Cuestión in english


pronunciation: kwestʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuestión = affair ; consideration ; enquiry [inquiry, -USA] ; issue ; matter ; point ; question ; topic ; business [businesses, -pl.] ; concern ; question. 

Example: And also until Groome appeared, newcomers were a nullity as an active political force, exerting little influence in city affairs.Example: This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.Example: A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.Example: These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.Example: AACR2 generally recommends collocation although it is suggested that the extent of collocation and the need for uniform titles is a matter for local decisions.Example: The point being that these systems are very much in their infancy and have a long way to go before they reach the comparable sophistication of space probes and reusable rocketry.Example: One argument against including a list of questions is that often analysts will think they are the only questions that might be asked.Example: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.Example: I think this whole business about whether punctuation is obtrusive or not is quite honestly not worth discussing.Example: Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.Example: The question is not how much time we have, but what we do with it and how we utilize it.


» aclarar una cuestiónclarify + mattersclarify + an issue .

Example: In such cases a preliminary consultation of the printed indexes can often so clarify matters that an on-line search becomes feasible.

Example: Committees have been set up to clarify issues of cataloguing in Danish libraries and the National Bibliography.

» adoptar una postura firme ante una cuestióntake + position on + an issue .

Example: There are many sincere librarians who are alert to the dangers inherent when libraries take positions on issues.

» analizar una cuestiónexplore + a questionexplore + an issue .

Example: Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.

Example: The objective of the study is to explore the issue of budgeting for public library services.

» comentario final que zanja una cuestiónclincher .

Example: Then he delivered the clincher, 'Let's be realistic about this; there are those in town who feel there are too many professionals on the staff and consequently the person occupying this position will not be a professional librarian'.

» complicar la cuestióncomplicate + the issue .

Example: The federal government has complicated the issue more than anyone.

» cuestión administrativamanagement issueadministrative issue .

Example: This article discusses management issues experienced by the information service of Employment Relations, a human resource consulting service, during a period of transition from government funding to private funding.

Example: The author discusses many of the administrative issues resulting from the introduction of CD-ROMs in the library.

» cuestión candenteburning issueburning questionred-hot issuered-hot topic .

Example: Literacy teaching is not a burning issue in library education but it warrants attention.

Example: A panel of experts representing the various sectors of the serials industry -- librarians, publishers, and subscription agents -- gave participants the chance to answer a number of burning questions.

Example: But if these seven, red-hot issues are any indicator, don't expect things to cool off any time soon.

Example: Government-imposed tightening of mortgage qualifications has clearly been a red-hot topic.

» cuestión científicascientific issue .

Example: Some of the scientific issues involved are discussed.

» cuestión controvertidavexed questionvexing question .

Example: The author addresses the vexed question of the appropriateness of information technology in developing countries.

Example: The author examines the rapid growth in Internet-based electronic commerce and considers the vexing question of whether or not the Internet should be taxed.

» cuestión críticacritical issue .

Example: Personnel management is a critical issue facing library administrators.

» cuestión debatibledebatable point .

Example: The computer's entrenchment in our lives is a brute fact and not a debatable or negotiable point.

» cuestión de dineromoney issue .

Example: My girlfriend and I looked at rings together about a year ago, then put the idea on the back burner because of money issues.

» cuestión de importanciamatter of consequence .

Example: I am concerned with matters of consequence, I don't amuse myself with balderdash.

» cuestión de interés nacionaldomestic issue .

Example: In his weekly address President Obama refocused on two domestic issues looming: health care and jobs.

» cuestión delicadasensitive issue .

Example: The hectic pace of developments in IT applications has raised many sensitive issues for educators.

» cuestión de plena actualidadred-hot issuered-hot topic .

Example: But if these seven, red-hot issues are any indicator, don't expect things to cool off any time soon.

Example: Government-imposed tightening of mortgage qualifications has clearly been a red-hot topic.

» cuestión de vida o muertelife or death issue .

Example: Nowadays, however, such occurrences are not common, yet we react to many daily situations as if they were life or death issues.

