Cuida in english

Takes care

pronunciation: teɪksker part of speech: none
In gestures

cuidar = nurture ; take + care of ; tend ; lubricate ; nurse ; give + care ; groom. 

Example: Studying the leisure reading preferences of teens can help library media specialists develop collections and programs that nurture a lifelong love of reading.Example: The matter of bulk is well taken care of by improved microfilm.Example: The flow of production dependent upon rows of clattering machines tended by tired children.Example: The development of ABN has been lubricated by goodwill on the part of the parties involved.Example: The author also evokes the story of the wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus in order to suggest the barbarity of Renaissance Rome.Example: The traditional image of nurses, mostly women, in starched uniforms and white caps, giving care at the bedside in the hospital is out of date.Example: Never has there been a greater interest in grooming pubic hair than there is today.


» cuidar a Alguien hasta su recuperaciónnurse + Nombre + back to health .

Example: When some of the parrots got sick, he nursed them back to health, and they in turn brought him back to life.

» cuidar delook aftercare (about/for)watch out for .

Example: A consumer ombudsman's department looks after consumer complaints and, in addition, many municipalities now have a consumer guidance office.

Example: Many authors, especially since the mid nineteenth century, have cared about the details of their punctuation and have bothered to correct it.

Example: David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter -- meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.

» cuidar de la retaguardiahold + the forthold + the fortress .

Example: The article 'Leading the charge or holding the fort?' looks at the future role of librarians in the provision of online services.

Example: They lost mobility by being pinned down to hold the fortress.

» cuidar de los caballoshorse keeping .

Example: No one likes mucking out, and a muck heap is an unwanted but necessary part of horse keeping.

» cuidar del rebañotend + Posesivo + flock .

Example: The traditional bucolic image of the shepherd tending his flock is undergoing a 21st-century makeover.

» cuidar de Uno mismolook out for + Reflexivolook after + Reflexivolook after + number onelook out for + number one .

Example: In other words, our culture is a culture of narcissism, a culture of looking out for oneself, seeking after what is going to benefit me and my family.

Example: Other types of conditions might affect a person's ability to cook, get dressed or look after oneself.

Example: The article is entitled 'Looking after number one'.

Example: Never allow anything to have a higher priority than looking out for number one -- you are all you have.

» cuidar el jardíntend + Posesivo + garden .

Example: When he left the band, he did so with the excuse of leaving to spend time with his family and tend his garden.

» cuidar ovejasherd + sheep .

Example: The short stories cover such topics as horses, the seasons of spring and summer, the family, the rodeo, home, herding sheep, and weaving a rug.

» cuidar rebañosherding .

Example: Their main sources of livelihood are reindeer herding and tourism.

» cuidarsewatch + Posesivo + healthtake care of + Reflexivolook after + Reflexivo .

Example: Dried fruits still remain a healthy food choice because when watching one's health, moderation is always the key.

Example: Whether you do voice-overs all the time or just this once, take care of yourself -- a good night's sleep and a liter or two of water every day is a great start.

Example: Other types of conditions might affect a person's ability to cook, get dressed or look after oneself.

» cuidarse debeware (of/that) .

Example: He should beware that the 'gee whiz' or 'Isn't science wonderful' syndrome is not uncommon among the recently converted = Debería tener cuidado de que el síndrome "recórcholis" o "la ciencia es maravillosa" es frecuente entre los nuevos conversos.

» cuidarse de Uno mismocare for + Reflexivo .

Example: What do you do if your aunt can no longer manage her finances but seems capable of caring for herself in her small apartment?.

» cuidarse el pesowatch + Posesivo + weight .

Example: But the line between watching one's weight for health reasons and watching one's weight because of societal pressures is a very fine one.

» cuidarse la saludwatch + Posesivo + health .

Example: Dried fruits still remain a healthy food choice because when watching one's health, moderation is always the key.

» cuidarse una heridanurse + a wound .

Example: Nursing a wound after a bullet went through his right ankle, he ended up witnessing the massacre from his hiding place on the rooftop of his house.

» cuidar una amistadcultivate + a friendship .

Example: Apparently, today it is possible for two people to cultivate a friendship without meeting each other in person or even leaving home.

» cuidar una relacióncultivate + a relationship .

Example: I'm saying that cultivating a relationship with yourself, is just as important as cultivating a relationship with someone else.

» cuidar un fuegotend + a fire .

Example: An 80-year-old farmer died early Friday morning, more than two weeks after he was burned while tending a fire on his land.

» familiar que cuida de los mayoreskinkeeper  .

Example: Most kinkeepers are women, & their kinkeeping roles are transmitted to their daughters, who serve as apprentices to these roles during the aging of the oldest generation.

» persona que se cuida la líneaweight watcher .

Example: As a matter of interest to weight watchers, canned chicken broth has twice as many calories as canned beef broth.
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