Cuidado in english

Watch out

pronunciation: wɑtʃaʊt part of speech: verb
In gestures

cuidado1 = care ; safekeeping [safe-keeping] ; carefulness. 

Example: Thus care in indexing is essential, and systems should be designed in such a way as to minimise the possibility of error.Example: The records were forwarded to Australia from the 30s to 50s for safekeeping.Example: Indignation, and carefulness, or earnestness, are here combined with zeal; which is often mentioned as a term of faith.


» andarse con (mucho) cuidadowalk on + eggshellstread + (very) carefullytread + (very) warilytread on + eggshellswalk on + thin ice .

Example: The article is entitled 'Jumping through Hoops, Walking on Eggshells: The Experiences of Library Students with Disabilities'.

Example: The article is entitled 'Treading carefully through the murky legalities of electronic reserves'.

Example: The director saw at once that he must tread warily.

Example: She has learned when it is safe to be herself and when it is wiser to 'tread on eggshells'.

Example: I walk on thin ice with my boys when they are with their spouses.

» a + Posesivo + cuidadoin + Posesivo + safekeeping .

Example: Financial institutions are custodians and are therefore legally responsible for the items in their safekeeping.

» bajo el cuidado humanounder human care .

Example: Animals that live under human care are in captivity = Los animales que viven bajo el cuidado humano están en cautividad.

» ciencias de los cuidados, lascaring sciences, the .

Example: These files contain several funding sources for pursuing research in caring and the caring sciences.

» con cuidadogentlycarefullygingerlynice and easy .

Example: Some authors of papers lament the lack of a philosophy and gently chide librarians for the 'simplicity of their pragmatism'.

Example: In many classes (main classes) the facets are carefully identified and kept separate.

Example: My cat is lethargic, and moves very gingerly, like she's in pain.

Example: The key to make a habit of daily excersise is to only do 20 minutes in the beginning and do it nice and easy.

» con mucho cuidadocrisply .

Example: A crisply ironed shirt with a collar that stays perfect the entire day can go a long way in giving you a neat and groomed appearance.

» cuidado de animalesanimal care .

Example: CARE provides quick and easy keyword searching to over 160 documents relating to animal care and use.

» cuidado de animales domésticospet care .

Example: The author presents an annotated bibliography of pet care books as an aid to collection development in the area.

» cuidado de la pielskin care .

Example: The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: haircut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.

» cuidado de los caballoshorse keeping .

Example: No one likes mucking out, and a muck heap is an unwanted but necessary part of horse keeping.

» cuidado de los mayoreskinkeeping .

Example: Most kinkeepers are women, & their kinkeeping roles are transmitted to their daughters, who serve as apprentices to these roles during the aging of the oldest generation.

» cuidado de los piesfootcare .

Example: It is one of the most advanced footcare moisturising creams available.

» cuidado del pacientepatient care .

Example: Patient care relies on the correct prescription and proper use of drugs.

» cuidado de niñoschild care [childcare]childminding .

Example: These meetings were each devoted to a particular topic: citizenship, legal services, child care, mental health and senior citizens.

Example: Childminding is a very rewarding and important role and is not something to enter into without very careful consideration and preparation.

» cuidado de uno mismoself-caringself-care .

Example: Participants displayed self-caring; the majority participated in daily physical exercise, & 33+% had their annual medical checkup that year.

Example: Public libraries identify and disseminate consumer health and self-care information appropriate to their needs.

» cuidado de vacas lecherasdairying .

Example: Other lumbermen remained and revived the stripped acres with hand-reared trees, or turned to dairying.

» cuidado especialspecial care .

Example: Having your clothes professionally dry cleaned can get expensive, especially when you have a lot of items that require special care.

» cuidado médicomedical attention .

Example: In a study, drinkers who received the best medical attention available reduced the amount they drank by 80 percent.

» cuidado personalpersonal care .

Example: At $300 billion a year in sales, health and personal care is the second largest retail category in the US behind groceries.

» cuidadoscaring .

Example: These files contain several funding sources for pursuing research in caring and the caring sciences.

» cuidados a domicilioattendant care .

Example: A majority said they had clients who were now hospitalized but, if there were adequate attendant care, they could live independently.

» cuidados clínicosclinical care .

Example: Applications of telemedicine discussed include remote consultation and diagnosis, and speciality clinical care (including examples from anaesthesia, dermatology, cardiology, psychiatry, radiology, critical care, and oncology) = Las aplicaciones de telemedicina que se tratan incluyen la consulta y el diagnóstico a distancia y los cuidados clínicos especilizados (con ejemplos de la anestesia, dermatología, cardiología, siquiatría, radiología, cuidados intensivos y oncología).

