Cursiva in english


pronunciation: aɪtælɪks part of speech: noun
In gestures

cursiva1 = italic. 

Example: For the first time the stress was uncompromisingly vertical, while the italic was intended to be a mechanically sloped roman, quite unconnected with calligraphy.


» cursiva aldinaAldine italic [Letra cursiva utilizada por el impresor veneciano Aldo Manucio o sus sucesores entre 1490 y 1597] .

Example: Both the Aldine and the Vicentine italics were gradually superseded in the mid sixteenth century by a more practical form of the face emanating from Paris, which had sloped capital and fewer ligatures.

» cursiva vicentinaVicentine italic .

Example: Both the Aldine and the Vicentine italics were gradually superseded in the mid sixteenth century by a more practical form of the face emanating from Paris, which had sloped capital and fewer ligatures.

» en cursivain italic typein italics .

Example: Underlining has the effect of indicating to a printer's compositor that the material underlined should be rendered in italic type.

Example: However, you should not write the names of holy books, such as the Bible, in italics.

» poner en cursivaitalicise [italicize, -USA] .

Example: Being able to bold, italicise or underline text can make your document more interesting.

cursiva2 = cursive ; sloped. 

Example: Fraktur, cut with a contrived formality that belied its cursive origins, became the most successful of all the gothic types, surviving as a book face in Germany until the mid twentieth century.Example: Both the Aldine and the Vicentine italics were gradually superseded in the mid sixteenth century by a more practical form of the face emanating from Paris, which had sloped capital and fewer ligatures.


» en letra cursivain italics .

Example: However, you should not write the names of holy books, such as the Bible, in italics.

» escritura cursivacursive hand [Tipo de escritura manual en el que las letras aparecen muy ligadas entre sí para escribir más deprisa] .

Example: The Aldine greek was based on a much admired humanistic cursive hand which relied for its good looks on a multiplicity of alternative letters, ligatures, and contractions.

» letra cursivaitalic .

Example: For the first time the stress was uncompromisingly vertical, while the italic was intended to be a mechanically sloped roman, quite unconnected with calligraphy.

» letra romana cursivasloped roman .

Example: The italics that accompanied all these faces were sloped romans, varying in contrast in the same way as their parent forms, and seldom showing any trace of renaissance broad-pen calligraphy.
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