness infect junior classes with some of their enthusiasm.

» curso intensivointensive coursecrash course .

Example: The one-week intensive course will consist of lectures; seminars; and lab-based practicals.

Example: Many professionals feel the need to move from one field to another and this requires retraining either gradually or through a crash course.

» curso intensivo con residenciaresidential programme .

Example: This is a 5 day residential programme of leadership training for librarians early in their careers held at a ski resort near Salt Lake City.

» curso introductorioinduction course .

Example: The induction course will give all the necessary employment details relating to such matters as the amount of leave entitlement, insurance stoppages, what to do in case of sickness, etc..

» curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresasandwich course .

Example: By comparison with universities, many colleges house a constantly changing population of full-time, part-time, day release, sandwich course and evening class students.

» curso modularmodular course .

Example: Modular courses are already in place from which a student can pick and mix.

» curso para alumnos con matrícula librepart-time course .

Example: This article describes the structure of library and information science education in the Netherlands and Flanders including postgraduate, undergraduate and part-time courses.

» curso por correspondenciacorrespondence course .

Example: The author focuses on some of the barriers encountered in accesing the course materials used in correspondence courses on library and information science.

» curso que abarca varias disciplinasumbrella course .

Example: This development saw the introduction of other umbrella courses such as environmental studies.

» curso que tiene lugar fuera de la universidadextension courseoff-campus course .

Example: This is a report of a survey of off-campus/extension courses in graduates library education programs accredited by the American Library Association.

Example: This is a report of a survey of off-campus/extension courses in graduates library education programs accredited by the American Library Association.

» cursoscoursework [course work] .

Example: Many library and information science programmes provide no formal coursework to prepare their students for a career in user education.

» cursos de gestión de informaciónmanagement course .

Example: And it can be used in management courses in schools of library and information science, but also in less formal settings, such as workshops, conferences, in-service training programs, and the like.

» cursos de veranosummer school .

Example: Participants expressed great satisfaction with all aspects of the summer school.

» cursos en líneacourseware  .

Example: The resulting lack of adequate pictorial content often lessen the overall impact of the courseware = La consecuente falta de gráficos adecuados con frecuencia reduce el impacto global de los cursos virtuales.

» curso superiorsenior class .

Example: For example, senior classes who have grown into book-consciousness infect junior classes with some of their enthusiasm.

» cursos virtualescourseware  .

Example: The resulting lack of adequate pictorial content often lessen the overall impact of the courseware = La consecuente falta de gráficos adecuados con frecuencia reduce el impacto global de los cursos virtuales.

» demasiado mayor para su cursooverage for grade .

Example: More than 80 percent of the students who left school were overage for grade.

» director de cursocourse leader .

Example: A number of course leaders in the IT field regarded their lack of treatment of what might be termed morality of information provision as a drawback in their programmes.

» discurso de fin de cursocommencement salutatory .

Example: Short's diary discusses her experiences composing and delivering her own commencement salutatory titled, 'The Power of Verse'.

» diseñador de cursocourse planner .

Example: The reasons for this are varied but can depend largely on the importance placed on the provision of these skills by both the library and the course planners in the early stages of the student study programme.

» documentación de un cursocourse pack .

Example: The author looks at the issues involved in 2 American court cases relating to copyright law and commercial document reproduction for the provision of course packs.

» enseñar un cursorun + a course .

Example: The Centre runs a series of short courses on wordprocessing of one-day duration.

» estudiante de cursos superioresupperclassman .

Example: This article presents and compares results from 2 surveys of basic library skills administered to freshmen and upperclassmen.

» estudiante de último cursofinal year student .

Example: 96% of final year students consider the Library a 'very good' to 'satisfactory' place to study, with 78% rating it 'good' or 'very good'.

» estudiante universitario de último cursosenior major .

Example: The target user group was the approximately 100 senior economics major completing theses.

» hacer un cursotake + a course .

Example: It is not unusual also for the staff to take courses (at company expense and often on company time) that will keep them alert and mentally alive.

