Cuestionario in english


pronunciation: kwestʃəner part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuestionario = questionnaire ; questionnaire survey ; survey questionnaire ; survey. 

Example: Postal questionnaires are notoriously lacking in precision and open to interpretation which cannot be checked.Example: This article describes results of a questionnaire survey to gauge users' reactions and to examine the suitability of continuing the system on a permanent basis.Example: The survey questionnaires and methodology were pilot-tested late in 81.Example: Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.


» confeccionar un cuestionariodevelop + a questionnaire .

Example: A questionnaire was developed and circulated to solicit information on current documentation, programmes, notable events, and successes or failures.

» cuestionario finalexit survey .

Example: Public libraries now appear to be more heavily used by women than men, especially branch libraries where a recent exit survey showed that two-thirds of the users were female.

» cuestionario por correopostal questionnaire .

Example: Librarians were canvassed for their opinions using a postal questionnaire.

» cuestionario rellenado por uno mismoself-administered questionnaire .

Example: The information seeking practices of a sample of academic, industrial and government scientists were surveyed by self-administered questionnaires.

» distribuir un cuestionariocirculate + questionnaire .

Example: A questionnaire was developed and circulated to solicit information on current documentation, programmes, notable events, and successes or failures.

» estudio basado en un cuestionarioquestionnaire survey .

Example: This article describes results of a questionnaire survey to gauge users' reactions and to examine the suitability of continuing the system on a permanent basis.

» pasar un cuestionarioadminister + questionnairecarry out + a questionnaire .

Example: Librarians must assess community needs by compiling a community profile based upon sources of local statistical data and administering questionnaires to community workers and those people living in the community.

Example: In order to find out the needs of users the librarian must carry out questionnaires and surveys and study demographic composition so as to be able to formulate a library profile.

» rellenar un cuestionariofill out + a questionnairefill in + a questionnairecomplete + a questionnaire .

Example: Each trainee was asked to fill out the same questionnaire twice, once at the beginning and once at the end of the training session.

Example: Participants filled in questionnaires stating the main problems they faced in running their libraries.

Example: Subjects were excluded from the analysis who did not complete the questionnaire.
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