» cuidados de enfermeríanursing care .

Example: This article examines how public hospitals can organize information for administration, medicine, science, nursing care and technology.

» cuidados del cochecar maintenance .

Example: Arrange the list in strict alphabetical order by the word by word method: Carp, Carburettors, Car port, Cardiff, Car maintenance, Carpets, Cars, Carborundum, Carpet tiles, Car sales = Ordene la lista en orden alfabético estricto según el método de ordenación palabra por palabra: Carpas, Carburadores, Porche para guardar el coche, Cardiff, Cuidados del coche, Alfombras, Coches, Carborundo, Planchas de moqueta, Venta de coches.

» cuidados de los mayoreselderly careelder care [eldercare] .

Example: The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.

Example: This has created a relatively new and growing area of health care and provider services, known as elder care.

» cuidados geriátricosresidential care .

Example: They aim to improve the standards of residential care by developing 5 projects which will examine basic training for care staff.

» cuidados infantileschild care [childcare] .

Example: These meetings were each devoted to a particular topic: citizenship, legal services, child care, mental health and senior citizens.

» cuidados intensivoscritical careintensive care .

Example: Examples are included from anaesthesia, dermatology, cardiology, psychiatry, radiology, critical care, and oncology = Se incluyen ejemplos de la anestesia, dermatología, cardiología, siquiatría, radiología, cuidados intensivos y oncología.

Example: This is a medical decision making system which predicts the survival rate of patients in intensive care and hence whether they should remain on life-support systems.

» cuidados médicosmedicare .

Example: Basic research now has to compete strongly with medicare, welfare, and other service provision programs.

» cuidados paliativospalliative carerespite care .

Example: It can be difficult for patients, carers and even health professionals to be aware of where to find up to date information on aspects of palliative care.

Example: This convalescent home provides high quality rest, recuperation and respite care for adults of all ages and from all walks of life.

» cuidados para personas de la tercera edadelderly careelder care [eldercare] .

Example: The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.

Example: This has created a relatively new and growing area of health care and provider services, known as elder care.

» cuidados para personas mayoreselderly careelder care [eldercare] .

Example: The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.

Example: This has created a relatively new and growing area of health care and provider services, known as elder care.

» cuidados perinatalesperinatal care .

Example: The programme has recently included the following topics: congenital abnormalities, cellular aging, tissue oxygenation, thromboses, hearing problems, perinatal care and electrocardiography.

» cuidados pos(t)operatoriosaftercare .

Example: Many American hospitals stress patient education through internal TV programmes, and instruction by a team, which includes the librarian, in aftercare.

» cuidados prenatalesprenatal care .

Example: Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight.

» cuidados preventivospreventative carepreventive care .

Example: This article discusses preventative care of library collections as a strategy for preservation is discussed with reference to Glasgow University Library.

Example: Preventive care library collections, as a strategy for preservation, is discussed with reference to Glasgow University Library.

» cuidado tutelarfoster care .

Example: This is an expert system and data base designed to assist US social workers in providing foster care for children.

» cuidado y protecciónnurturenurturing .

Example: Whilst maintaining the need for balance, nurture of the still important traditional markets, and only gradual change, a great deal has been done in many SLIS.

Example: Bookish children, as they tend somewhat negatively to be called, deserve at least as much nurturing.

» elegir con cuidadopick and choose .

Example: You cannot look at this area of the world and pick and choose among the countries that you're going to deal with.

» escoger con cuidadopick and choose .

Example: You cannot look at this area of the world and pick and choose among the countries that you're going to deal with.

» mal cuidadomishandling  .

Example: This article discusses decay of books with mould, an atmosphere that is too dry, insects, light, and mishandling of materials by people.

» recibir cuidados médicosreceive + medical attention .

Example: She also said she carried out the attack during school hours as she knew the boy would quickly receive medical attention.

» sacar con cuidadoslide off .

Example: This will prevent the bandage from sliding off.

» servicio de cuidado de díaday care [Cualquier servicio encargado de cuidar de niños o ancianos durante las horas en que los familiares que están a su cargo trabajan] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Day care: a new role for the rural public library?'.

» sostener con cuidadocradle .

Example: She cradled his face in her palms and leaned forward to brush a gentle kiss over his lips.

» sujetar con cuidadocradle .

