Culpa in english


pronunciation: gɪlt part of speech: noun
In gestures

culpa = blame. 

Example: The blame was not theirs that they were so lacking in gumption.


» achacar la culpa alay + the blame onput + the blame onlay + the blame at + Posesivo + door .

Example: And he lay the blame for the attack fair and square on the shoulders of the US president George W. Bush and the French president.

Example: They should take full responsibility for their own actions and not seek to put the blame on others.

Example: Although our goalkeepers let it two goals, no blame could and should be laid at their door.

» asumir la culpatake + the heat .

Example: It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.

» cargar con la culpatake + the heattake + the rap .

Example: It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.

Example: He might be as guilty as sin, but he will sometimes get away with murder; or even let somebody else take the rap for him.

» cargar la culpa alay + the blame onput + the blame onlay + the blame at + Posesivo + door .

Example: And he lay the blame for the attack fair and square on the shoulders of the US president George W. Bush and the French president.

Example: They should take full responsibility for their own actions and not seek to put the blame on others.

Example: Although our goalkeepers let it two goals, no blame could and should be laid at their door.

» conciencia de culpaguilty conscience .

Example: The great tormentor of the human soul is a guilty conscience.

» con un profundo sentimiento de culpaguilt-ridden .

Example: The title of the article is 'ALA Chicago 1972: confessions of a guilt-ridden conferee'.

» culpa + echar a + Nombreblame + lay + at the feet of + Nombre .

Example: The blame could be laid squarely at the feet of R. Boyce Garschine.

» culpa gravegross negligence .

Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.

» echar la culpaplace + blamefaultblame .

Example: This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.

Example: What I would really like to fault her on is not her views on the role of the federal government but on her simplistic view of the online catalog.

Example: We can blame the new technologies for the abuse of the users and time, but that is not the case at all.

» echarle la culpa aput + the blame onlay + the blame at + Posesivo + door .

Example: They should take full responsibility for their own actions and not seek to put the blame on others.

Example: Although our goalkeepers let it two goals, no blame could and should be laid at their door.

» echarle la culpa a,lay + the blame on .

Example: And he lay the blame for the attack fair and square on the shoulders of the US president George W. Bush and the French president.

» echarle la culpa aput + the blame onlay + the blame at + Posesivo + door .

Example: They should take full responsibility for their own actions and not seek to put the blame on others.

Example: Although our goalkeepers let it two goals, no blame could and should be laid at their door.

» echarle la culpa al mensajeroblame + the messenger .

Example: Don't blame the messenger because the message is unpleasant.

» exento de culpablameless  ; guilt-free  .

Example: But he is completely wrong to say that he as a state employee is utterly blamelessfor the mess our pensions and state budgets are in.

Example: The article 'Guilt-free automated claiming' evaluates the impact of automation on serials claiming.

» exonerar a Alguien de culpaexonerate + Nombre + from blame .

Example: The belief that health professionals were 'doing everything they could' in conditions of constraint also tended to exonerate them from blame for the suffering that carers or ill people experienced, and thus to disarm complaints about health care.

» hacer que Alguien page sus culpasbring + Nombre + to justice .

Example: He was an Israeli undercover agent who captured and brought to justice many Nazi war criminals.

» libre de culpaguilt-free  ; blameless  ; guiltless  .

Example: The article 'Guilt-free automated claiming' evaluates the impact of automation on serials claiming.

Example: But he is completely wrong to say that he as a state employee is utterly blamelessfor the mess our pensions and state budgets are in.

Example: I, going down into my grave, with my crime unpunished and unatoned, see what no guiltless minds can discern.

» mea culpamea culpa .

Example: Mea culpa and apologies to any that were offended.

» sentido de culpaguilt .

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Incendiary guilt: when your labels go up in smoke'.

» sentimiento de culpaguilt .

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Incendiary guilt: when your labels go up in smoke'.

» ser la culpa debe the fault of .

Example: The lack of awareness of bibliographic tools is partly the fault of librarians who do not adequately publicise their services.

» ser + Posesivo + (propia) culpabe + Posesivo + (own) fault .

Example: Peter was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault as he navigated the glistening slippery streets.

» sin culpaguiltless  .

Example: I, going down into my grave, with my crime unpunished and unatoned, see what no guiltless minds can discern.

» tener la culpa (por/de)be at fault (for/to) .

Example: Apart from the fact that the lecturer was at fault for not attending to the well-announced changes in program, the incident did make one wonder about the way teachers are trained.

» tener la culpa deanswer for .

Example: Our relentlessly, selfishly consumerist, debt-ridden, decadent society has a lot to answer for.

» tener la culpa de Algo que se ha causado Uno mismobe of + Posesivo + own making .

Example: This environment is one of the library's own making and includes intangibles that cannot be measured but that are necessary for quality performance.

» tener la culpa Uno mismobring + Nombre + (up)on(to) + Reflexivo [Generalmente se suele usar tanto bring + Nombre + on + Reflexivo o bring + Nombre + upon + Reflexivo o bring + Nombre + onto + Reflexivo] .

Example: If this was rough justice, it was brought on themselves by their failures.

culpar = blame ; place + blame ; point + (a/the) finger(s) at. 

Example: We can blame the new technologies for the abuse of the users and time, but that is not the case at all.Example: This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.Example: It is easy to point the fingers at the refs.


» culpar aput + the blame onlay + the blame onlay + the blame at + Posesivo + door .

Example: They should take full responsibility for their own actions and not seek to put the blame on others.

Example: And he lay the blame for the attack fair and square on the shoulders of the US president George W. Bush and the French president.

Example: Although our goalkeepers let it two goals, no blame could and should be laid at their door.

Culpa synonyms

guilt trip in spanish: sentimiento de culpa, pronunciation: gɪlttrɪp part of speech: noun guiltiness in spanish: culpabilidad, pronunciation: gɪltinəs part of speech: noun guilty conscience in spanish: remordimiento de conciencia, pronunciation: gɪltikɑnʃəns part of speech: noun guilt feelings in spanish: sentimientos de culpa, pronunciation: gɪltfilɪŋz part of speech: noun
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