Curiosidad in english


pronunciation: kjʊriɑsəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

curiosidad1 = curiosity ; inquisitiveness. 

Example: With ISI's CD Editions you can expand your searching power to the limits of your curiosity.Example: Pupil's creativity and inquisitiveness must be encouraged through up-dated school libraries equipped with audio-visual aids and information technology.


» con curiosidadnosily .

Example: I sat, quietly but nosily, straining to hear what folks were saying during the intermission and at the conclusion of the play.

» curiosidad + aumentarcuriosity + mount .

Example: But curiosity is mounting after the car was spotted being towed by a recovery truck this week.

» curiosidad mórbidamorbid curiosity .

Example: Morbid curiosity may seem like a guilty pleasure, but that's how we learn what happens when we don't play by the rules.

» curiosidad morbosamorbid curiosity .

Example: Morbid curiosity may seem like a guilty pleasure, but that's how we learn what happens when we don't play by the rules.

» despertar la curiosidadarouse + curiosityprovoke + curiosityspark + Posesivo + curiosityexcite attentionstir + Posesivo + curiositypique + Posesivo + curiosity .

Example: I'll drop a few hints and clues to arouse your curiosities and to help you start your research.

Example: But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.

Example: Indeed, to spark reader's curiosity incomplete and leading remarks are possible the most effective.

Example: Bright new copies of an unknown book naturally excite more attention than old 'readers' soiled from overuse.

Example: Library media specialists can entertain children with holiday storytelling to enhance interest and stir curiosity and with visual aids to spark motivation.

Example: His curiosity was piqued as he glanced at the words again -- 'Would you drop by my office at your earliest convenience?'.

» despertar + Posesivo + curiosidadexcite + Posesivo + curiosity .

Example: This software is still in its infancy, but its launch excited the curiosity of many users, and produced a spin-off in the form of increased usage of the other two databases.

» incitar la curiosidadprovoke + curiosity .

Example: But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.

» incitar + Posesivo + curiosidadexcite + Posesivo + curiosity .

Example: This software is still in its infancy, but its launch excited the curiosity of many users, and produced a spin-off in the form of increased usage of the other two databases.

» muerto de curiosidadagog .

Example: One teacher I knew used to poke his head round the door just at the end of the day and say something like, 'Tomorrow when we meet I am going to tell you about the evil magician,' and then he would disappear leaving us all agog.

» objeto de curiosidadobject of curiosity .

Example: With their massive amount of luggage, they were an object of curiosity from the folks sitting on benches.

» picar la curiosidadpique + Posesivo + curiosity .

Example: His curiosity was piqued as he glanced at the words again -- 'Would you drop by my office at your earliest convenience?'.

» por curiosidadout of curiosity .

Example: Children insert toys, sweets, hairpins, hair grips, safety pins, etc. into the vagina mainly out of curiosity.

» por (pura) curiosidad(just) out of interest(just) as a mater of interest(just) out of (sheer) curiosity(just) for the sake of curiosity(just) for curiosity's sake .

Example: The only drawback to this book is that a person looking up a word may continue reading for another 15 minutes or so just out of interest.

Example: As a matter of interest to weight watchers, canned chicken broth has twice as many calories as canned beef broth.

Example: Scientists collect knowledge partly because they want to improve the world, but often just out of curiosity.

Example: There are the curious people who like anything that is out of the ordinary just for the sake of curiosity.

Example: If you find one that you like, I'd love for you to show me sometime, just for curiosity's sake.

» por (simple) curiosidad(just) as a mater of interest(just) out of (sheer) curiosity(just) for curiosity's sake(just) for the sake of curiosity .

Example: As a matter of interest to weight watchers, canned chicken broth has twice as many calories as canned beef broth.

Example: Scientists collect knowledge partly because they want to improve the world, but often just out of curiosity.

Example: If you find one that you like, I'd love for you to show me sometime, just for curiosity's sake.

Example: There are the curious people who like anything that is out of the ordinary just for the sake of curiosity.

» satisfacer la curiosidadsatisfy + Posesivo + curiosity .

Example: At Christmas and birthdays if one of the family has a passionate interest in a hobby or pastime, a book, usually of the information kind, is found to satisfy his curiosity.

» sólo por curiosidadjust for the sake of curiosity .

Example: Just for the sake of curiosity (and in the chance that it might help someone else at some point), what was the solution you arrived at?.

» suscitar la curiosidadexcite attention .

Example: Bright new copies of an unknown book naturally excite more attention than old 'readers' soiled from overuse.

curiosidad2 = knick knack. 

Example: We'll show you how to build a beautiful knick-knack shelf for displaying all of your trophies, statuettes, china plates and other knick knacks.


» curiosidadescuriosa [Libros y escritos sobre temás poco comunes]bric-a-brac .

Example: The article 'Canine curiosa in special collections' describes the special collections of books on dogs at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Example: In industrial societies even the poorest people acquire artefacts to embellish their surroundings; such 'bric-a-brac' may in some cases be the detritus of a previous age or a more affluent environment, and in some cases is destined to become 'collectable' in time to come.

» libros sobre curiosidadescuriosa [Libros y escritos sobre temás poco comunes] .

Example: The article 'Canine curiosa in special collections' describes the special collections of books on dogs at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Curiosidad synonyms

wonder in spanish: preguntarse, pronunciation: wʌndɜr part of speech: verb, noun curio in spanish: curiosidad, pronunciation: kjʊrioʊ part of speech: noun rarity in spanish: rareza, pronunciation: rerəti part of speech: noun oddity in spanish: rareza, pronunciation: ɑdəti part of speech: noun peculiarity in spanish: peculiaridad, pronunciation: pɪkjulierəti part of speech: noun oddment in spanish: retal, pronunciation: ɑdmənt part of speech: noun
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