» cuestión difícilthorny issuethorny questionposerprickly issueprickly question .

Example: Thorny issues involve data migration, as well as a guarantee of perpetual access, while ensuring preservation of authorship and ownership.

Example: Indeed, one reason for the reluctance of librarians to donate weeded materials to less-advantaged groups may be that such donations raise the thorny question of intrinsic worth.

Example: The first category of problem, the naming of subject, involves consideration of the following posers.

Example: He has signalled he will take a tough stance on prickly issues such as outsourcing, and limits on exports of sensitive technology.

Example: Who should judge the judges has always been a prickly question.

» cuestión domésticadomestic issue .

Example: In his weekly address President Obama refocused on two domestic issues looming: health care and jobs.

» cuestión económicaeconomic issuefinancial issue .

Example: Economic issues are of paramount importance, with the network's potential for public use and benefit being secondary.

Example: Financial issues are royalties, pricing, publisher priorities, and vendor policies on depth of coverage.

» cuestionesmatters .

Example: If there must be formal introductions and votes of thanks, at least see that there are no lengthy public speeches that pre-empt the visitor's reason for being there at all, and that matters are kept as unembarrassing as possible.

» cuestiones bibliotecariaslibrary issues .

Example: Whilst this issue is devoted to an introduction to the Department, future issues (to be produced on a semester basis) will include articles on library issues.

» cuestiones clavekey issues .

Example: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.

» cuestiones de intendenciahousekeeping .

Example: The establishment of IT in both the housekeeping and information operations makes it necessary to cater for these kinds of facilities at varying levels.

» cuestiones de orden internohousekeeping matters .

Example: After housekeeping matters had been completed, Stymiest then turned the floor over to Heins, who laid out more details of the company's turnaround strategy.

» cuestiones de reglamentopolicy issue .

Example: Some of the cases presented in this book are concerned with broad policy issues, while others are less encompassing and present some of the narrower problems that cross the library manager's desk.

» cuestiones diariaseveryday issues .

Example: If your friend is important to you, make time for her and keep her in the loop regarding everyday issues.

» cuestiones económicasmoney matters .

Example: Money matters bored her to death.

» cuestiones financierasmoney matters .

Example: Money matters bored her to death.

» cuestiones implicadasissues involved .

Example: Although the issues involved are complex and the volume of legal materials is great, a number of helpful tools have been developed to assist the researcher.

» cuestiones monetariasmoney matters .

Example: Money matters bored her to death.

» cuestión específicatopical issue .

Example: Weekly press briefings on general and topical issues and press conferences are given by visiting members of the European Commission.

» cuestiones poco clarasgrey area [gray area] .

Example: The paper discusses some remaining 'grey areas' in faceted classification and the value for expository purposes of a mildly polemic approach to issues in classification.

» cuestiones prácticasmechanics  ; how-to .

Example: However, it is clear that the mechanics of searching post-coordinate indexes differ from those involved in searching pre-coordinate indexes.

Example: This article details programme how-tos for several types of outreach activities.

» cuestiones problemáticasproblem areas .

Example: Many problem areas still exist, however, in inadequate book stock, staffing, training and buildings.

» cuestiones socialessocial affairs .

Example: This class is conservative in politics, aristocratic in social affairs, and characteristically well-bred, well-educated, well-housed, and well-heeled.

» cuestiones técnicascheck under + the hoodcrawl under + the hood .

Example: The article 'Your networked computer: checking under the hood' explains how the TCP/IP Protocol ensures that data from one place gets to its intended destination intact.

Example: The article is entitled 'Crawling under the hood: an update on search engine technology'.

» cuestión éticaethical issue .

Example: The author explains the importance of the ethical, legal and societal issues raised by the emerging information society.

» cuestión financierafinancial issue .

Example: Financial issues are royalties, pricing, publisher priorities, and vendor policies on depth of coverage.

» cuestión + girar en torno aquestion + revolve around .

Example: Industry questions usually revolve around either: what is this industry about; or what is the future of this industry.

» cuestión históricahistorical issue .