» impartir un cursorun + a course .

Example: The Centre runs a series of short courses on wordprocessing of one-day duration.

» material del cursocourse materialcurriculum materialcurriculum resource .

Example: The author focuses on some of the barriers encountered in accesing the course materials used in correspondence courses on library and information science.

Example: This article compares several sources of curriculum materials.

Example: There are educational, economic and technical benefits to properly managing the provision and usage of all curriculum resources for schools.

» nota del cursocourse grade .

Example: They were be very mardy about it, but they accepted it, because if they hadn't their course grade would have suffered.

» oferta de cursoscourse offering .

Example: This discussion of present trends is based on a survey of course offerings as found in library school catalogues.

» ofrecer un cursooffer + a course .

Example: The BA in Communication Studies at Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh, offers courses which would not be out of place in an advanced SLIS programme.

» organizar un cursoarrange + a courserun + a course .

Example: In 1966 SCONUL (The Standing conference of National and University Libraries) arranged a course, which was really a seminar lasting several days.

Example: The Centre runs a series of short courses on wordprocessing of one-day duration.

» primer cursofirst grade .

Example: The Porter Public Library houses an all out effort to reach first and second grade pupils who have lost their enthusiasm for school because of falling behind in reading.

» programa de cursocourse program(me) .

Example: Credibility as providers of information technology-based programmes required SLIS to develop radically different course programmes with substantial additional resourcing.

» programa del cursocourse syllabus .

Example: The content of these local area databases include course syllabi, class schedules, and materials placed on reserve by instructors.

» quinto cursofifth grade .

Example: After the second grade, the growth rate in the number of articles read slows but continues to increase, with the exception of a dip at the fifth grade.

» realización de cursoscoursework [course work] .

Example: Many library and information science programmes provide no formal coursework to prepare their students for a career in user education.

» repetición de cursosgrade retention .

Example: Research evidence demonstrates that grade retention does not improve achievement and may increase the chances of a student dropping out of school instead of persisting to graduation.

» segundo cursosecond grade .

Example: After the second grade, the growth rate in the number of articles read slows but continues to increase, with the exception of a dip at the fifth grade.

» sistema virtual de gestión de cursoscourse management system .

Example: Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.

curso2 = course. 

Example: The course of the race contains many steep hills, often paved with cobblestones.


» alterar el curso de + Posesivo + vidaalter + the course of + Posesivo + lifechange + the course of + Posesivo + life .

Example: I left the casual comforts of Los Angeles and embarked on an adventure that would alter the course of my life in the most profound ways.

Example: There is no doubt that the events of that day changed the course of her life.

» a mitad de cursomid-course .

Example: To this end, a project schedule is important for detecting delays and making mid-course adjustments to avoid them.

» apartarse de + Posesivo + cursoveer from + Posesivo + course .

Example: And with both deviation and outside competing information purged from the system, it is unlikely to veer from its course.

» bibliografía en cursocurrent bibliography [Bibliografía publicada periódicamente con frecuencia más o menos regular y que recoge y describe los documentos a medida que se van publicando] .

Example: A current bibliography is bibliography published periodically at more or less regular intervals, recording and describing documents as and when they are published.

» cambiar el curso deturn back + the tideturn + the tide on .

Example: Quite frankly, I believe it is too late in the day to turn back the tide; the murky, overwhelming waters are too deep to be rolled back.

Example: The article 'Turning the Tide on Toxics' lists some of the toxic chemicals found around the home.

» cambiar el curso de + Posesivo + vidaalter + the course of + Posesivo + lifechange + the course of + Posesivo + life .

Example: I left the casual comforts of Los Angeles and embarked on an adventure that would alter the course of my life in the most profound ways.

Example: There is no doubt that the events of that day changed the course of her life.

» curso de aguawater body [waterbody] .

Example: These two documents cover all categories of water bodies including springs and lakes, marine coastal areas, and groundwater.

» curso de los acontecimientos, elcourse of events, thetrain of events, thechain of events, the .

