Cupo in english


pronunciation: kwoʊtə part of speech: noun
In gestures



» caber enfit in/into .

Example: Since the entire catalog cannot possibly fit into a single display screen, DOBIS/LIBIS must allow users to browse.

» caber en la cabezaget + Posesivo + head aroundwrap + Posesivo + head around .

Example: You are not quite sure how one man could get his head around this at the time, but he managed, in a masterful way.

Example: Sleuthing is like second-nature to her, and she can't possibly wrap her head around the concept of renouncing it completely.

» como cabe esperarunsurprisinglyas one might expectas expectedtrue to formtrue to pattern .

Example: In all these regards, the public library is distinctly unlike the school, academic, or research library and, unsurprisingly, its collection development reflects this, too.

Example: And, as one might expect, there are a variety of vendors offering e-book products, some of them clearly thinking about the library market as a potential source of revenue.

Example: As expected, newspapers provided an extensive coverage of the military build-up in the Gulf and the collapse of communism.

Example: She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.

Example: True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.

» como cabía esperaras expectedtrue to formtrue to pattern .

Example: As expected, newspapers provided an extensive coverage of the military build-up in the Gulf and the collapse of communism.

Example: She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.

Example: True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.

» como cabría esperaras might be expectedas one might expect .

Example: As might be expected, the terminology is noticeably British as opposed to the American terminology in the previous examples.

Example: And, as one might expect, there are a variety of vendors offering e-book products, some of them clearly thinking about the library market as a potential source of revenue.

» como cabría suponeras might be expected .

Example: As might be expected, the terminology is noticeably British as opposed to the American terminology in the previous examples.

» dentro de lo que cabeunder the circumstancesall in all .

Example: This is an acceptable decision, under the circumstances.

Example: All in all, then, the book has plenty to attend to, plenty to enjoy, plenty to share.

» donde cabe mucho también cabe pocowhat holds a lot will hold a little .

Example: I was going to get the 25 egg carton but decided the 50 egg was not much dearer and what holds a lot will hold a little.

» no caber duda (de que)there + be + no question (that) .

Example: As Musiker indicates there is no question that librarians must take full account of non-print media in their collection building and exploitation.

» no caber en la cabezabe beyond + Posesivo + comprehension .

Example: Why this person decided to pick on me was beyond my comprehension.

» no caber en sí de alegríathrill + Nombre + to bitsbe chuffed to bitsbe tickled pinkfly + high (in the sky) .

Example: The critics are divided but Rolf Harris says he's thrilled to bits with the finished product.

Example: Obviously I'm chuffed to bits that I'm getting so many visitors and that the word's getting out.

Example: She will be tickled pink with these French ticklers.

Example: And while they are still hurting, we are still flying high after one of the most improbable title wins we've ever seen.

» no caber la menor posibilidad dethere + be + no way .

Example: There's no way I could attend the conference over the big pond from the UK.

» no caber ni un alfilerno room to swing a cat .

Example: Another nautical phrase is 'no room to swing a cat' and refers to the fact that on the cannon decks of most naval ships there was no room to administer punishment by use of the cat o'nine tails.

» que no (te) quepa la menor dudamake no mistake (about it) .

Example: Make no mistake about it; pseudo-intellectualism is on the rise.

» según cabe presumirpresumably .

Example: Most of the additional documents retrieved will presumably deal with the subject in question at a more general level.

» según cabe suponerpresumablysupposedlyallegedly .

Example: Most of the additional documents retrieved will presumably deal with the subject in question at a more general level.

Example: 'This is an order then,' she said defiantly, 'even though I'm supposedly in charge of pages'.

Example: Similarly, a group of social workers set up an advice centre but it was closed after one year, allegedly on the grounds that it was too expensive.

» sin que quepa la menor dudabeyond any doubt .

Example: The published material confirms beyond any doubt that he was suffering from syphilis and its common manifestation, general paresis.

» sin que quepa ninguna dudabeyond any doubt .

Example: The published material confirms beyond any doubt that he was suffering from syphilis and its common manifestation, general paresis.

» tetas y sopas no caben en la bocahave + Posesivo + cake and eat it .

Example: The article is entitled 'Web lists or OPACs: can we have our cake and eat it, too?'.



» completar un cupomeet + a quota .

Example: At least, in my opinion, it is not adequately supported since the catalogers at LC work under the pressure to produce -- they actually have a weekly quota they are supposed to meet.
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