Example: They are not providing books and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues.

» cuestión imprescindibleimperative [Nombre] .

Example: Future imperatives include further development of premium information services to the science, technology and business communities and renewed efforts to underline the contribution of information to the national economy.

» cuestión insignificantematter of no consequence .

Example: Therapeutic lying can be practical and effective in matters of no consequence.

» cuestión internadomestic issue .

Example: In his weekly address President Obama refocused on two domestic issues looming: health care and jobs.

» cuestión laboralwork-related issue .

Example: His task is to assist staff deal with work-related issues and personal issues that may be affecting their work .

» cuestión legallegal issue .

Example: The author presents the legal issues involved in electronic document delivery.

» cuestión monetariamoney issue .

Example: My girlfriend and I looked at rings together about a year ago, then put the idea on the back burner because of money issues.

» cuestión negociablenegotiable point .

Example: The computer's entrenchment in our lives is a brute fact and not a debatable or negotiable point.

» cuestión peliagudasticky issue .

Example: Confidentiality is a sticky issue in the university setting because 'privileged communication,' a formal legal confidentiality applying to priests, lawyers, and physicians, does not extend to teachers and coaches.

» cuestión personallife issuepersonal issue .

Example: Most library use is for leisure reading or for helping solving immediate personal or life issues (e.g., travel guides, using a personal computer, writing a CV, self-help manuals).

Example: Most library use is for leisure reading or for helping solving immediate personal or life issues (e.g., travel guides, using a personal computer, writing a CV, self-help manuals).

» cuestión polémicavexed questionvexing question .

Example: The author addresses the vexed question of the appropriateness of information technology in developing countries.

Example: The author examines the rapid growth in Internet-based electronic commerce and considers the vexing question of whether or not the Internet should be taxed.

» cuestión políticapolitical issue .

Example: In this highly politicized environment the problem appears to be primarily a legal and political issue.

» cuestión prácticapracticality .

Example: However, most contributors to the debate about the future of SLIS have eschewed practicalities in favour of sweeping and dramatic generalizations.

» cuestión problemáticaissue of concernsticky issue .

Example: Other issues of concern include the various complexities of titles proper of serials and areas of description where the code lacks explicitness.

Example: Confidentiality is a sticky issue in the university setting because 'privileged communication,' a formal legal confidentiality applying to priests, lawyers, and physicians, does not extend to teachers and coaches.

» cuestión relacionada con el trabajowork-related issue .

Example: His task is to assist staff deal with work-related issues and personal issues that may be affecting their work .

» cuestión sin importanciamatter of no consequence .

Example: Therapeutic lying can be practical and effective in matters of no consequence.

» cuestión sin trascendenciamatter of no consequence .

Example: Therapeutic lying can be practical and effective in matters of no consequence.

» cuestión socialsocial issuesocietal issue .

Example: There are obviously important social issues to be considered here.

Example: The author explains the importance of the ethical, legal and societal issues raised by the emerging information society.

» cuestión + surgirissue + surface .

Example: She examines the issues which surfaced during the development and implementation of the Web site.

» cuestión técnicatechnical issue .

Example: The author presents the major technical issues related with setting up an electronic library.

» cuestión tecnológicatechnological issue .

Example: The strategy aims to help cope with the often complex technological issues involved.

» debatir una cuestióndiscuss + an ideadiscuss + an issue .

Example: The research described in this chapter tends to show that many of the ideas regarding semantic and syntactic relationships discussed in this text are open to question.

Example: I think it would be useful to take just a few minutes to talk about how our institutions come into being, because I think it will help us to better understand the issues I want to discuss.

» dejar la cuestión abiertaleave + the question open .

Example: He was even prepared, in 1945, to leave the question open for future discussion as to 'whether a phonographic record is a book'.

» desviarse del tema en cuestióngo off on + another track .

Example: It is important to ensure that one is pursuing the patron's question and has not gone off on another track = Es importante asegurarse de que estamos intentando responder a la pregunta del usuario y no nos estamos desviando del tema en cuestión.

