Cuota in english


pronunciation: ʃer part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

cuota = charge ; entitlement ; fee ; membership fee ; quota ; membership charge ; service fee. 

Example: PSS has nodes in many major cities: users pay ordinary call charges to the nearest node, plus a charge for the use of PSS.Example: In May 1973 a paper was sent to all universities detailing the norms for university library accommodation, whereby the accommodation entitlements were further reduced to about one in five.Example: Information providers pay a fee to British Telecom, and may then charge users for each frame that they consult.Example: In its early years it benefited from a variety of grants to support activities and developments, but since 1971, OCLC has been supported by membership fees and grants for specific research and development projects.Example: At least, in my opinion, it is not adequately supported since the catalogers at LC work under the pressure to produce -- they actually have a weekly quota they are supposed to meet.Example: Exemption from membership charges for the elderly on a national scale might mean 280,000 new users.Example: Librarian in public libraries are faced with the prospect of service fees.


» asignar una cuotaallocate + quota .

Example: Each member state is allocated a fixed quota in proportion to the seriousness of its regional problems.

» cobrar una cuotacharge + a fee .

Example: Wilson charge a flat one-time fee for backfiles of each data base which equals a one-year subscription to that file.

» cuota de admisiónintake .

Example: Finally, as a requirement by the funding agency, there was a need to include a minimum intake of candidates from foreign companies.

» cuota de inscripciónregistration fee(s)sign-up feesenrolment fee .

Example: Registration fees for conferences and meetings will be raised.

Example: It aims to provide small businesses with access to public records with a pay as you go plan and no sign-up fees.

Example: Beginning with the Fall 2006 semester, all students must pay all enrollment fees in full at the time of registration.

» cuota de matrículaenrolment feeregistration fee(s) .

Example: Beginning with the Fall 2006 semester, all students must pay all enrollment fees in full at the time of registration.

Example: Registration fees for conferences and meetings will be raised.

» cuota de mercadomarket share [Proporción del mercado de un producto que una compañía acapara]mindshare .

Example: IBM decided to alter radically its personal computer product line due to a significant loss of market share during 1985 and 1986.

Example: Libaries mindshare in this new self-service e-resource environment is also clear: behind newer entrants.

» cuota de préstamolending fee .

Example: Most lenders will charge a higher lending fee when the amount you wish to borrow represents more than 90% of the cost of your home.

» cuota de producciónproduction quota .

Example: Production quotas, I believe, are antithetical to careful, thoughtful cataloging.

» cuota de suscripciónduessubscription costs .

Example: No dues or associated costs were involved in membership.

Example: This article discusses the pressure on library budgets caused by hyperinflation in subscriptions costs.

» cuota inicialdown payment .

Example: Programs range from offering affordable on-campus condominiums to lending money for a house down payment.

» cuota mensualmonthly payment .

Example: The loan can be a mortgage, car loan, or any other simple interest amortization over a fixed time with fixed monthly payments.

» cuota únicaflat one-time fee .

Example: Wilson charge a flat one-time fee for backfiles of each data base which equals a one-year subscription to that file.

» exento de cuotanon-quota .

Example: The inclusion of much of West Yorkshire in the non-quota textile programme is claimed to be at least partly attributable to this persistence.

» no sujeto a una cuotanon-quota .

Example: The inclusion of much of West Yorkshire in the non-quota textile programme is claimed to be at least partly attributable to this persistence.

» reducción de la cuota de los países endeudadosdebt relief .

Example: It is unfortunate that criticism of the G8 summit's policy on debt relief has damaged its important message about the digital divide.

» relacionado con el pago de cuotasfee-related .

Example: The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.

Cuota synonyms

deal in spanish: acuerdo, pronunciation: dil part of speech: noun, verb part in spanish: parte, pronunciation: pɑrt part of speech: noun partake in spanish: participar, pronunciation: pɑrteɪk part of speech: verb portion in spanish: parte, pronunciation: pɔrʃən part of speech: noun contribution in spanish: contribución, pronunciation: kɑntrəbjuʃən part of speech: noun parcel in spanish: paquete, pronunciation: pɑrsəl part of speech: noun percentage in spanish: porcentaje, pronunciation: pɜrsentədʒ part of speech: noun apportion in spanish: prorratear, pronunciation: əpɔrʃən part of speech: verb ploughshare in spanish: reja del arado, pronunciation: plaʊʃeɪr part of speech: noun plowshare in spanish: reja del arado, pronunciation: plaʊʃeɪr part of speech: noun divvy up in spanish: repartir, pronunciation: dɪviʌp part of speech: verb portion out in spanish: repartir, pronunciation: pɔrʃənaʊt part of speech: verb partake in in spanish: participar en, pronunciation: pɑrteɪkɪn part of speech: verb
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