Example: The future life of each individual is so rigorously predetermined that his own volitions or desires have no power to alter the course of events.

Example: You guessed right, I am supposed to take a decision very soon, a decision that could affect the train of events in my life.

Example: Ambitious people know that everything they do form the links in the chain of events that will lead them to their final destination.

» curso de un ríocourse of a riverriver course .

Example: Other changes in the course of the river have occurred because of earthquakes along the fault zone.

Example: There is no agricultural project without prospection for groundwater necessary for land reclamation, particularly in the desert areas far from river courses.

» dejar que la naturaleza siga su cursoallow + nature to take its courselet + nature take its course .

Example: She prefers to age naturally and allow nature to take its course.

Example: How do you let nature take its course when you no your cat is dying?.

» dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normallet + nature take its courseyou can't rush timelet matters take their coursetime will take its courseeverything in (its) due timeeverything has its appointed timeeverything happens in its own timeto everything there is a seasonnature will take its courseallow + nature to take its courseeverything in (its own) good timenothing happens before its time .

Example: How do you let nature take its course when you no your cat is dying?.

Example: Like most teens, you probably just wish time would hurry up and you were out of high school already, but you can't rush time.

Example: I'll just let matters take their course and concentrate on studying and hope that everything will be all right in the end.

Example: This year, I won't make any resolutions because I don't want to pressure myself -- time will take its course.

Example: He is already sounding like a broken record in saying that he will explain everything in due time.

Example: Just like a flower in season, everything has its appointed time and there is always a beginning and an end.

Example: We may want things to happen at a particular time, but I keep learning over and over again that everything happens in its own time.

Example: I know that to everything there is a season, but I am a gardener and I start counting the days until spring the day after Christmas.

Example: Nature will take its course, allowing your bone tissue to fuse with the titanium post.

Example: She prefers to age naturally and allow nature to take its course.

Example: Indeed, some might well wonder why it has been so late in the making, but I am reminded of the popular saying 'nothing happens before its time' and 'everything in its own good time'.

Example: Indeed, some might well wonder why it has been so late in the making, but I am reminded of the popular saying 'nothing happens before its time' and 'everything in its own good time'.

» desviarse de + Posesivo + cursoveer from + Posesivo + course .

Example: And with both deviation and outside competing information purged from the system, it is unlikely to veer from its course.

» el curso de la evolución humanathe course of human evolution .

Example: The course of human evolution has been punctuated by a long succession of chance discoveries and accidental inventions.

» el curso de los hechosthe current(s) of events .

Example: Queen Mary's refusal to accept the currents of events led to her deposition and eventual exile in 1567.

» en cursoin processin progressongoing [on-going]afootcurrentunder preparation .

Example: An obvious example is the search to establish whether a particular book is on order, in process, on the shelves, or already loaned out.

Example: Replace the question mark in front of 'quit' with any character to indicate that you have decided not to make the file entry now in progress.

Example: This study has many implications for an ongoing COMARC effort beyond the present pilot project because it is evident that a very small number of libraries can furnish machine-readable records with full LC/MARC encoding.

Example: There is also a scheme afoot to help services create specialized data bases of their own using ECLAS norms.

Example: MEDLINE includes more than 9.2 million records from 3,900 current biomedial journals published in the U.S. and 70 other countries.

Example: There is a new improved system, now under preparation, which will eventually replace the current version.

» en el curso de la historiain the course of history .

Example: In this essay I plan to explore the progress of humanity in the course of history.

» en el curso de los acontecimientosin the course of eventsduring the course of events .

Example: In the course of the events and also thereafter, rumors spread that they were perpetrating a massacre.

Example: Questionnaires will be collected from participants during the course of the events over an 18-month period.

» en el curso normal dein the mainstream of .

Example: People want information available through the appliances they use in the mainstream of their daily lives.

» en el curso normal de las cosasin the normal run of thingsin the normal run of eventsin the normal course of events .

