Cuerpo in english


pronunciation: bɑdi part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuerpo = body ; body ; type size ; body-size ; corps ; shank ; cadaver ; soma ; bod. 

Example: But when he speaks to me he always scans my body and stares at my breasts.Example: Cartographic materials are, according to AACR2, all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body.Example: Using golf-ball or daisy-wheel typewriters a good range of typefaces can be used on the same page; different type sizes can also be used.Example: A fount of type was a set of letters and other symbols in which each was supplied in approximate proportion to its frequency of use, all being of one body-size and design.Example: Quality abstracting services take pride in their corps of abstractors.Example: Another device was to make matrices for accented sorts with the punches already used for unaccented sorts: the letter punch was stepped on its shank so that one of several accent punches could be bound on to the step to make a combined punch.Example: Rather than bringing in butchers to do the handiwork of his dissections, Vesalius himself worked on the human cadavers and said that students of medicine should do the same.Example: Pyramidal neurons, also known as pyramidal cells, are neurons with a pyramidal-shaped cell body (soma) and two distinct dendritic trees.Example: She is one of those girls who believe their bod is for public consumption.


» a cuerpo de reythe lap of luxurythe lap of comfort .

Example: Sedition is bred in the lap of luxury and its chosen emissaries are the beggared spendthrift and the impoverished libertine.

Example: You can transform yourself completely through such luxury holidays where you can roll in the lap of comfort and enjoy each moment like never before.

» cambio del cuerpobody change .

Example: Adrenarche is the onset of androgen-dependent body changes such as growth of axillary and pubic hair, body odor, and acne.

» combate cuerpo a cuerpohand-to-hand combatclose combatface-to-face combat .

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

Example: The purpose of this textbook is to present the reader with both offensive and defensive examples of close combat.

Example: The logic of guerrilla warfare is that direct face-to-face combat with the more powerful enemy is suicidal.

» combatir cuerpo a cuerpocombat + hand to hand .

Example: On the spur of the moment, they organized a peasant force, capable of combatting hand to hand with veteran troops.

» crema para el cuerlpobody lotion .

Example: Be the centre of attention and make heads turn at any red carpet event with this new body lotion!.

» cuerpo a cuerpoat close quartershand to hand .

Example: Horse riding holidays in Ireland are a great way to see the famous Irish countryside at close quarters.

Example: Just because it's hand to hand doesn't mean a hand counts as a weapon.

» cuerpo atléticoathletic body .

Example: Building an athletic body requires a bit more than picking heavy things up and putting them down.

» cuerpo callosocorpus callosum .

Example: The differences in the hypothalamus, thalamus, corpus callosum, anterior commissure, and the hippocampus are described.

» cuerpo celestecelestial bodyheavenly body .

Example: Cartographic materials are all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body and include two- and three-dimensional maps and plans.

Example: As we know, the stars are heavenly bodies like the sun since they produce their own light.

» cuerpo Danonebody beautiful .

Example: Individuals in the West, now more than ever, are in pursuit of the 'body beautiful'.

» cuerpo de animal muertocarcass .

Example: Professional cleavers used for carcass and sectional cutting also work for chops and chickens.

» cuerpo de bomberosfire departmentfire brigade .

Example: This article describes the use of PLUS in work carried out by the London, Ontario, fire department = Este artículo describe el uso de PLUS en el trabajo que realiza la brigada de bomberos de London, Ontario.

Example: In 2005, it received over 9000 hoax phone calls, the highest number of all the fire brigades in the United Kingdom.

» cuerpo de estanteríasbay of shelves [Grupo de estanterías adosadas por la espalda y que forman una 'isla' o unidad independiente alrededor de la cual se puede caminar y que normalmente se dedica a documentos relativos a una materia]range of shelving [Varias estanterías cogidas unas a otras formando una unidad y generalmente se encuentran en salas de lectura en donde hay más cuerpos separados entre sí por pasillos]rangebay of shelving .

Example: Each section has its own bay of shelves.

Example: Compact shelving eliminates all but one aisle in any set of ranges of shelving.

Example: This article emphasises the fact that manufacturers of library shelving should recognise the need to move fully-loaded ranges when designing shelving for libraries.

Example: The new vehicle is equipped with an access wheelchair lift and a bay of shelving on a trolley which can be taken into the homes.

» cuerpo de estanterías por materiasubject bay [Grupo de estanterías adosadas por la espalda y que forman una 'isla' o unidad independiente alrededor de la cual se puede caminar y que normalmente se dedica a documentos relativos a una materia] .

Example: All books, periodicals, etc., reference or lending, are shelved together in the appropriate subject bay where provision is made for study as well as browsing.

» cuerpo de inspectoresinspectorate .

Example: But only in 1982 did the union set up a committee to examine the service, and the inspectorate also pressed for a reevaluation.

» cuerpo de la fichabody of the card .

