Cultura in english


pronunciation: kʌltʃɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

cultura = culture ; literacy. 

Example: For instance, we find that children's literature, alternative culture, radical movements, and ethnic themes don't get adequate treatment.Example: David Mearns, on the other hand, in his list of the attributes of the ideal reference librarian gives first place to literacy.


» arraigado en la culturaculturally-embedded .

Example: Local knowledge is knowledge that is 'unique to a given culture or society, which is oral, rural, holistic, powerless, and culturally-embedded and the result of 'dynamic innovation' although informal and unsystematised'.

» choque de culturasclash of cultures .

Example: This chapter examines the conflicts that such a clash of cultures generated.

» concurso de cultura generalquiz [quizzes, -pl.] .

Example: A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.

» contraculturacounter-culture [counter culture] .

Example: Liberation News Service (LNS) was an underground newspaper which supplied the US 1960s counter-culture with a variety of articles, essays and spoofs.

» con una amplia culturawell-read .

Example: This requires comprehensive collections and well-read and experienced staff able to communicate on any level.

» con una gran culturawell-read .

Example: This requires comprehensive collections and well-read and experienced staff able to communicate on any level.

» cultura académicaacademic culture .

Example: Before the Internet can be taken seriously for business information its academic culture must change.

» cultura africanaAfrican culture .

Example: This transformation process has gone from cultural arrogance to admiration for African cultures and mythology.

» cultura científicascientific culture .

Example: There have always been women active in science, but their activity has been constrained by the scientific culture.

» cultura consumistaconsumerist cultureconsumer culture .

Example: The consumerist culture in which we live encourages us to spend -- teaching us to measure our individual worth by how many possessions we own.

Example: This Centennial Exhibition acted as a catalyst for a changing national economic marketplace and the growing consumer culture.

» cultura de consumoconsumer culture .

Example: This Centennial Exhibition acted as a catalyst for a changing national economic marketplace and the growing consumer culture.

» cultura de la clase altahigh culture .

Example: There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.

» cultura de la clase bajalow culture .

Example: They were to a much greater extent distanced from popula reading by the increasing gap between high and low culture.

» cultura de la clase mediamiddlebrow culture .

Example: There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.

» cultura de las bonificacionesbonus culture .

Example: At the centre of the row over the 'bonus culture' is the view that certain people are getting money for old rope -- that they're working the system and not providing good value for money.

» cultura del dongift culture [Se utiliza para describir las relaciones sociales en donde las acciones no están motivadas por razones económicas, a diferencia de las existentes en una economía de mercado ] .

Example: For examined in this way, it is quite clear that the society of open source applications is in fact a gift culture.

» cultura del gamberrismoyob culture [Tendencia de algunos jóvenes a considerar el comportamiento antisocial como modelo a seguir] .

Example: He acused politicians of 'losing the plot' on crime as the 'thriving yob culture' of hooligans and tearaways terrorise the streets.

» cultura del mundo impresoprint culture .

Example: This paper outlines some of the opportunities presented by the information age as well as some of the values offered by traditional print culture = Este artículo describe en líneas generales algunas de las oportunidades que presenta la era de la información así como algunos de los valores que ofrece la cultura del mundo impreso tradicional.

» cultura del regalogift culture [Se utiliza para describir las relaciones sociales en donde las acciones no están motivadas por razones económicas, a diferencia de las existentes en una economía de mercado ] .

Example: For examined in this way, it is quite clear that the society of open source applications is in fact a gift culture.

» cultura de masasmass culture .

Example: There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.

» cultura empresarialbusiness culture .

Example: This is a bird's eye view of the US business culture to help you assist you for your first visit.

» cultura impresaprint culture .

Example: This paper outlines some of the opportunities presented by the information age as well as some of the values offered by traditional print culture = Este artículo describe en líneas generales algunas de las oportunidades que presenta la era de la información así como algunos de los valores que ofrece la cultura del mundo impreso tradicional.

» cultura institucionalcompany's cultureorganisational cultureinstitutional culture .

