Culpable in english


pronunciation: gɪlti part of speech: adjective
In gestures

culpable1 = culprit ; abuser ; tempter ; victimiser [victimizer, -USA] ; guilty person. 

Example: The usual culprit in this case is the cup of coffee placed on top of the drive unit.Example: The article 'Are you a user or an abuser?' urges librarians and borrowers to use the library with restraint.Example: Economy of space is the great tempter in citation practice since it makes authors abbreviate their citations.Example: The victimizers acted with impunity & largely went unpunished.Example: it is better to let the crime of a guilty person go unpunished than to condemn the innocent.


» condenar a un culpableconvict + a guilty person .

Example: For the first time, genetic fingerprinting would be used to exonerate a suspect and convict the guilty person.

culpable2 = culpable ; guilty ; guilty as charged ; convicted ; blameworthy ; blamable [blameable]. 

Example: A 'self-help' approach, whereby libraries cooperate to boycott periodical publishers who are considered to be culpable, may also be in violation of antitrust legislation.Example: Was it Mathilda Panopoulos' manner of making people feel like irrational children, guilty, apologetic, foolish, so that they bring disaster on themselves?.Example: He was found guilty as charged and sentenced to 140 whiplashes (75 for steeling a parabolic antenna, and 65 for the possession of alcohol).Example: Convicted drink drivers could have breathalysers installed in their cars to prevent them starting the engine if they are over the limit = Convicted drink drivers could have breathalysers installed in their cars to prevent them starting the engine if they are over the limit.Example: On this theory, people are praiseworthy for acts of good will and blameworthy for acts of ill will or lack of good will.Example: He said like a true philosopher that the offences which are committed through desire are more blamable than those which are committed through anger.


» conciencia culpableguilty conscience .

Example: The great tormentor of the human soul is a guilty conscience.

» declarado culpableconvicted .

Example: Convicted drink drivers could have breathalysers installed in their cars to prevent them starting the engine if they are over the limit = A los conductores alcohólicos que han sido condenados se les podría instalar en su vehículos alcoholímetros que les impidiese encender el motor si han bebido demasiado.

» declarar culpableconvict .

Example: After a preliminary acquittal, they were retried and convicted, causing public outrage, especially among artists.

» declararse culpableplead + guilty .

Example: Only weeks before he was shot at in April, he received an unconditional discharge after pleading guilty to assaulting a police officer.

» homicidio culpableculpable homicide .

Example: Judge Masipa found him guilty of culpable homicide and sentenced him to 5 years in the clink.

» persona culpableguilty person .

Example: it is better to let the crime of a guilty person go unpunished than to condemn the innocent.

» presuntamente culpablepresumed guilty .

Example: They describe what it is like to find yourself on the other side of a one-way mirror, innocent but presumed guilty, by professionals who are almost completely unaccountable.

» sentirse culpablefeel + guiltyhave + a guilty conscience .

Example: Not only is a drugstore more accessible than the public library but it allows the average reader to indulge freely his taste for entertainment and fantasy without feeling guilty about his choice of leisure reading.

Example: Most people have a guilty conscience from time to time.

» sentirse culpable porfeel + guilt over .

Example: Drawbacks include the possibility of feeling guilt over the few hours an administrator can work at the desk and the frequent necessity to admit ignorance.

» ser culpablebe to blame .

Example: This article provides examples to illustrate why librarians are partly to blame through their indifference, complacency and failure to prosecute.

» ser culpable de prevaricaciónbe guilty of corrupt practices .

Example: On 14 April 1999, he was found guilty of corrupt practices and sentenced to six years' imprisonment.

» sintiéndose culpableguiltily .

Example: Most people guiltily admit to using their cell phones while driving.

» totalmente culpableas guilty as sin .

Example: He might be as guilty as sin, but he will sometimes get away with murder; or even let somebody else take the rap for him.

» tremendamente culpableas guilty as sin .

Example: He might be as guilty as sin, but he will sometimes get away with murder; or even let somebody else take the rap for him.

Culpable synonyms

criminal in spanish: criminal, pronunciation: krɪmənəl part of speech: adjective, noun culpable in spanish: culpable, pronunciation: kʌlpəbəl part of speech: adjective delinquent in spanish: delincuente, pronunciation: dɪlɪŋkwənt part of speech: adjective, noun condemned in spanish: condenado, pronunciation: kəndemd part of speech: adjective convicted in spanish: convicto, pronunciation: kənvɪktəd part of speech: adjective hangdog in spanish: avergonzado, pronunciation: hæŋgdɔg part of speech: adjective blameworthy in spanish: culpable, pronunciation: bleɪmwɜrði part of speech: adjective blameful in spanish: culpable, pronunciation: bleɪmfəl part of speech: adjective blameable in spanish: censurable, pronunciation: blæmibəl part of speech: adjective shamefaced in spanish: avergonzado, pronunciation: ʃeɪmfeɪst part of speech: adjective chargeable in spanish: cobrable, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒəbəl part of speech: adjective shamed in spanish: avergonzado, pronunciation: ʃeɪmd part of speech: adjective punishable in spanish: castigable, pronunciation: pʌnɪʃəbəl part of speech: adjective blamable in spanish: censurable, pronunciation: bleɪməbəl part of speech: adjective indictable in spanish: procesable, pronunciation: ɪndɪktəbəl part of speech: adjective bloodguilty in spanish: culpable de derramamiento de sangre, pronunciation: blʌgɪlti part of speech: adjective finable in spanish: finable, pronunciation: faɪnəbəl part of speech: adjective at fault in spanish: en falta, pronunciation: ætfɔlt part of speech: adjective guilt-ridden in spanish: culpable, pronunciation: gɪltrɪdən part of speech: adjective censurable in spanish: censurable, pronunciation: senʃɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective conscience-smitten in spanish: golpeado de conciencia, pronunciation: kɑnsiensmɪtən part of speech: adjective fineable in spanish: fineable, pronunciation: fɪnibəl part of speech: adjective
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