» discutir una cuestiónair + an issue .

Example: The mere indication of support through the wearing of a button or the posting of a slogan may deter persons with questions unrelated to the issue being aired.

» el fondo de la cuestiónthe crux of the matterthe crux of the questionthe nub of the questionthe nub of the matter .

Example: And this, really, is the crux of the matter.

Example: So the crux of the question is when life begins, a debate that cannot be settled by science.

Example: The nub of the question is the relationship between truth and history.

Example: The nub of the matter is that you and I are in a position of relative privilege and power compared to the rest of the world.

» el meollo de la cuestiónthe crux of the matterthe crux of the questionthe nub of the questionthe nub of the matter .

Example: And this, really, is the crux of the matter.

Example: So the crux of the question is when life begins, a debate that cannot be settled by science.

Example: The nub of the question is the relationship between truth and history.

Example: The nub of the matter is that you and I are in a position of relative privilege and power compared to the rest of the world.

» el quid de la cuestiónthe crux of the matterthe crux of the questionthe nub of the questionthe nub of the matter .

Example: And this, really, is the crux of the matter.

Example: So the crux of the question is when life begins, a debate that cannot be settled by science.

Example: The nub of the question is the relationship between truth and history.

Example: The nub of the matter is that you and I are in a position of relative privilege and power compared to the rest of the world.

» eludir una cuestióndodge + an issue .

Example: I agree with you on your general point: I don't want to dodge the issue but I think we should listen to the papers on AACR first.

» en cuestiónat handconcernedin handin questionindividualat issueof concerninvolved .

Example: First, it guarantees that the form already in the catalog and the one to be added for the document at hand are identical, thus ensuring a consistent catalog.

Example: Mainframe computers are rarely dedicated to the library's own sole application, unless the library concerned happens to be a national library, offering online access to its data bases to a wide audience.

Example: A collection is two or more independent works or parts of works by one or more than one author published together and not written for the same occasion or for the publication in hand = Una colección son dos o más obras o partes de obras independientes de uno o más autores publicadas juntas y que no ha sido escritas para la misma ocasión o para la publicación en cuestión.

Example: The user may page through the record in question, either forward or backward, by entering the appropriate codes.

Example: The series area includes the series title, an indication of the responsibility for the series (often series editors), and the number of the individual work within the series, if the work is one of a numbered series.

Example: A series of round table discussions over 2 days served to clarify the main points at issue.

Example: This problem is accentuated when the library user group of concern constitutes a small percentage of the total user population of its jurisdiction = Este problema se acentúa cuando el grupo de usuarios en cuestión constituye un pequeño porcentaje del total de usuarios del sistema.

Example: The problems and assignments presented are real problems and assignments, and the people involved are real people, all suitably disguised to protect their identity.

» en cuestión dein a matter ofin the span ofin the space of .

Example: A serious omission or duplication in a page of prose, for instance, might necessitate the rejustification of dozens of lines, whereas if the mistake had been spotted in the stick it could have been set right in a matter of moments.

Example: In the span of one paragraph, he made me break out in goosebumps then made me laugh and cry at the same time.

Example: Between April and June 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.

» en cuestión de díasin a matter of days .

Example: In a matter of days, we are going to call them to a meeting.

» en cuestión de mesesover the course of a few months .

Example: Over the course of a few months, her life became a shambles.

» en cuestión de minutoswithin minutesin a matter of minutes .

Example: Typical examples of enquiries of this kind that could be satisfied within minutes in any decently stocked library are 'Have you got anything on organising weddings?' 'Can you find me something on the history of paddle-steamers?'.

Example: In a matter of minutes, eight cameras coupled with computer software can generate three-dimensional images of the human body, both clothed and unclothed.

» en cuestión de segundoswithin secondsin a matter of seconds .

Example: An online catalog is certainly more complete in its accesses and more up to date than is possible with a card catalog since the entries are available within seconds after completion of cataloging.

Example: In a matter of seconds, some 50 people were killed, 250 injured.

