Cultivado in english


pronunciation: kʌltəveɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cultivado = refined ; cultivated. 

Example: At that time, the Europeans were quite definitely the barbarians, whereas the Arabs were considered refined and civilised.Example: Is it possible to produce food grains and vegetables by just spreading seeds without tilling the land and sowing the seeds in a cultivated land?.


» cultivado a manohand-reared .

Example: Other lumbermen remained and revived the stripped acres with hand-reared trees, or turned to dairying.

» medianamente cultivadomiddlebrow [middle-brow] .

Example: These shows were vehemently dismissed by critics as middlebrow and lowbrow kitsch.

» perla cultivadacultured pearl .

Example: Nowadays the majority of the pearls used for necklaces are cultured pearls.

» persona medianamente cultivadamiddlebrow [middle-brow] [Nombre] .

Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.

cultivar1 = cultivate ; grow ; till ; grow + Plantas ; grow + crops. 

Example: Such familiarity can be cultivated with experience, and will consider the following features of data bases.Example: Thus, for example, various books on growing different flowers should be close to one another when arranged on shelves in accordance with the classification scheme.Example: Chapter 5 will focus on staffing issues and opportunities -- the roots and substance of a properly tilled organizational garden.Example: Sugar beet is grown in a variety of locations and under a variety of agronomic conditions within the UK.Example: Even in mathematics the examples are all practical, rooted in the garden behind the school where the children grow crops.


» cultivar el marfarm + the sea .

Example: Aquaculture is identical to agriculture except that we farm the sea instead of land.

» cultivar la tierrafarm + the landgrow + cropscultivate + the land .

Example: They have been farming this land since time out of mind.

Example: Even in mathematics the examples are all practical, rooted in the garden behind the school where the children grow crops.

Example: Some time later Mr. Richards expressed an interest in cultivating the land but stated he did not have the requisite finance.

» cultivar los hábitos de lecturacultivate + reading habits .

Example: This article mentions the libraries of the Arab Cultural Centres referring particularly to their role in fighting illiteracy and cultivating reading habits in different groups of the population.

» cultivar plantacionesgrow + crops .

Example: Even in mathematics the examples are all practical, rooted in the garden behind the school where the children grow crops.

» cultivar productos frescosgrow + fresh produce .

Example: This property has the potential for the astute investor to subdivide it into 1 hectare lots or simply use it to rear horses or grow fresh produce.

» cultivarsegrow [Verbo irregular: pasado grew, participio grown] .

Example: No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts only regardless of how well chosen they are.

» cultivar un doncultivate + a gift .

Example: He does admit, however, that 'this power is unusual, it is a gift which must be cultivated, an accomplishment which can only be acquired by vigorous and steadfast concentration'.

» sin cultivaruncultivated .

Example: Stinging nettles are able to survive in a wide range of conditions but are most common on ground that's been left uncultivated for a long period.

» tierra sin cultivaruncultivated land .

Example: Decades of intensive irrigation have produced shallow water tables under not only cultivated fields but also the nearby uncultivated land.

» zona sin cultivarwildland .

Example: This guide discusses preparedness and procedures for wildland fires, power outages, lightning, earthquakes, tidal waves, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and cold and heat waves.

Cultivado synonyms

tame in spanish: domar, pronunciation: teɪm part of speech: adjective, verb polite in spanish: Cortés, pronunciation: pəlaɪt part of speech: adjective genteel in spanish: gentil, pronunciation: dʒentil part of speech: adjective refined in spanish: refinado, pronunciation: rəfaɪnd part of speech: adjective cultured in spanish: culto, pronunciation: kʌltʃɜrd part of speech: adjective civilized in spanish: civilizado, pronunciation: sɪvəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective tamed in spanish: domesticado, pronunciation: teɪmd part of speech: adjective
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