Culto in english


pronunciation: wɜrʃəp part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

culto1 = literate ; cultivated ; educated ; well educated [well-educated] ; highbrow [high-brow] ; highbrow [high-brow] ; cultured ; refined. 

Example: Unsupported by any other teaching methods, browsing is not, of course enough to make children into literate readers.Example: So the narrator's style has to be articulate, cultivated, correct, steady.Example: This impressive work, which serves educated adults and serious students, intends to be a comprehensive, authoritative compendium of the world's most important knowledge and information.Example: This class is conservative in politics, aristocratic in social affairs, and characteristically well-bred, well-educated, well-housed, and well-heeled.Example: The lowly chow of the rural poor has gone highbrow.Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.Example: She is not just lissome and beautiful, but also cultured, artful, expressive, and energetic.Example: At that time, the Europeans were quite definitely the barbarians, whereas the Arabs were considered refined and civilised.


» en el habla cultain educated speech .

Example: In one case, when the spelling is 'o', two equally acceptable short vowel pronunciations are heard in educated speech.

» en el lenguaje cultoin educated speech .

Example: In one case, when the spelling is 'o', two equally acceptable short vowel pronunciations are heard in educated speech.

» lenguaje cultoformal language .

Example: In academic writing we use formal language, avoiding the use of slang and colloquial language.

» menos cultos, losless literate, the .

Example: Hence, there is a need for organizations who can interpret the fine points of officialese and present them in a form the less literate can understand.

» palabra cultaformal wordlearned word .

Example: Many formal words in English contain three or more than three syllables.

Example: Oenologist is the learned word for a wine expert.

» poco cultounenlightened .

Example: It beggars belief that the liberals view the golly as a racist artefact of unenlightened times.

» vocabulario cultolearned vocabularyformal vocabulary .

Example: No single individual ever controls more than a fraction of the learned vocabulary.

Example: Academic writing tends to use more formal vocabulary and avoids colloquialisms and slang = La redacción académica tiende a utilizar un vocabulario más formal y evita los coloquialismos y el argot.

culto2 = cult. 

Example: The cult of information forms the catalyst for a discussion of the ways in which information has acquired folkloristic status as the major way in which people look at the world.


» casa de cultohouse of worshiphouse of prayercult building .

Example: A few of these mosques, in comparison to traditional houses of worship, seem almost futuristic; some even do away with the traditional minaret.

Example: This is a house of prayer for those who wish to make space and time in their lives to nurture their souls.

Example: Pylons were often decorated with scenes emphasizing a king's authority since it was the public face of a cult building.

» culto a la cargacargo cult [Adoración de los productos llevados por el hombre blanco a algunas zonas del pacífico ] .

Example: Sociologists specializing in Melanesian religions say all the cargo cults are based on a mixture of native and Christian beliefs and rituals.

» culto a la domesticidad, elcult of domesticity, the .

Example: Prior to and during the Cult of Domesticity, women were politically inferior to men and did not share equal rights as citizens.

» culto a la inutilidadcargo cult [Adoración de los productos llevados por el hombre blanco a algunas zonas del pacífico ] .

Example: Sociologists specializing in Melanesian religions say all the cargo cults are based on a mixture of native and Christian beliefs and rituals.

» culto a la personalidadpersonality cult .

Example: In fact, it failed because it was a personality-cult magazine.

» culto a la vidacult of life .

Example: The more you learn of their civilization, however, the more you come to know that what the ancient Egyptians truly developed was a cult of life.

» culto al cargamentocargo cult [Adoración de los productos llevados por el hombre blanco a algunas zonas del pacífico ] .

Example: Sociologists specializing in Melanesian religions say all the cargo cults are based on a mixture of native and Christian beliefs and rituals.

» culto al cargocargo cult [Adoración de los productos llevados por el hombre blanco a algunas zonas del pacífico ] .

Example: Sociologists specializing in Melanesian religions say all the cargo cults are based on a mixture of native and Christian beliefs and rituals.

» culto al cuerpocult of the bodybody beautiful .

Example: He sees the cult of the body as an indication that America is no longer puritanical, if it ever was.

Example: Individuals in the West, now more than ever, are in pursuit of the 'body beautiful'.

» culto al dinerocult of money .

Example: Justification for such selfishness is to be found in the cult of money, not in the Gospels.

» culto religiosoworship .

Example: At the heart of the ancient Hippopotamian culture is the worship of the feminine principle.

» edificio de cultocult building .

Example: Pylons were often decorated with scenes emphasizing a king's authority since it was the public face of a cult building.

» figura de cultocult figurecult hero .

Example: In his early years he consciously emulated both the painterly style and persona of the much-admired artist Drouais, who became something of a cult figure in early 19th c. Paris.

Example: His mistaken assumption that cult heroes are supermen, and his unswerving devotion to an empirical testing of the play impose significant limitations on his account.

» libertad de cultoreligious freedom .

Example: Religious freedom is in danger of being upended.

» lugar de cultoplace of worship .

Example: Every major religion documented has a central place of worship.

» objeto de cultocult object .

Example: The author examines the history of the image, understood as personal simulacrum and cult object.

» película de cultocult movie .

Example: Many of his films had all the ingredients of cult movies: intensely personal tones; a multitude of brilliant, sometimes outlandish touches; fetishistic observations; and challenges to the censors and taboos of the day.

» rendir cultoworship .

Example: The article concludes that librarians should not worship communication but they should practice it.

Culto synonyms

revere in spanish: reverenciar, pronunciation: rɪvɪr part of speech: verb, noun adoration in spanish: adoración, pronunciation: ædɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun idolize in spanish: idolatrar, pronunciation: aɪdəlaɪz part of speech: verb hero-worship in spanish: culto a los héroes, pronunciation: hɪroʊwɜrʃəp part of speech: verb
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