Culpabilidad in english


pronunciation: kəlpəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun
In gestures

culpabilidad = guilt ; culpability. 

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Incendiary guilt: when your labels go up in smoke'.Example: The author examines how the physically disabled have been depicted over the years, from the association of disability with moral culpability to the more recent portrayal of the cripple as survivor and hero.


» compensación sin determinación de culpabilidadno-fault compensation .

Example: This paper explores the possibilities of no-fault compensation, where the entitlement to compensation is not linked to the ability to prove that a person's injuries were due to the fault of another.

» con aire de culpabilidadguiltily .

Example: Most people guiltily admit to using their cell phones while driving.

» con sentimiento de culpabilidadguiltily .

Example: Most people guiltily admit to using their cell phones while driving.

» declaración de culpabilidadguilty plea .

Example: As part of his guilty plea, he admitted that he discharged the construction debris in the barrels and buckets overboard into San Diego Harbor.

» declaración de culpabilidad por delito gravefelony conviction .

Example: Aggravating factors are those factors that make a crime seem more egregious, such as prior felony convictions or choosing an especially vulnerable victim.

» divorcio sin determinación de culpabilidadno-fault divorce .

Example: In a number of states, irreconcilable differences is the accepted ground for a no-fault divorce.

» presunción de culpabilidadpresumed guilty .

Example: They describe what it is like to find yourself on the other side of a one-way mirror, innocent but presumed guilty, by professionals who are almost completely unaccountable.

» seguro de coche sin determinación de culpabilidadno-fault auto insurance .

Example: With Florida's no-fault auto insurance law set to expire in October, there are fears that that medical services could be hobbled.

» seguro sin determinación de culpabilidadno-fault insurance .

Example: No-fault insurance is a type of automobile insurance where insureds are indemnified by their own insurer regardless of fault in the incident.

» sentimiento de culpabilidadguilty consciencetwinge of guilt .

Example: The great tormentor of the human soul is a guilty conscience.

Example: Think recycling and immediately most of us feel a twinge of guilt.

» sin determinación de culpabilidadno-fault .

Example: In 1978 the Pearson Commission in the United Kingdom rejected a no-fault system in dealing with clinical negligence.

Culpabilidad synonyms

culpableness in spanish: culpa, pronunciation: kʌlpəbləns part of speech: noun blameworthiness in spanish: culpabilidad, pronunciation: bleɪmwɜrðinəs part of speech: noun
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