» en cuestión de + Tiempowithin a matter of + Tiempo .

Example: A new study finds genetic manipulation can turn the homosexual behavior of fruit flies on and off within a matter of hours.

» en cuestión de una horain the span of one hour .

Example: In the span of one hour, a new mother can experience more emotions than she did in the previous two months: joy, rage, ambivalence, ecstasy, despair, aggravation, bewilderment, bliss - and everything in between.

» en cuestión de unos cuantos mesesover the course of a few months .

Example: Over the course of a few months, her life became a shambles.

» en cuestiones dein matters of .

Example: Even when Community-wide regulations do apply, for example in matters of safety at work, the stringency of laws may vary from country to country.

» enfrentarse a una cuestiónrun up against + an issuewrestle with + an issuegrapple with + an issue .

Example: The introduction of virtual technologies in museums runs up against the issue of the situated character of information use.

Example: If your hospital is wrestling with these issues, take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Example: West Africa at the present time has to grapple with the issues of development, and with the attendant problems which are many and varied.

» en las cuestiones relacionadas conin the areas of .

Example: Electronic mail services have become especially useful to libraries and information centres in the areas of interlibrary loans.

» esa es la cuestiónherein lies the rubthere's the rubhere's the rubthat's the rubthere's the catchthat's the catchhere's the catch .

Example: But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.

Example: And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.

Example: But here's the rub: If there is nothing problematic about something -- say, homosexuality -- then there is really nothing to tolerate.

Example: Of course, that's the rub when you're working with a brother more famous than you.

Example: There's the catch: everything comes with a cost.

Example: That's the catch: life almost never goes according to plan.

Example: There is still reason for hope, but here's the catch: We all need to work to make change happen, because our leaders won't just do it for us.

» esquivar la cuestiónsidestep + the issue .

Example: Her article warns that this pressure may encourage librarians to sidestep the issue entirely, not purchasing materials relating to abortion, contraception and sexuality.

» esquivar una cuestióndodge + an issue .

Example: I agree with you on your general point: I don't want to dodge the issue but I think we should listen to the papers on AACR first.

» estado de la cuestiónstate of the art .

Example: Recent attempts to arrive at understandings of current states of the art in SLIS have done little more than expose the shortcomings of the method.

» estudio crítico del estado de la cuestiónreview [Análisis crítico de los últimos avances sobre un tema] .

Example: A review, as opposed to a survey, should be a critical, liberally, documented assessment of work in a particular field, and is usually supported by an extensive bibliography.

» estudio del estado de la cuestiónsurvey .

Example: Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.

» evitar discutir una cuestióncircumvent + an issue .

Example: Old Langeford -- God bless him! -- didn't feel this was necessary and always found ways of circumventing the issue = El viejo Langeford, ¡Dios lo bendiga!, no pensaba que esto fuese necesario y siempre encontraba el modo de evitar discutir la cuestión.

» evitar una cuestiónskirt + an issuetiptoe around + an issue .

Example: The author claims that by skirting the issue in the past with their video collections librarians have left themselves ill equipped to handle these new challenge.

Example: It's about time that people stopped tiptoeing around issues regarding people's identity and called a spade a spade.

» exponer una cuestiónraise + a point .

Example: I agree generally with the points raised by Professor Lubetzky.

» hacer frente a una cuestiónwrestle with + an issuegrapple with + an issue .

Example: If your hospital is wrestling with these issues, take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Example: West Africa at the present time has to grapple with the issues of development, and with the attendant problems which are many and varied.

» informe del estado de la cuestiónstate of the art report [Informe sobre varios estudios realizados sobre una materia determinada durante un período específico y que normalmente incluye una bibliografía]state of the art review .

Example: An state of the art report is a report of the various studies issued on a given subject during a specified period usually including a bibliography.

Example: This is the welcome address by the President of the Indian Library Association presenting a state of the art review of the current library situation.

» ir al fondo de la cuestiónget down to + brass tacksget down to + bedrockget down to + the nitty-grittyget down to + the basics (of things) .