Example: Each card has a grid covering most of the body of the card which provides for the coding of document numbers.

» Cuerpo de MarinaNavy Corps .

Example: Nonmilitary personnel in libraries maintained by the Department of Defense, such as those operated by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, are civil service appointments.

» Cuerpo de Paz, elPeace Corps, the [Organización del gobierno americano que envía voluntarios, normalmente jóvenes, con formación específica en un área o disciplina a ayudar a los países del tercer mundo] .

Example: He left Colorado to become a Peace Corps volunteer from 1963 to 1965, first with the University of Malaya Library, then with the Malayan Teachers College.

» Cuerpo de ZapadoresArmy Corps Engineers .

Example: The purpose of the system is to assist architecture firms under contract with the Army Corps Engineers in locating regulations or guidelines on the planning, design or construction of army facilities.

» cuerpo diplomáticodiplomatic corps .

Example: The Vatican is so important for international diplomacy because it has one of the largest diplomatic corps in the world.

» cuerpo electoral, elelectoral body, the .

Example: Absolute freedom of election in fact augmented the power of such coteries far more than that of the electoral body.

» cuerpo en formafit body .

Example: With the awareness surrounding fit bodies, many of us become perturbed due to our bulgy or podgy body parts.

» cuerpo expedicionarioexpeditionary force .

Example: The Monument to the Expeditionary Force in Bangkok is a memorial to the Thai soldiers killed on the Western Front in World War I.

» cuerpo extrañoforeign body .

Example: In eleven cases the foreign body was removed during the bronchoscopy.

» cuerpo humano, elhuman body, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: This article analyses documents obtained by search based on key words with regard to their distribution in accordance with 5 basic locations of tumors in the human body.

» cuerpo político, elbody politic, the .

Example: He calls for librarians to call for a dialogue with the body politic to discuss their concerns about the impact of the Act on libraries.

» cuerpo sin vidadead body .

Example: American scientists grow brain cells taken from dead bodies, in an advance they say could one day treat neurodegenerative diseases.

» cuerpo sólidosolid body .

Example: Contrary to popular belief, falling stars are not stars at all, but are meteors, solid bodies that travel through space = Al contrario de la creencia popular, las estrellas fugaces no son para nada estrellas, sino meteoritos, cuerpos sólidos que viajan por el espacio.

» cuerpo y almabody and soul .

Example: Here are some common idiomatic pairs in English: peace and quiet, body and soul, life and limb, grin and bear it, bow and scrape, rant and rave.

» culto al cuerpocult of the bodybody beautiful .

Example: He sees the cult of the body as an indication that America is no longer puritanical, if it ever was.

Example: Individuals in the West, now more than ever, are in pursuit of the 'body beautiful'.

» dar cuerpogive + substance .

Example: These informal contacts with the authors help to give more substance and detail to the primary material itself.

» dar cuerpo aflesh out .

Example: The modern world has seen two documentary disciplines -- library science and archival science -- arise and flesh out a theory, methodology, and practice.

» dar cuerpo y forma alend + substance and form to .

Example: The revised mission lends substance and form to the process that follows: the development of goals, objectives, and action statements.

» dar de(l) cuerpomove + Posesivo + bowels .

Example: I don't want to sound rude but over the past few months I've been finding it more and more difficult to move my bowels, to put it politely.

» de cuerpo blandosoft-bodied  .

Example: Dwarf shrews are active throughout the year and feed primarily on insects, soft-bodied spiders, and other small invertebrates.

» de cuerpo largolong-bodied  .

Example: He was a tall, fat, long-bodied man, buttoned up to the throat in a tight green coat.

» del cuerpobody .

Example: Ramberg depicts women's torsos clad in ultrafeminine undergarments and creates body metaphors from jackets, vests, breastplates, and fur pieces.

» escuchar + Posesivo + (propio) cuerpolisten to + Posesivo + (own) body .

Example: Winfree said the most important thing that a woman can do is listen to her own body like she did.

» espejo de cuerpo enterofull-length mirror .

Example: Standing nervously before the full-length mirror, she adjusted her hair for the umpteenth time and smoothed the rumples out of her dress.

» foto de medio cuerpomugshot [mug shot] [Generalmente usado para las fotos que la policía toma de una persona tras ser arrestada] .

Example: The article carries the title 'Mugshots from the morgue: profiles of deceased library periodicals'.

» golpe al cuerpobody blow .

Example: Although he'd just landed her a body blow, she again recovered her poise almost miraculously.

» ingeniero del cuerpo de zapadoresArmy Corps engineer .

Example: 'The goal is to not just to restore the beach, but also to stabilize it so we don't lose it,' Army Corps engineer Milton Yoshimoto said = "El objetivo no solo es restaurar la playa, sino también estabilizarla para perderla", dijo el ingeniero del cuerpo de zapadores Milton Yohsimoto.