Example: She cradled his face in her palms and leaned forward to brush a gentle kiss over his lips.

» tener cuidadoexercise + careexercise + cautionproceed + with cautiontake + cautiontake + heed (to/of/with) .

Example: In pursuing brevity, however, care must be exercised to avoid ambiguity.

Example: Academic libraries should exercise caution when using impact factors exclusively for journal selection.

Example: Since the literature on community information tends to concentrate on a relatively small number of successful examples, any attempt to generalize about developments must proceed with caution.

Example: Caution should be taken if subjects are clothed in tight-fitting swimsuit.

Example: Police has advised the public to take heed of road congestion and plan ahead, to avoid the rush which may lead to accidents.

» tener cuidado con lo que + comerwatch + what + Pronombre + eat .

Example: Telling a girl she should exercise more and watch what she eats is basically telling her you think she should lose weight.

» traer sin cuidadonot give a damnnot give a shitnot give a fucknot give a/two hoot(s)not give a darnbe like water off a duck's backgo in + one ear and out the othernot give a monkey'snot give (an/one/single) iota [Las combinaciones normales son not give an iota, not give one iota, not give a single iota y not give one single iota]not give (an/one/single) iota [Las combinaciones normales son not give an iota, not give one iota, not give a single iota y not give one single iota]not care a/two hoot(s)not care a rapnot care a damnnot give a rapbecome + blaségrow + blasé .

Example: The sad truth of the matter is a lot of public libraries don't give a damn about cataloging.

Example: She's totally burned-out after the first year and now doesn't give a shit.

Example: But to say 'no one gives a fuck about Haiti' is frankly quite offensive to the people who have donated their time and money to help.

Example: My sister and I see absolutely no point in graduation ceremonies, like we just do not give a hoot.

Example: What this says to me is that the company does not give a darn about their customers.

Example: You may threaten your children, tell them they'll be grounded for life (or worse), and it's all like water off a duck's back.

Example: I've even had friends and relatives talk with her and give her advice but it all goes in one ear and out the other.

Example: I love going into the centre of London because people don't give a monkey's about you or who you are.

Example: We all work, essentially, for corporations that do not give one iota about us.

Example: We all work, essentially, for corporations that do not give one iota about us.

Example: Doctors are now making fat salaries and in my opinion couldn't care a hoot about patients.

Example: He drinks too much, gambles too much, fights too much, and doesn't care a rap for society or its strictures.

Example: The people who are elected are elected as public servants, but they are acting as if they don't care a damn about us.

Example: If I appeared to be making an effort it was only to please someone else; at bottom I didn't give a rap.

Example: Spain is full of fabulous churches and cathedrals but you can become blase if you view too many.

Example: After decades of growth, there are new signs that consumers are growing blase about coupons.

» unidad de cuidados intensivos (ICU)intensive care unit (ICU) .

Example: This article analyses the possibility of building an expert system to reason on the status of post-operative cardiac patients in intensive care units (ICU).

cuidado2 = neat ; attention to detail. 

Example: What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.Example: He believes his success will be determined by 'personal attention, being on the ball, attention to detail and consistency of service'.


» bien cuidadowell-tendedtrim [trimmer -comp., trimmest -sup.]  .

Example: Glasgow is also home to a large number of well-tended parks and possesses more public open spaces than any other city in the United Kingdom.

Example: I will vote for somebody who is trim, charming, good looking, full of rhetoric, whose past is an enigma and doesn't have much experience.

» con cuidadogentlycarefullygingerlynice and easy .

Example: Some authors of papers lament the lack of a philosophy and gently chide librarians for the 'simplicity of their pragmatism'.

Example: In many classes (main classes) the facets are carefully identified and kept separate.

Example: My cat is lethargic, and moves very gingerly, like she's in pain.

Example: The key to make a habit of daily excersise is to only do 20 minutes in the beginning and do it nice and easy.

» con el más sumo cuidadowith utmost care .

Example: The author has arranged the characters, situations, and above all, the apparently disparate themes with delicacy and utmost care.

» con el mayor cuidadowith utmost care .

Example: The author has arranged the characters, situations, and above all, the apparently disparate themes with delicacy and utmost care.

» falta de cuidadosloppiness  .

Example: Although editorial sloppiness detracts somewhat from the book's appearance, it will be a standard text in the field for many years to come.

cuidado3 = caution. 

Example: The project is being undertaken with caution.


» andar con cuidadotread + lightlytread + softly .