Example: When you get down to brass tacks, the fundamental reason why the UK is in its current mess is because we were borrowing too much for too long.

Example: But we must nevertheless weed through these various proposals and get down to bedrock to what Dirksen really wants.

Example: They promised much but these scholars never got down to the nitty-gritty .

Example: I was able to get down to the basics of things I needed but ran into some other problems for which I cannot find a solution anywhere.

» ir al meollo de la cuestiónget down to + brass tacksget down to + bedrockget down to + the nitty-grittyget down to + the basics (of things) .

Example: When you get down to brass tacks, the fundamental reason why the UK is in its current mess is because we were borrowing too much for too long.

Example: But we must nevertheless weed through these various proposals and get down to bedrock to what Dirksen really wants.

Example: They promised much but these scholars never got down to the nitty-gritty .

Example: I was able to get down to the basics of things I needed but ran into some other problems for which I cannot find a solution anywhere.

» ir al quid de la cuestiónget down to + brass tacksget down to + bedrockget down to + the nitty-grittyget down to + the basics (of things) .

Example: When you get down to brass tacks, the fundamental reason why the UK is in its current mess is because we were borrowing too much for too long.

Example: But we must nevertheless weed through these various proposals and get down to bedrock to what Dirksen really wants.

Example: They promised much but these scholars never got down to the nitty-gritty .

Example: I was able to get down to the basics of things I needed but ran into some other problems for which I cannot find a solution anywhere.

» la cuestión es quethe thing is [A veces se omite el artículo the] .

Example: The thing is, a new code allows us a fresh start.

» la juventud no es cuestión de edad sino de espírituyou are as old as you feel .

Example: They say you are as old as you feel but most often than not you are as old as you look.

» lidiar con una cuestiónwrestle with + an issue .

Example: If your hospital is wrestling with these issues, take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

» llegar al fondo de la cuestiónsee to the + bottom of things .

Example: The dream of inquiry is to pierce the veil, to see to the bottom of things, to achieve an understanding that is if not quite absolute then at least adequate.

» llegar al meollo de la cuestiónarrive at + the heart of the matterget to/at + the heart of the matter [El uso de la partícula to en lugar de at es más común]get to + the pointcome to + the pointget to/at + the heart of the issue [El uso de la partícula to en lugar de at es más común] .

Example: There is little doubt in such cases that the enquirer has generalised his more specific need and a tactful librarian can soon arrive at the heart of the matter.

Example: In order to get to the heart of the matter in this predicament, we must look at our modern day lifestyles.

Example: When men do communicate, they like to get to the point, and generally only want to listen if they feel the conversation has a point.

Example: Finally -- after much rambling and digression -- we come to the point, and the point is simply this: use the tools you have.

Example: Let's start by looking at potential causes of mental fog and then we can chat about what herbs might help you out with your symptoms or even get at the heart of the issue.

» llegar al quid de la cuestiónarrive at + the heart of the matterget to/at + the heart of the matter [El uso de la partícula to en lugar de at es más común]get to/at + the heart of the issue [El uso de la partícula to en lugar de at es más común] .

Example: There is little doubt in such cases that the enquirer has generalised his more specific need and a tactful librarian can soon arrive at the heart of the matter.

Example: In order to get to the heart of the matter in this predicament, we must look at our modern day lifestyles.

Example: Let's start by looking at potential causes of mental fog and then we can chat about what herbs might help you out with your symptoms or even get at the heart of the issue.

» llevar a hablar de una cuestiónbring up + an issue .

Example: This brings up the issue of training and motivation.

» mencionar una cuestiónbring up + matterbring up + a pointbroach + a matter .

Example: 'Well, that brings up another matter we had discussed among ourselves,' DeSmedt said.

Example: Members of the group that carried out the project answered several points brought up in an earlier review.

Example: A couple of weeks ago I tried to broach the matter to my boss but he looked as if he was about to have a coronary, so I shut up.

» meollo de la cuestión, elheart of the matter, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]heart of the question, the [Expresión generalmente usada con el artículo]kernel of the matter, the .

