Cumplimiento in english


pronunciation: fʊlfɪlmənt part of speech: noun
In gestures

cumplimentar = fill in ; congratulate (on). 

Example: The first is dry leafcasting, (a method to fill in missing parts with fibres by suction removal of dust and impregnation with a thermoplastic).Example: If the book fulfils a useful function for the students of this subject at the appropriate level then the author should congratulate himself on having done a useful workmanlike job.


» debidamente cumplimentadocompleted .

Example: Returning a completed questionnaire was one of the requirements for futher participation in the study = Uno de los requisitos para que las bibliotecas pudieran participar en el estudio es que hubiesen devuelto el cuestionario debidamente cuplimentado.

» una vez cumplimentadocompleted .

Example: Returning a completed questionnaire was one of the requirements for futher participation in the study = Uno de los requisitos para que las bibliotecas pudieran participar en el estudio es que hubiesen devuelto el cuestionario debidamente cuplimentado.

cumplimiento = fulfilment [fulfillment, -USA] ; compliance ; discharge ; observance. 

Example: We may look forward to more complete fulfilment of this objective in the near future.Example: A survey was carried out on 150 journals to assess the extent of their compliance with ISO's recommendations.Example: Dependability could be subdivided into 1) discharge of own job responsibilities, 2) regular and punctual attendance , and 3) self-control.Example: Because of the need to preserve cartographic documents for present and future generations, map librarians are obliged to guarantee strict observance of conservation requirements.


» cumplimiento de una obligaciónfeasance .

Example: In this thesis the theoretical justifications for distinguishing between acts (or 'feasance') and inaction (or 'nonfeasance') will be set out in chapter three.

» en cumplimiento conin line within compliance with .

Example: Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco, as the first of Mexico's 31 states, has achieved full library coverage in line with the Programa Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas.

Example: Nevertheless, in compliance with government policy, the University has agreed to put 10,000 records through PICA in 1984.

» en cumplimiento dein pursuance of .

Example: The said governments have undertaken to harmonise their national legislations in pursuance of the action mentioned in the foregoing paragraph.

» negligencia en el cumplimiento del deberdereliction of duty .

Example: Jeremy Sivits, 24, a reservist with the military police, is to face a public court martial in Baghdad on charges of cruelty and abuse, and dereliction of duty for failing to protect the inmates.

Cumplimiento synonyms

fulfilment in spanish: cumplimiento, pronunciation: fʊlfɪlmənt part of speech: noun
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