Example: Within each organisation the written and unwritten rules relating to performance and staff attitudes represent that company's 'culture'.

Example: Currently one of the dominant organisational culture theories in libraries is that acquisitions should be useful.

Example: Before attempting to study this institutional culture managers must define their organisation's identity.

» cultura juvenilyouth culture .

Example: They provide a true and fertile alternative to songwriters whose point of reference is the self-indulgent, angst-ridden youth culture whose reality is read through mass media.

» cultura materialmaterial culture .

Example: Thus, bric-a-brac is of interest to those concerned with popular art and material culture (presumably it will be of interest to archaeologists in the future).

» cultura occidentalWestern culture .

Example: He calls for various strategies of resistance to counter the stifling hand of capitalism on Western culture.

» cultura orientalEastern culture .

Example: The authors report on a case study that highlights the problems of applying such a confrontational method in an Eastern culture, such as Hong Kong.

» cultura popularpopular culturepop culturepublic culture .

Example: Their work constitutes a new art movement, drawing on, and straddling divisions between, pop art, performing arts, popular culture, and fashion.

Example: Some pop culture may be creative enough to warrant serious consideration on quality grounds.

Example: Libraries as vital institutions of public culture are currently facing a crisis cum challenge.

» cultura profesionalprofessional culture .

Example: There is still a gulf separating the 2 professional cultures of data processing and public telecommunications.

» cultura públicapublic culture .

Example: Libraries as vital institutions of public culture are currently facing a crisis cum challenge.

» cultura socialsocial culture .

Example: Libraries, being a kind of phenomenon of social culture, play a positive role in social life.

» cultura tecnológicatechnology culture .

Example: In addition to the national and professional cultures, the electronic work environment has embedded within it a technology culture.

» cultura tradicionaltraditional culture .

Example: He challenged the government to demonstrate its commitment to preserving traditional custom and culture by establishing a master plan.

» cultura vivaliving culture .

Example: The exhibition reminds us of the need for museums to embrace art as living culture rather than to isolate it as merely a relic of the past.

» defensor de la culturaculturalist  .

Example: Some psychoanalysts have been labeled culturalist because of the prominence they gave on culture for the genesis of behavior.

» desde el punto de vista de la culturaculturally .

Example: They recognize the logistical as well as intellectual futility of attempting to control from a geographically and culturally remote centre every aspect of a programme of information aimed at a member state or third country.

» devorador de culturaculture vulture [Persona que imita o se interesa muchísimo por las costumbres de otra cultura] .

Example: Black youth feel considerable animosity toward white 'culture vultures' who steal black styles.

» entre culturasintercultural .

Example: This model also exposes students to conflict which inevitably accompanies intercultural communication.

» extensión de la culturacultural outreach .

Example: The article is entitled 'Community and cultural outreach services at Boulder Public Library'.

» integrado en la culturaculturally-embedded .

Example: Local knowledge is knowledge that is 'unique to a given culture or society, which is oral, rural, holistic, powerless, and culturally-embedded and the result of 'dynamic innovation' although informal and unsystematised'.

» preguntas de cultura generalquiz [quizzes, -pl.] .

Example: A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.

» que afecta a todas las culturasculture-wide .

Example: After 1900 popular reading habits had evolved into their present, culture-wide form = Después de 1900 los hábitos de lectura popular evolucionaron a su forma actual que afecta a toda la sociedad.

» que forma parte de la culturaculturally-embedded .

Example: Local knowledge is knowledge that is 'unique to a given culture or society, which is oral, rural, holistic, powerless, and culturally-embedded and the result of 'dynamic innovation' although informal and unsystematised'.

» que le presta gran importancia a la culturaculture-conscious .

Example: The library benefits from the 'halo effect' surrounding any educational institution in a culture-conscious country, even though some of its work may not qualify as educational by reasonable definitions.

» sin culturauncultivated .

Example: We never have seen her and know little of her, but there is no telling what such an uncultivated person as she might do.

Cultura synonyms

acculturation in spanish: aculturación, pronunciation: əkʌltʃɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun
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