Example: In conversing with her you hadn't got to tread lightly and warily, lest at any moment you might rupture the relationship, and tumble into eternal disgrace.

Example: The article is entitled 'Tread softly for you tread on my dreams: academicising Arthur Ransome'.

» andarse con cuidadotread with + carewatch over + Posesivo + shoulders .

Example: The overall conclusion is that policy-makers need to tread with care in this area of social security law and policy.

Example: They may watch over their shoulders because someday someone may pay them back for what they did to little Peter because the judicial system certainly won't.

» andarse con (mucho) cuidadowalk on + eggshellstread + (very) carefullytread + (very) warilytread on + eggshellswalk on + thin ice .

Example: The article is entitled 'Jumping through Hoops, Walking on Eggshells: The Experiences of Library Students with Disabilities'.

Example: The article is entitled 'Treading carefully through the murky legalities of electronic reserves'.

Example: The director saw at once that he must tread warily.

Example: She has learned when it is safe to be herself and when it is wiser to 'tread on eggshells'.

Example: I walk on thin ice with my boys when they are with their spouses.

» andarse con mucho cuidadotread + the thin line between ... and .

Example: Therapists must be able to tread the thin line between too much involvement with patients and too little.

» con cuidadogentlycarefullygingerlynice and easy .

Example: Some authors of papers lament the lack of a philosophy and gently chide librarians for the 'simplicity of their pragmatism'.

Example: In many classes (main classes) the facets are carefully identified and kept separate.

Example: My cat is lethargic, and moves very gingerly, like she's in pain.

Example: The key to make a habit of daily excersise is to only do 20 minutes in the beginning and do it nice and easy.

» conducir o andar con cuidado debido a la dificultad existentenavigate .

Example: Peter was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault as he navigated the glistening slippery streets.

» ¡Cuidado!Look out! .

Example: The article has the tile 'Look out bosses! Union power's going to get your employees a raise!'.

» Cuidado con el escalónMind the step [Señal de advertencia] .

Example: It is far better to install a ramp on a concealed step than to put up a sign warning people to 'Mind the step'.

» Cuidado con la cabezaMind your head [Señal de advertencia para sitios de techo bajo] .

Example: Tucked away under a sloping wood-beamed ceiling, this cosy room has roof views and romance aplenty - -though you'll need to mind your head in the bathroom.

» de mucho cuidadobadass [Adjetivo usado generalmente en sentido positivo] .

Example: You can think of Homer as a badass literary ninja who wailed out a lyre solo so face-melting that it was remembered for the rest of history, and then dropped a smoke bomb and back-flipped out of sight forever.

» haber + que tener cuidado con las consecuenciasbe the thin end of the wedgebe the thin edge of the wedgebe the camel's nose (under the tent) .

Example: It's the thin end of the wedge and we need to keep a good eye on it and make sure we do try and keep some control.

Example: Internet brings a new generation of information services that are the thin edge of the wedge of a radically transformative change in how people will access information.

Example: Politicians reject the use of marijuana for medical purposes because they believe it represents the 'camel's nose under the tent'.

» manejar con cuidadohandle + Nombre + with caution .

Example: Note that sulphuric acid is very dangerous and shoud be handled with great caution.

» pájaro de cuidadonasty piece of work .

Example: Mary, on the other hand, is a nasty piece of work who is at her best is frosty and aloof and at her worst is hostile and cruel.

» sumo cuidadoextreme caution .

Example: The National Weather Service is advising drivers to use 'extreme caution' and to beware of black ice as temperatures drop below freezing .

» ten cuidado con lo que haceslook before you leap .

Example: If you are ready to tackle this task, then go for it, but look before you leap!.

» tener cuidadoexercise + careexercise + cautionproceed + with cautiontake + cautiontake + heed (to/of/with) .

Example: In pursuing brevity, however, care must be exercised to avoid ambiguity.

Example: Academic libraries should exercise caution when using impact factors exclusively for journal selection.

Example: Since the literature on community information tends to concentrate on a relatively small number of successful examples, any attempt to generalize about developments must proceed with caution.

Example: Caution should be taken if subjects are clothed in tight-fitting swimsuit.

Example: Police has advised the public to take heed of road congestion and plan ahead, to avoid the rush which may lead to accidents.

» tener cuidado (con)watch out (for) .

Example: He'll get an ulcer or a heart attack if he doesn't watch out.

» tener cuidado conwatch forbeware (of/that)look out forbe wary ofkeep + an eye out forkeep + an ear out forkeep + an eye open for .

