Cuidadosamente in english


pronunciation: kerfəli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

cuidadosamente = carefully ; thoughtfully ; gently ; elaborately ; painstakingly ; crisply ; gingerly ; fastidiously. 

Example: In many classes (main classes) the facets are carefully identified and kept separate.Example: Simenon may be read by many people for amusement only, but if we read him thoughtfully he shows us a variety of insights into the kind of crises that push people into criminal acts.Example: Some authors of papers lament the lack of a philosophy and gently chide librarians for the 'simplicity of their pragmatism'.Example: Processes should be included in abstracts only when they are discussed elaborately.Example: The audience interaction with the speakers at all three meetings has been painstakingly transcribed and edited.Example: A crisply ironed shirt with a collar that stays perfect the entire day can go a long way in giving you a neat and groomed appearance.Example: My cat is lethargic, and moves very gingerly, like she's in pain.Example: Even the most fastidiously clean people can suffer from foot odour.


» cuidadosamente seleccionadocarefully chosen .

Example: All books were carefully chosen to suit reading level and appeal.

» escoger cuidadosamentehand-pickcherry-pick .

Example: Every rally the president goes to everyone is cheering for him because they're hand-picked.

Example: They are one-sidedly ransacking his writings to 'cherry-pick' and string together whatever can possibly be lifted out and turned against him.

» escogido cuidadosamentehand-picked .

Example: Iraqis recognize a hand-picked council of stooges when they see it.

» mirar cuidadosamentecomb trough .

Example: By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.

» programado cuidadosamentecarefully-sequenced .

Example: Discover how to get six-pack abs in 2 months (or less) using a unique combination of carefully-sequenced, little-known exercises.

» secuenciado cuidadosamentecarefully-sequenced .

Example: Discover how to get six-pack abs in 2 months (or less) using a unique combination of carefully-sequenced, little-known exercises.

» seleccionado cuidadosamentehand-picked .

Example: Iraqis recognize a hand-picked council of stooges when they see it.

» seleccionar cuidadosamentehand-pickcherry-pick .

Example: Every rally the president goes to everyone is cheering for him because they're hand-picked.

Example: They are one-sidedly ransacking his writings to 'cherry-pick' and string together whatever can possibly be lifted out and turned against him.

Cuidadosamente synonyms

cautiously in spanish: cautelosamente, pronunciation: kɔʃəsli part of speech: adverb
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