Example: At the heart of the matter is the individual/organisation relationship, what an employee does, and what is asked of the employee.

Example: This is the heart of the question and the answer holds no surprises.

Example: I believe the kernel of the matter is that scientists, philosophers, and psychologists live in circles where honesty is taken for granted.

» no ser cuestión dethere + be + no question of .

Example: There is no question of stringing together simple concepts in a preferred citation order to produce a single index description of the summarized subject content of a document.

» partes en cuestión, lasparties concerned, the .

Example: These records reveal facts about individuals and business entities that the parties concerned might prefer undisclosed.

» plantearle a Alguien una cuestiónput before + Nombre + an issue .

Example: In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.

» plantear una cuestiónbring forth + an issueissue + arisepose + a questionraise + an argumentraise + an issueraise + a pointopen up + an issuemake + a point .

Example: I believe that the issues brought forth and debated in the following papers and discussions are as timely today as they were when the institutes were first held.

Example: These three areas for decisions lead, in the specific instance of periodical articles, to a number of issues that commonly arise and must be settled in the interests of consistency in citation practices.

Example: The commentary poses questions to help a library think through a project.

Example: These examples do raise a major argument: by identifying these areas for action are we not promoting certain ideas and views?.

Example: This chapter attempts to raise some of the issues that are common to any citation standard.

Example: I agree generally with the points raised by Professor Lubetzky.

Example: This has opened up issues of what is & is not thinkable &, therefore, doable in the present conjuncture of crisis & instability.

Example: It is usually expected that an abstract will cover all the main points made in the original document.

» poner en cuestióncall into + questionrender + Nombre + questionable .

Example: Some of the work discussed in chapter 28 may seem to call into question the value of this research.

Example: Luhmann's attempt to assign to language a merely marginal role renders questionable the conclusiveness of his theory.

» poner en cuestión la validez debring into + question the validity ofquestion + the validity of .

Example: Moreover, the findings bring into question the validity of any locally developed system.

Example: This article questions the validity of information management and classification.

» proyección de cuestiones de interésissues management [En una organización, estudio del desarrollo presente y futuro de temas de interés tecnológicos, sociales u otros que puedan afectarle negativa o positivamente en un futuro] .

Example: In essence, an issues management group, within a corporation or other organization, attempts to identify technological or social issues likely to have positive or negative impact on the institution at some future date.

» quid de la cuestión, elheart of the matter, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]heart of the question, the [Expresión generalmente usada con el artículo] .

Example: At the heart of the matter is the individual/organisation relationship, what an employee does, and what is asked of the employee.

Example: This is the heart of the question and the answer holds no surprises.

» relacionado con cuestiones racialesrace-related .

Example: Few American colleges are immune to racial tensions, and race-related incidents tend to flare up at this or that campus.

» resolver las cuestiones menoreswork out + the details .

Example: Once approved, numerous working groups and committees, also with representatives from member states, work out the details of implementation.

» resolver una cuestiónresolve + a pointresolve + a questionsettle + an issue .

Example: So it seems to me you should try to resolve this point of approach, whether you're going to approach it from the standpoint of the user or from the standpoint of the group being listed.

Example: The current environment in higher education is providing an opportunity for librarians to define a future that will ensure their central role in the educational process and thus resolve these remaining age-old questions.

Example: The U.S. Supreme Court decision, which will be argued in April, is expected to finally settle the issue of same-sex marriages for all 50 states.

» responder la cuestiónget behind + the question .

Example: But such a response is deficient, not only because it is abrupt, but also because it makes no attempt to get behind the question.

» sacar a colación una cuestiónbring up + matterbring up + an issuebring up + a point .

Example: 'Well, that brings up another matter we had discussed among ourselves,' DeSmedt said.

Example: This brings up the issue of training and motivation.

Example: Members of the group that carried out the project answered several points brought up in an earlier review.

» ser cuestión decome down to .

Example: The French are as determined as anyone can be when it comes down to protecting national interests.

» ser cuestión del azarbe the luck of the draw .

