Cuidador in english


pronunciation: kerɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuidador = caregiver ; sitter ; carer ; minder ; home help ; caretaker ; keeper. 

Example: These are reference materials that may be useful to librarians who serve practitioners, researchers, caregivers, interested non-professionals and the elderly who wish to learn about the psychology of adult development and aging.Example: One of the questions that a reference librarian might be asked is, 'Is there some organization that could find a sitter for my invalid brother so I could get out sometimes? I can't afford a nurse'.Example: The poverty of the majority of social workers' clients -- who are either women at home with dependent children, or single parents, or the elderly, or carers -- is increasing in absolute terms.Example: Education for librarianship should concern itself with encouraging self-reliance and sustained questioning rather than training servile machine minders.Example: A library service for home helps and their pensioner clients has been set up.Example: Frequently, the creators and caretakers of a data base have an irresistible impulse to give it a fixup, a paint job, or a new colour scheme.Example: Vervliet's involvement with books began with his appointment in 1949 as keeper at the Plantin Moretus Museum in Antwerp, where he acquired a wide knowledge of the history of printing in the Low Countries.


» cuidador de animales de parque zoológicozookeeperzoo custodian .

Example: Chapter 4 outlines miscellaneous jobs such as lathers, plasterers, roofers, metalworkers, pipefitters, teacher aides and zookeepers.

Example: Rattlers are easily frightened and will disgorge their food if handled after a meal, a habit well known to all zoo custodian.

» cuidador de niñoschildminder  .

Example: Children in modern society are faced with a ceaseless stream of new ideas, and responsibility for their upbringing has generally moved from parents to childminders and teachers.

» cuidadorescare staff .

Example: They aim to improve the standards of residential care by developing 5 projects which will examine basic training for care staff.
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