Curar in english


pronunciation: kjʊr part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

curar = cure ; heal ; treat. 

Example: If static is a problem, it can usually be cured by the use of an anti-static mat and regular applications of anti-static sprays, both available from accessory suppliers.Example: The article is entitled 'Books can help heal! Innovative techniques of bibliotherapy'.Example: The author studies the factors which have impeded the spread of information on the use of thioctic acid to treat mushroom poisoning.


» con otra copa de lo mismo se te cura la resacaa hair of the dog that bit you .

Example: In its current usage, the phrase hair of the dog that bit you (or its shortened form, hair of the dog) is an allusion to the practice of drinking some of whatever it was that put you in that state in the first place, as an antidote to its ill effects.

» curar alimentoscure + food .

Example: Rubbing food with salt or soaking it in saltwater, an early form of curing food, also helped preserve it.

» curar carnecure + meat .

Example: Saltpeter is potassium nitrate, which was indeed used for curing meat.

» curarse en saludbe on the safe side .

Example: The title of the article is 'Being of the safe side= El título del artículo es "Curarse en salud".

» curar una heridaheal + a wound .

Example: Under these circumstances, physical expressions of love and concern not only enrich the soul, but go a far way in healing wounds and renewing hope.

» el tiempo cura todas las heridastime heals everythingtime heals all wounds .

Example: Living in the present simply requires practice -- one thing that can help is to remind yourself that time heals everything.

Example: Time heals all wounds, unless you pick at them.

» el tiempo lo cura todotime heals everythingtime heals all wounds .

Example: Living in the present simply requires practice -- one thing that can help is to remind yourself that time heals everything.

Example: Time heals all wounds, unless you pick at them.

» el tiempo todo lo curatime heals everythingtime heals all wounds .

Example: Living in the present simply requires practice -- one thing that can help is to remind yourself that time heals everything.

Example: Time heals all wounds, unless you pick at them.

» lo que a uno cura a otro mataone man's meat is another man's poison .

Example: If the old saying 'one man's meat is another man's poison' is true, certainly one man's book may be another man's boredom.

» más vale prevenir que curara stitch in time saves ninebetter (to be) safe than sorryprevention is better than cure .

Example: It is better too, for the help to be given before the problem has grown to a crisis -- a stitch in time saves nine.

Example: Common sense tells us that it is better to be safe than sorry.

Example: So by taking time by the forelock, I learned that 'prevention is better than cure'.

Curar synonyms

remedy in spanish: remedio, pronunciation: remədi part of speech: noun, verb heal in spanish: sanar, pronunciation: hil part of speech: verb curative in spanish: curativo, pronunciation: kjʊrətɪv part of speech: adjective
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