Cuna in english


pronunciation: kreɪdəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuna = cradle ; crib ; seedbed ; cot ; baby crib. 

Example: This is the cradle of Shangri-la and one of the deepest river gorges on earth = This is the cradle of Shangri-la and one of the deepest river gorges on earth.Example: The same set of toys, which included a doll, a saucepan, a baby bottle, coffee mug, teacup, teaspoon, doll crib, blanket, toy phone and dump truck, was presented to children of all ages during individual 10-minute sessions.Example: The article has the title 'The last thirty years as the seedbed of the future'.Example: Infants and young children may be exposed to a variety of dangerous situations when left sleeping in cots.Example: With so many styles and options available on baby cribs today, purchasing the perfect baby crib can be a daunting task.


» canción de cunalullabynursery rhyme .

Example: Such stories pervade the everyday life of individuals, from childhood when parents sing them lullabies, to the recitation of nursery rhymes, to the consumption of mass culture.

Example: Listening to stories, poems, nursery rhymes, nonsense, while occupied with a loved adult in a comforting activity, acclimatizes the infant to the rhythms of prose and poetry.

» casa cunafoundling homefoundling hospital .

Example: By contrast, in the foundling home, the infants were cared for by nurses, each of whom was responsible for seven children.

Example: Foundling hospitals have for the most part been replaced by foster care programs under the supervision of state welfare agencies.

» cuna de la civilización, lacradle of civilisation, the .

Example: Iraq is universally recognized to be especially rich in cultural heritage and the area is often described as the 'cradle of civilisation'.

» cuna de la humanidadcradle of mankind .

Example: Therefore the region is often referred to as the cradle of mankind.

» de alta cunawell-born .

Example: In Paris she found intellectual companionship in circles where artists and writers mingled with the rich and well-born.

» la mano que mece la cuna es la mano que domina el mundothe hand that rocks the cradle rules the world [Proverbio usado para resaltar el papel tan importante que desempeña la mujer en el mundo] .

Example: The saying, 'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World' is indeed the insignia of us 'Women' -- it makes me feel worthy to be born a woman .

» la mano que mece la cuna gobierna el mundothe hand that rocks the cradle rules the world [Proverbio usado para resaltar el papel tan importante que desempeña la mujer en el mundo] .

Example: The saying, 'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World' is indeed the insignia of us 'Women' -- it makes me feel worthy to be born a woman .

» niño de la cunafoundling .

Example: The tale commences in the hut of a fisherman and his wife and their foundling daughter, actually an ondine.

cuña1 = wedge ; chock. 

Example: Oak was shaped by splitting with wooden wedges, and by hewing with axes or adzes.Example: Every loading dock should be equipped with chocks to keep vehicles from moving while being loaded or unloaded.


» cuña anticiclónicaridge of high pressure .

Example: Ridges of high pressure often occur between two frontal systems and move with them.

» cuña automáticamechanical quoin .

Example: When a book was to be printed from type the pages were locked up in the composing room, usually with wooden furniture and quoins although metal furniture and mechanical quoins were used increasingly from the mid century.

» cuña de fijaciónquoin .

Example: Short wedges, or quoins, were then put in between the long wedges and the inside of the chase, loosely at first so that the string with which the pages were tied up could be unwound and removed.

» cuña de maderawooden quoin .

Example: When a book was to be printed from type the pages were locked up in the composing room, usually with wooden furniture and quoins although metal furniture and mechanical quoins were used increasingly from the mid century.

» en forma de cuñawedge-shaped .

Example: The article illustrates book supports developed at the Bodleian Library using units of wedge-shaped foam cut to standard sizes.

cuña2 = bedpan. 

Example: These bedpans are designed specifically for patients who have had a hip fracture or recovering from hip replacement.

Cuna synonyms

rock in spanish: rock, pronunciation: rɑk part of speech: noun provenance in spanish: procedencia, pronunciation: prɑvənəns part of speech: noun birthplace in spanish: lugar de nacimiento, pronunciation: bɜrθpleɪs part of speech: noun place of origin in spanish: lugar de origen, pronunciation: pleɪsʌvɔrədʒən part of speech: noun
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