Example: But just as a person with a vague discomfort dimly fears cancer, so he dimly feared that there might be something to watch for in the way she handled people.

Example: He should beware that the 'gee whiz' or 'Isn't science wonderful' syndrome is not uncommon among the recently converted = Debería tener cuidado de que el síndrome "recórcholis" o "la ciencia es maravillosa" es frecuente entre los nuevos conversos.

Example: Panellists presented the criteria they adopted and features they looked out for when selecting a library automation system.

Example: Libraries must also be wary of illegally-produced tapes.

Example: Nurses must also keep an eye out for any patients developing a crush, as failing to recognise attraction of a sexual nature is also considered sexual misconduct .

Example: These are people who set up telescopes in city lots and observe with blankets draped over their heads to block streetlights, while keeping an ear out for muggers.

Example: The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves = El auxiliar responsable de una sección se encargará de mantener su área ordenada y estará atento a los ladrones.

» tener cuidado con lo que se dicesay + the right thing .

Example: The article 'Say the right thing' discusses 12 winning strategies for talking to the press.

» tener cuidado con lo que Uno dicewatch + Posesivo + mouthwatch what + Pronombre + say .

Example: They try to watch their mouths but their real beliefs sometimes just slip out.

Example: The press spokesman 'ominously warned' Americans to 'watch what they say,' which amounted to telling citizens 'to accept the administration's version of events, not ask awkward questions'.

» tener cuidado (de)be careful .

Example: The indexer should be careful not to introduce bias needlessly.

» tener cuidado debe chary oftake + (great) pains togo to + (great) pains to .

Example: Other librarians at the session were chary of committing themselves to doing a certain amount of business with a vendor.

Example: Manic-depressives who are aware of their mental illness usually take great pains not to let the cat out of the bag, fearing it will damage their career and poison relationships.

Example: In addition to protecting the privacy of children, we also go to great pains to ensure parents and caretakers have full control of their data.

» tener cuidado (de que)take + care (that) .

Example: Care should be taken when changing the order information.

» tener mucho cuidadobe extra vigilant .

Example: Consumers in the market for faux fur must be extra vigilant after an investigation has revealed that real fur from animals is being used instead.

» tipo de cuidadonasty piece of work .

Example: Mary, on the other hand, is a nasty piece of work who is at her best is frosty and aloof and at her worst is hostile and cruel.

» traer sin cuidadonot give a damnnot give a shitnot give a fucknot give a/two hoot(s)not give a darnbe like water off a duck's backgo in + one ear and out the othernot give a monkey'snot give (an/one/single) iota [Las combinaciones normales son not give an iota, not give one iota, not give a single iota y not give one single iota]not give (an/one/single) iota [Las combinaciones normales son not give an iota, not give one iota, not give a single iota y not give one single iota]not care a/two hoot(s)not care a rapnot care a damnnot give a rapbecome + blaségrow + blasé .

Example: The sad truth of the matter is a lot of public libraries don't give a damn about cataloging.

Example: She's totally burned-out after the first year and now doesn't give a shit.

Example: But to say 'no one gives a fuck about Haiti' is frankly quite offensive to the people who have donated their time and money to help.

Example: My sister and I see absolutely no point in graduation ceremonies, like we just do not give a hoot.

Example: What this says to me is that the company does not give a darn about their customers.

Example: You may threaten your children, tell them they'll be grounded for life (or worse), and it's all like water off a duck's back.

Example: I've even had friends and relatives talk with her and give her advice but it all goes in one ear and out the other.

Example: I love going into the centre of London because people don't give a monkey's about you or who you are.

Example: We all work, essentially, for corporations that do not give one iota about us.

Example: We all work, essentially, for corporations that do not give one iota about us.

Example: Doctors are now making fat salaries and in my opinion couldn't care a hoot about patients.

Example: He drinks too much, gambles too much, fights too much, and doesn't care a rap for society or its strictures.

Example: The people who are elected are elected as public servants, but they are acting as if they don't care a damn about us.

Example: If I appeared to be making an effort it was only to please someone else; at bottom I didn't give a rap.

Example: Spain is full of fabulous churches and cathedrals but you can become blase if you view too many.

Example: After decades of growth, there are new signs that consumers are growing blase about coupons.

cuidar = nurture ; take + care of ; tend ; lubricate ; nurse ; give + care ; groom. 

