Cultural in english


pronunciation: kʌltʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cultural = cultural. 

Example: There is now an even better (or worse) example that supplants rock music as the classical example of, not cultural lag, but musical lag, and that's GOSPEL MUSIC or GOSPEL SONGS, which has just now been established.


» actividad culturalcultural activity .

Example: The groups continue, however, to keep alive their heritages through festivals and cultural activities.

» agenda culturalcultural agenda .

Example: Three government initiatives; the push toward regionalism; and the development of the cultural agenda have combined to make this a timely report.

» asociación culturalcultural association .

Example: Running the shop, theatre and museum, giving classes and promoting their cultural association is a lot of work.

» atracción culturalcultural attraction .

Example: Few cities in Europe can match Basel for its concentration of cultural attractions.

» barrera culturalcultural barrier .

Example: The harsh economic environment, cultural barriers, social disempowerment, and low levels of information literacy are among the constraining factors analyzed.

» brecha cultural, lacultural divide, the .

Example: This children's book demonstrates that both Jews and Arabs can cross the cultural divide that exists in Israel and live in peace.

» cambio culturalcultural change .

Example: Cultural change is a critical issue if we wish to see long-term institutional change.

» capital culturalcultural asset .

Example: Cultural assets facilitate the formation of a cohesive and secure professional middle class.

» centro culturalcultural centrecultural venuecultural organisation .

Example: The 1st phase of a cultural centre, with library, art gallery, swimming pool, cafe and day centre for the elderly, was opened in Sept 87.

Example: The author attempts to make sense of realism by tracing its rise in a variety of cultural venues.

Example: She became very involved in many cultural and charitable organizations over the course of her life.

» círculo culturalcultural coterie .

Example: Novelists frequently remind us of the shallowness of social affairs and that the days of the cultural coterie are gone forever.

» complejo recreativo-culturalleisure-recreation-cultural complex .

Example: When, however, the point is reached that the library is subsumed into a leisure-recreation-cultural complex, and loses its specific identity, it may be questioned whether this is sound policy.

» concurso culturaltalent show .

Example: Every weekend, somewhere in America, there's a talent show going on.

» conflicto culturalcultural conflict .

Example: The language of poetry bridges the gulf of cultural conflict.

» contexto culturalcultural context .

Example: The author explores the cultural and political contexts of efforts to reform Australian libraries in the wake of the Munn-Pitt report of 1935.

» de nivel cultural bajolowbrow [low-brow] [Adjetivo] .

Example: These shows were vehemently dismissed by critics as middlebrow and lowbrow kitsch.

» de nivel cultural mediomiddlebrow [middle-brow] .

Example: These shows were vehemently dismissed by critics as middlebrow and lowbrow kitsch.

» desde un punto de vista culturalculturally .

Example: They recognize the logistical as well as intellectual futility of attempting to control from a geographically and culturally remote centre every aspect of a programme of information aimed at a member state or third country.

» desfase culturalcultural lag .

Example: There is now an even better (or worse) example that supplants rock music as the classical example of, not cultural lag, but musical lag, and that's GOSPEL MUSIC or GOSPEL SONGS, which has just now been established.

» diferencia culturalcultural difference .

Example: Most of the textbooks contain catalogues of decontextualized cultural factoids rather than strategies for identifying and understanding cultural differences.

» diversidad culturalcultural diversity .

Example: Proposals should aim at explaining to the citizens in Latin America the benefits of the Information Society in the following four areas: local governance, education and cultural diversity, public health and social inclusion (or e-inclusion).

» división cultural, lacultural divide, the .

Example: This children's book demonstrates that both Jews and Arabs can cross the cultural divide that exists in Israel and live in peace.

» fundación culturalcultural organisationcultural institution .

Example: She became very involved in many cultural and charitable organizations over the course of her life.

Example: He said they try to arrange special visits to cultural institutions and attend concerts, and that the kids have an opportunity to speak with people connected with the event afterwards.

» grupo culturalcultural group .

Example: Micronesia is comprised of seven island nations peopled by distinctly unique cultural groups.

» herencia culturalcultural inheritance .

Example: This article discusses the present situation of church libraries in terms of their cultural inheritance.

» idea culturalmeme [Término reciente usado para referirse a las ideas o prácticas que los seres humanos se transmiten entre sí por imitación, a diferencia de los genes que se transmiten por transmisión genética] .

Example: Memes are what is passed on when we imitate someone -- and can be 'an idea, an instruction, a behaviour, a piece of information'.

» identidad culturalcultural identity .

Example: In the UK school and public libraries try to assist peaceful racial integration while maintaining each race's cultural identity.

» industrias culturales, lascultural industries, the .

Example: Slowly but surely, piracy is suffocating Europe's cultural industries.

