Curativo in english


pronunciation: hilɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

curativo = curative. 

Example: This article recommends the allocation of a new sub-class to African literature as a curative measure for the problems inherent in the scheme.


» hierba curativahealing herb .

Example: Mugwort is a plant used traditionally as a healing herb and to flavor some foods and beverages.

» medicina curativacurative medicine .

Example: Preventive medicine together with health education and community involvement are of more immediate concern than curative medicine = La medicina preventiva junto con la educación para la salud y la implicación de la comunidad es una preocupación más prioritaria que la medicina curativa.

Curativo synonyms

remedial in spanish: remediador, pronunciation: rɪmidiəl part of speech: adjective therapeutic in spanish: terapéutico, pronunciation: θerəpjutɪk part of speech: adjective curative in spanish: curativo, pronunciation: kjʊrətɪv part of speech: adjective alterative in spanish: cambiante, pronunciation: ɔltɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective sanative in spanish: sanativo, pronunciation: sænətɪv part of speech: adjective
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