Currículo in english


pronunciation: kɜrɪkjələm part of speech: noun
In gestures

currículo = curriculum [curricula, -pl.] ; curriculum vitae [CV, -abrev.] [curricula vitae, -pl.] ; vitae ; vita. 

Example: For example, language and literature go hand-in-hand in the school curriculum but Dewey separates the two.Example: 4 subjects were discussed at a seminar held on 3 successive weekends in Dec 86 on the training of librarians in job application: Curricula vitae; written applications; aspects of labour legislation (particularly testimonials); and interviews.Example: A stratified, proportional random sample of faculty was taken and data collected from questionnaires, faculty vitae, on-line data bases, and standard bibliographical and reference sources.Example: All proposals must include a title and an abstract for each paper, along with a brief vita for each participant.

Currículo synonyms

program in spanish: programa, pronunciation: proʊgræm part of speech: noun syllabus in spanish: silaba, pronunciation: sɪləbəs part of speech: noun course of study in spanish: Curso de Estudio, pronunciation: kɔrsʌvstʌdi part of speech: noun
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