Example: In the normal run of things, they would be attacked by a monster from the deep or aliens from space, but here they just have to deal with polar bears.

Example: In the normal run of events a well-organised active minority of quite a small size can play a decisive role in the determination of a political outcome.

Example: In the normal course of events, the zygote and sporophyte will have a full double set of chromosomes again.

» en el curso normal de los acontecimientosin the normal run of eventsin the normal run of thingsin the normal course of events .

Example: In the normal run of events a well-organised active minority of quite a small size can play a decisive role in the determination of a political outcome.

Example: In the normal run of things, they would be attacked by a monster from the deep or aliens from space, but here they just have to deal with polar bears.

Example: In the normal course of events, the zygote and sporophyte will have a full double set of chromosomes again.

» estar en cursobe under way .

Example: Experiments in improved document delivery systems, and the establishment of networks between libraries are under way.

» fichero de catalogación en cursoin-process cataloguing file .

Example: The ideal LC/GPO cooperation will happen in a few years when GPO can access LC's in-process cataloging file and input records directly into the MARC system.

» marcar el cursochart + a course .

Example: The title of the article is 'Charting a course through the quagmire of copyright law' = El título del artículo es "Cómo trazar un rumbo en el embrollo de la ley de copyright".

» moneda de curso legallegal tender .

Example: But at least half a dozen other European mini-states and territories are using the euro as legal tender -- without approval from the European Central Bank.

» naturaleza + seguir + su cursonature will take its course .

Example: Nature will take its course, allowing your bone tissue to fuse with the titanium post.

» proyecto en cursowork in progress .

Example: The new virtual tour, while still a work in progress, is considered to be a success by students, library faculty and staff.

» publicación periódica en cursocurrent periodical .

Example: Ulrich's international periodicals directory is part of a family of bibliographic aids to current periodicals publishing.

» publicación seriada en cursocurrent serial .

Example: Many libraries have had to cancel a significant number of current serials to maintain acquisitions of monographs.

» revista en cursocurrent journal .

Example: The library contains 8,200 monographs, 20,000 bound journals and 490 current journals.

» seguir su curso naturalrun + its courseplay + itself outtake + its course .

Example: All cats get the runs from time to time but it usually runs its course quickly, and your cat is back to his usual self in a day or two.

Example: One of the spill-over effects still playing itself out is the decline of the US dollar as the dominant international reserve currency.

Example: We have a justice system in this country that we should be very proud of and it has to take its course.

» seguir su curso normalrun + its courseplay + itself outtake + its course .

Example: All cats get the runs from time to time but it usually runs its course quickly, and your cat is back to his usual self in a day or two.

Example: One of the spill-over effects still playing itself out is the decline of the US dollar as the dominant international reserve currency.

Example: We have a justice system in this country that we should be very proud of and it has to take its course.

» seguir un curso de acciónfollow + a track .

Example: When this track is followed, the conversation very quickly drifts away from the book and becomes gossip about ourselves.

» trabajo en cursowork in progress .

Example: The new virtual tour, while still a work in progress, is considered to be a success by students, library faculty and staff.

Curso synonyms

line in spanish: línea, pronunciation: laɪn part of speech: noun run in spanish: correr, pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: verb, noun track in spanish: pista, pronunciation: træk part of speech: noun class in spanish: clase, pronunciation: klæs part of speech: noun flow in spanish: fluir, pronunciation: floʊ part of speech: noun row in spanish: fila, pronunciation: roʊ part of speech: noun path in spanish: camino, pronunciation: pæθ part of speech: noun trend in spanish: tendencia, pronunciation: trend part of speech: noun naturally in spanish: naturalmente, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəli part of speech: adverb of course in spanish: por supuesto, pronunciation: ʌvkɔrs part of speech: adverb course of study in spanish: Curso de Estudio, pronunciation: kɔrsʌvstʌdi part of speech: noun course of instruction in spanish: curso de instrucción, pronunciation: kɔrsʌvɪnstrʌkʃən part of speech: noun
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