Cuestionar in english


pronunciation: kwestʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuestionar = challenge ; question ; render + Nombre + suspect ; query ; render + Nombre + questionable. 

Example: The only difference is the cataloger doesn't have to sit down and challenge himself, select one entry over the other, and say that this person is more responsible than another person for the work.Example: If this appears to be excessively difficult, maybe it is time to question whether the tool is too complex.Example: Poor standards of cataloguing in the past render many examples of retrospective music bibliography suspect.Example: The author queries the value of selecting so much sexually permissive teenage fiction for young people who are already sexually afire, given the dangers of unwanted pregnancies and AIDS.Example: Luhmann's attempt to assign to language a merely marginal role renders questionable the conclusiveness of his theory.


» aceptar Algo sin cuestionartake + Nombre + on faithaccept + Nombre + on faith .

Example: We take it on faith that everything our parents told us was true, and that our teachers never lied.

Example: If it sounds legitimate and you want to believe it then try to verify it first somehow, don't just accept it on faith.

» aceptar sin cuestionartake + Nombre + on trustaccept + Nombre + on trust .

Example: We take it on trust that the drugs our doctors prescribe are safe and effective -- but this special investigation exposes huge failings in the system.

Example: A difficulty with their analysis is that one has been obliged to accept it on trust; very little empirical evidence is provided.

» cuestionar la validez debring into + question the validity ofquestion + the validity of .

Example: Moreover, the findings bring into question the validity of any locally developed system.

Example: This article questions the validity of information management and classification.

» cuestionar + Posesivo + autoridadquestion + Posesivo + authority .

Example: Even if she hadn't shouldered that role, few would have questioned her authority to rule the roost.

» hacer que Alguien se cuestione Algomake + Nombre + wonder .

Example: Apart from the fact that the lecturer was at fault for not attending to the well-announced changes in program, the incident did make one wonder about the way teachers are trained.

» no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmentesuspend + disbelief .

Example: The skill of the author lies in being able to tell the story in such a way that the reader will suspend disbelief and derive enjoyment from what is basically a simple story skilfully told.

» que no se ha cuestionadounquestionedunscrutinised [unscrutinized, -USA] .

Example: Cutter has had an immense influence, especially on dictionary cataloguing in the US, and many of its rulings on subject headings still remain almost unquestioned = Cutter ha ejercido una inmensa influencia, especialmente sobre el catálogo diccionario en los Estados Unidos y muchas de sus reglas sobre los encabezamientos de materia aún siguen siendo casi sin ponerse en duda.

Example: This an important step toward challenging the unscrutinized value system that supports social hierarchy.

» sin cuestionar Algowithout question .

Example: The nature of science is that one should not accept anything without question and if you are accepting scientific theory without question.

» sin cuestionarlouncritically .

Example: We must be cautions about accepting Ranganathan's fundamental categories uncritically.

Cuestionar synonyms

head in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun wonder in spanish: preguntarse, pronunciation: wʌndɜr part of speech: verb, noun motion in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun query in spanish: consulta, pronunciation: kwɪri part of speech: noun inquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun doubt in spanish: duda, pronunciation: daʊt part of speech: noun, verb enquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun interview in spanish: entrevista, pronunciation: ɪntɜrvju part of speech: noun interrogate in spanish: interrogar, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪt part of speech: verb interrogation in spanish: interrogatorio, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun oppugn in spanish: opugnar, pronunciation: ɑpən part of speech: verb interrogative in spanish: interrogativo, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun dubiousness in spanish: la duda, pronunciation: dubiusnəs part of speech: noun doubtfulness in spanish: llenura de dudas, pronunciation: daʊtfəlnəs part of speech: noun interrogative sentence in spanish: Oración interrogativa, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪvsentəns part of speech: noun
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