Culpado in english


pronunciation: gɪlti part of speech: adjective
In gestures

culpar = blame ; place + blame ; point + (a/the) finger(s) at. 

Example: We can blame the new technologies for the abuse of the users and time, but that is not the case at all.Example: This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.Example: It is easy to point the fingers at the refs.


» culpar aput + the blame onlay + the blame onlay + the blame at + Posesivo + door .

Example: They should take full responsibility for their own actions and not seek to put the blame on others.

Example: And he lay the blame for the attack fair and square on the shoulders of the US president George W. Bush and the French president.

Example: Although our goalkeepers let it two goals, no blame could and should be laid at their door.

Culpado synonyms

criminal in spanish: criminal, pronunciation: krɪmənəl part of speech: adjective, noun culpable in spanish: culpable, pronunciation: kʌlpəbəl part of speech: adjective delinquent in spanish: delincuente, pronunciation: dɪlɪŋkwənt part of speech: adjective, noun condemned in spanish: condenado, pronunciation: kəndemd part of speech: adjective convicted in spanish: convicto, pronunciation: kənvɪktəd part of speech: adjective hangdog in spanish: avergonzado, pronunciation: hæŋgdɔg part of speech: adjective blameworthy in spanish: culpable, pronunciation: bleɪmwɜrði part of speech: adjective blameful in spanish: culpable, pronunciation: bleɪmfəl part of speech: adjective blameable in spanish: censurable, pronunciation: blæmibəl part of speech: adjective shamefaced in spanish: avergonzado, pronunciation: ʃeɪmfeɪst part of speech: adjective chargeable in spanish: cobrable, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒəbəl part of speech: adjective shamed in spanish: avergonzado, pronunciation: ʃeɪmd part of speech: adjective punishable in spanish: castigable, pronunciation: pʌnɪʃəbəl part of speech: adjective blamable in spanish: censurable, pronunciation: bleɪməbəl part of speech: adjective indictable in spanish: procesable, pronunciation: ɪndɪktəbəl part of speech: adjective bloodguilty in spanish: culpable de derramamiento de sangre, pronunciation: blʌgɪlti part of speech: adjective finable in spanish: finable, pronunciation: faɪnəbəl part of speech: adjective at fault in spanish: en falta, pronunciation: ætfɔlt part of speech: adjective guilt-ridden in spanish: culpable, pronunciation: gɪltrɪdən part of speech: adjective censurable in spanish: censurable, pronunciation: senʃɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective conscience-smitten in spanish: golpeado de conciencia, pronunciation: kɑnsiensmɪtən part of speech: adjective fineable in spanish: fineable, pronunciation: fɪnibəl part of speech: adjective
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