» institución culturalheritage institutioncultural organisation .

Example: California is rich with heritage institutions; it has 1,300 museums, 5,000 libraries and archives, 125 historical societies, and over 500 state parks facilities.

Example: She became very involved in many cultural and charitable organizations over the course of her life.

» institución de interés histórico y culturalcultural heritage institution .

Example: The Project's goal is to increase access to the special collections and unique resources of the cultural heritage institutions through digitisation.

» institución del patrimonio histórico y culturalcultural heritage institution .

Example: The Project's goal is to increase access to the special collections and unique resources of the cultural heritage institutions through digitisation.

» institución para el estudio y la conservación del patrimonioheritage organisation .

Example: The report is intended as a navigation tool for boards and directors of heritage organisations and research centres.

» intercambio culturalcultural exchange .

Example: But it was the cultural exchange between these Israeli athletes and the Americans who hosted them that made a lasting impact on both sides.

» interculturalcross-cultural [cross cultural] .

Example: This article examines the library profession from a cross-cultural perspective.

» lazo culturalcultural bond .

Example: The gap between schools and native communities must be narrowed so that native students see the school as an extension of their cultural bonds.

» lugar culturalcultural site .

Example: During the conference there will be opportunities to shop, attend musical events, visit museums, and explore historic and cultural sites.

» memoria culturalcultural memory .

Example: Whereas he used the term 'collective memory', some philosophers prefer the term 'cultural memory', while historians mostly use the term 'social memory'.

» minoría culturalcultural minority .

Example: The author advocates a multimedia approach to the problems of locating, organising and making available information by and about cultural minorities.

» monumento culturalcultural monument .

Example: The war involved not only extensive loss of life and destruction of property, but also widespread damage to cultural monuments and objects.

» movimiento culturalcultural movement .

Example: The arts can serve the heightening of our sensibilities to the theological dimensions of cultural movements.

» objeto culturalcultural object .

Example: The war involved not only extensive loss of life and destruction of property, but also widespread damage to cultural monuments and objects.

» objeto de valor culturalcultural valuable .

Example: But talks have not resolved ownership disputes for most of more than one million cultural valuables Germany claims Soviets troops took.

» persona con nivel cultural mediomiddlebrow [middle-brow] [Nombre] .

Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.

» persona de nivel cultural bajolowbrow [low-brow] [Nombre] .

Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.

» pluralismo culturalcultural pluralism .

Example: To do this, information services should recognize cultural pluralism and the need to eliminate information poverty.

» política culturalcultural policy .

Example: At that time key decisions were taken regarding the library system and cultural policy in the Soviet Zone of Occupation.

» procedencia culturalcultural background .

Example: The article 'Peanuts: a note on intercultural communication' outlines the role played by intercultural communication skills and aptitude in the work of public librarians dealing with users from different cultural backgrounds.

» programa culturalcultural programme .

Example: Cultural programmes can bring the community together and build support for and interest in the library, while at the same time bringing about the flowering of knowledge.

» propiedad culturalcultural property .

Example: I am attending an emergency meeting next week to discuss the best ways of responding to the desperate situation arising from the looting and destruction of cultural property in Iraq.

» religioso-culturalreligious-cultural .

Example: Hair removal has an important religious-cultural meaning in eastern India.

» renacimiento culturalcultural revival .

Example: It is well known that the Carolingian royal family inspired and promoted a cultural revival of great consequence.

» socioculturalsociocultural [socio-cultural] .

Example: This article stresses the importance of socio-cultural factors in the communication of information.

» supremacía culturalcultural supremacismcultural supremacy .

Example: Hollywood film industry is guilty of cultural supremacism, unable to represent issues of cultural difference, heterogeneity, and regionality.

Example: Proselytizing is stigmatized as cultural supremacy.

» tradición culturalcultural tradition .

Example: It is not easy to maintain and advance the remarkable literary and cultural traditions so slowly and painfully created over two and a half millenia.

» turismo culturalcultural tourism .

Example: The author discusses how libraries can contribute to cultural tourism.

» valor culturalcultural value .

Example: Even the modern educational philosophy we espouse may be at variance with cultural values.

» velada culturalcultural evening .

Example: Such activities include, for example, special parties, cultural evenings, external events and a Christmas dinner.

» viaje culturalcultural visit .

Example: This article presents a Zimbabwean librarian's impressions of a cultural visit to North Korea.

» vida culturalcultural life .

Example: The studies analyse the role of mass media in cultural life, social integration, and national development.

» visita culturalcultural visit .

Example: This article presents a Zimbabwean librarian's impressions of a cultural visit to North Korea.

Cultural synonyms

social in spanish: social, pronunciation: soʊʃəl part of speech: adjective, noun ethnic in spanish: étnico, pronunciation: eθnɪk part of speech: adjective
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