Example: Studying the leisure reading preferences of teens can help library media specialists develop collections and programs that nurture a lifelong love of reading.Example: The matter of bulk is well taken care of by improved microfilm.Example: The flow of production dependent upon rows of clattering machines tended by tired children.Example: The development of ABN has been lubricated by goodwill on the part of the parties involved.Example: The author also evokes the story of the wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus in order to suggest the barbarity of Renaissance Rome.Example: The traditional image of nurses, mostly women, in starched uniforms and white caps, giving care at the bedside in the hospital is out of date.Example: Never has there been a greater interest in grooming pubic hair than there is today.


» cuidar a Alguien hasta su recuperaciónnurse + Nombre + back to health .

Example: When some of the parrots got sick, he nursed them back to health, and they in turn brought him back to life.

» cuidar delook aftercare (about/for)watch out for .

Example: A consumer ombudsman's department looks after consumer complaints and, in addition, many municipalities now have a consumer guidance office.

Example: Many authors, especially since the mid nineteenth century, have cared about the details of their punctuation and have bothered to correct it.

Example: David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter -- meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.

» cuidar de la retaguardiahold + the forthold + the fortress .

Example: The article 'Leading the charge or holding the fort?' looks at the future role of librarians in the provision of online services.

Example: They lost mobility by being pinned down to hold the fortress.

» cuidar de los caballoshorse keeping .

Example: No one likes mucking out, and a muck heap is an unwanted but necessary part of horse keeping.

» cuidar del rebañotend + Posesivo + flock .

Example: The traditional bucolic image of the shepherd tending his flock is undergoing a 21st-century makeover.

» cuidar de Uno mismolook out for + Reflexivolook after + Reflexivolook after + number onelook out for + number one .

Example: In other words, our culture is a culture of narcissism, a culture of looking out for oneself, seeking after what is going to benefit me and my family.

Example: Other types of conditions might affect a person's ability to cook, get dressed or look after oneself.

Example: The article is entitled 'Looking after number one'.

Example: Never allow anything to have a higher priority than looking out for number one -- you are all you have.

» cuidar el jardíntend + Posesivo + garden .

Example: When he left the band, he did so with the excuse of leaving to spend time with his family and tend his garden.

» cuidar ovejasherd + sheep .

Example: The short stories cover such topics as horses, the seasons of spring and summer, the family, the rodeo, home, herding sheep, and weaving a rug.

» cuidar rebañosherding .

Example: Their main sources of livelihood are reindeer herding and tourism.

» cuidarsewatch + Posesivo + healthtake care of + Reflexivolook after + Reflexivo .

Example: Dried fruits still remain a healthy food choice because when watching one's health, moderation is always the key.

Example: Whether you do voice-overs all the time or just this once, take care of yourself -- a good night's sleep and a liter or two of water every day is a great start.

Example: Other types of conditions might affect a person's ability to cook, get dressed or look after oneself.

» cuidarse debeware (of/that) .

Example: He should beware that the 'gee whiz' or 'Isn't science wonderful' syndrome is not uncommon among the recently converted = Debería tener cuidado de que el síndrome "recórcholis" o "la ciencia es maravillosa" es frecuente entre los nuevos conversos.

» cuidarse de Uno mismocare for + Reflexivo .

Example: What do you do if your aunt can no longer manage her finances but seems capable of caring for herself in her small apartment?.

» cuidarse el pesowatch + Posesivo + weight .

Example: But the line between watching one's weight for health reasons and watching one's weight because of societal pressures is a very fine one.

» cuidarse la saludwatch + Posesivo + health .

Example: Dried fruits still remain a healthy food choice because when watching one's health, moderation is always the key.

» cuidarse una heridanurse + a wound .

Example: Nursing a wound after a bullet went through his right ankle, he ended up witnessing the massacre from his hiding place on the rooftop of his house.

» cuidar una amistadcultivate + a friendship .

Example: Apparently, today it is possible for two people to cultivate a friendship without meeting each other in person or even leaving home.

» cuidar una relacióncultivate + a relationship .

Example: I'm saying that cultivating a relationship with yourself, is just as important as cultivating a relationship with someone else.

» cuidar un fuegotend + a fire .

Example: An 80-year-old farmer died early Friday morning, more than two weeks after he was burned while tending a fire on his land.

» familiar que cuida de los mayoreskinkeeper  .

Example: Most kinkeepers are women, & their kinkeeping roles are transmitted to their daughters, who serve as apprentices to these roles during the aging of the oldest generation.

» persona que se cuida la líneaweight watcher .

Example: As a matter of interest to weight watchers, canned chicken broth has twice as many calories as canned beef broth.
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