Example: It was the luck of the draw who lived and who died since the bombs were placed indiscriminately.

» ser cuestión de suertebe the luck of the draw .

Example: It was the luck of the draw who lived and who died since the bombs were placed indiscriminately.

» ser la cuestiónbe the point .

Example: Whether he goes or stays is not the point here, right now.

» ser una cuestión debe a matter for/of .

Example: It can only be a matter of time before we have in effect a complete set of MARC records to call on for details of any item we require.

» ser una cuestión debatiblebe an open question .

Example: Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.

» ser una cuestión de principiosbe a matter of principle .

Example: A similar explanation must be given in those cases where the librarian believes as a matter of principle that enquirers should be shown how to find the answers to their own questions.

» ser una cuestión de tiempobe a matter of time .

Example: It is only a matter of time before a Muslim student is physically assaulted.

» ser una cuestión de vida o muertebe a matter of life and death .

Example: Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.

» ser una cuestión problemáticabe at issue .

Example: What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.

» sortear la cuestióndodge + an issue .

Example: I agree with you on your general point: I don't want to dodge the issue but I think we should listen to the papers on AACR first.

» surgir una cuestiónissue + arisequestion + arise .

Example: These three areas for decisions lead, in the specific instance of periodical articles, to a number of issues that commonly arise and must be settled in the interests of consistency in citation practices.

Example: Since the question of arrangement no longer arose, there was no need to use the role operators retroactively, and they were reorganized to give the normal sequence.

» suscitar una cuestiónevoke + an issueopen up + an issuemake + a point .

Example: This project evoked several issues, including preservation, software, bibliographic records, staffing, and patron access.

Example: This has opened up issues of what is & is not thinkable &, therefore, doable in the present conjuncture of crisis & instability.

Example: It is usually expected that an abstract will cover all the main points made in the original document.

» tocar una cuestióntouch up(on) + an issue .

Example: This article touches upon issues concerning falsification and copyright, legal requirements regarding work with VDUs and controls placed upon the length of time working at VDUs and as ergonomic issues.

» tratar la cuestión deget to + the issue of .

Example: A broader funding base appears to be a fundamental ingredient for effective and efficient public library service even before we get to the issue of international cooperation.

» tratar una cuestiónaddress + a constraintaddress + an issueaddress + a questionconsider + an issuetackle + an issueaddress + a concerndeal with + an issuebroach + an issuebroach + a questiongrapple with + an issuebroach + a matter .

Example: From partially-automated directory assistance to talking Yellow Pages and interactive services, telephone directory applications have addressed the constraints of non-visual menus, limited input capability, and natural versus synthetic output.

Example: We need, I believe, to dedicate ourselves, schools and professional institutions alike, to become more concerned with a research ethic that will permit us to address the critical issues of our profession.

Example: We cannot address these questions in this discussion, as they would lead us far from our topic.

Example: Some of the more recurrent issues to be considered include the following...

Example: A number of key issues can only really be tackled by effective strategic planning at the national and local levels.

Example: A recarpeting project in the State University Library, Illinois, provided an opportunity to address several longstanding concerns: better handicapped access, improved li

Cuestión synonyms

head in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun wonder in spanish: preguntarse, pronunciation: wʌndɜr part of speech: verb, noun motion in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun query in spanish: consulta, pronunciation: kwɪri part of speech: noun inquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun doubt in spanish: duda, pronunciation: daʊt part of speech: noun, verb enquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun interview in spanish: entrevista, pronunciation: ɪntɜrvju part of speech: noun interrogate in spanish: interrogar, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪt part of speech: verb interrogation in spanish: interrogatorio, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun oppugn in spanish: opugnar, pronunciation: ɑpən part of speech: verb interrogative in spanish: interrogativo, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun dubiousness in spanish: la duda, pronunciation: dubiusnəs part of speech: noun doubtfulness in spanish: llenura de dudas, pronunciation: daʊtfəlnəs part of speech: noun interrogative sentence in spanish: Oración interrogativa, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪvsentəns part of speech: noun
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