» lucha a cuerpo partidohand-to-hand fight .

Example: They are obviously in love with the same man, and the hand-to-hand fight is the traditional gypsy way to solve the dispute.

» lucha cuerpo a cuerpohand-to-hand combatclose combatclose fightingclose-quarter fightingface-to-face combat .

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

Example: The purpose of this textbook is to present the reader with both offensive and defensive examples of close combat.

Example: It is remembered as one of the biggest samurai battles in history -- in just six hours of close fighting, thousands of samurai were killed.

Example: This book brings together the stories of soldiers involved in close-quarter fighting during World War Two.

Example: The logic of guerrilla warfare is that direct face-to-face combat with the more powerful enemy is suicidal.

» luchar cuerpo a cuerpoclinchfight + hand to hand .

Example: Several times the two clinched and vigorously pounded each other s heads and bodies, and finally Blade was again knocked to the floor.

Example: Sgt. Joe Harris and a cornered burglar fought hand-to-hand in the struggle leading to their deaths from gunshot wounds.

» mente sana en cuerpo sanoa healthy mind in a healthy bodya sound mind in a sound body .

Example: 'Mens sana in corpore sano' (a healthy mind in a healthy body) is a famous Latin quotation, often translated as 'A sound mind in a sound body'.

Example: 'Mens sana in corpore sano' (a healthy mind in a healthy body) is a famous Latin quotation, often translated as 'A sound mind in a sound body'.

» miembro del cuerpolimb [La "b" no se pronuncia. Pincha en para ver otras palabras en donde la "b" tampoco se pronuncia]body part .

Example: 'No, let a charming chintz and Brussels lace wrap my cold limbs, and shade my lifeless face so as not to be frightful of death'.

Example: Ethnographic data & mythological accounts illuminate practices such as chastity, fasting, mummification, organ donation, ritualized use of body parts, cannibalism, saint worship, 'holy' amputations, & pus drinking.

» órgano del cuerpolimb [La "b" no se pronuncia. Pincha en para ver otras palabras en donde la "b" tampoco se pronuncia]body part .

Example: 'No, let a charming chintz and Brussels lace wrap my cold limbs, and shade my lifeless face so as not to be frightful of death'.

Example: Ethnographic data & mythological accounts illuminate practices such as chastity, fasting, mummification, organ donation, ritualized use of body parts, cannibalism, saint worship, 'holy' amputations, & pus drinking.

» pegado al cuerposlinky [slinkier -comp., slinkiest -sup.] .

Example: Her slinky dress was incredibly sexy, the colour was divine on her, plus the gold accessories were the perfect complement.

» pelea cuerpo a cuerpohand-to-hand fightclose fightingclose-quarter fighting .

Example: They are obviously in love with the same man, and the hand-to-hand fight is the traditional gypsy way to solve the dispute.

Example: It is remembered as one of the biggest samurai battles in history -- in just six hours of close fighting, thousands of samurai were killed.

Example: This book brings together the stories of soldiers involved in close-quarter fighting during World War Two.

» ponerse en forma para la lucir el cuerpo en la playaget + beach-fit .

Example: The key to getting beach-fit is to start your health and fitness plan early.

» que cubre todo el cuerpohead to toe .

Example: The specialise in head to toe baby bibs that protect clothing and floor from food.

» responsable del cuerpo de bomberosfire-department official .

Example: According to fire-department officials, the death toll was exacerbated by the clubgoers' unwillingness to evacuate the burning building = Según las fuentes oficiales de los bomberos, la cifra de muertos fue tan alta debido a la poca disposición de los discotequeros de evacuar el edificio en llamas .

» seguro por pérdida de un miembro del cuerpodismemberment insurance .

Example: Information is provided on the following areas: insurance plans, dismemberment insurance, maternity leaves, and dental plans.

» tejido del cuerpobody tissue .

Example: Corrosives can burn and destroy body tissues on contact = Los corrosivos pueden quemar y destruir los tejidos del cuerpo, si entran en contacto con ellos.

» temperatura del cuerpobody temperature .

Example: Of these cases, 97.9% had fever with peak body temperature at 38.9 degrees C.

» tener azogue en el cuerpohave + ants in + Posesivo + pantshave + the fidgetshave + ants in + Posesivo + knickers .

Example: Freckle-faced, scrawny, and almost sixteen, Cane has ants in her pants.

Example: In the polite Anglo-Saxon culture, you don't tell people who have the fidgets to stop fidgeting.

Example: In twenty seconds I was jigging round the kitchen like a ballet dancer with ants in her knickers.

» vivir a cuerpo de reylive like + a kinglive in + the lap of luxurylive like + a lordlive + the life of Rileylead + the life of Riley .

Example: This is a country where the ruler lives like a king while the citizens live like beggers do.

Example: Leading 'a dog's life' has taken on an entirely new meaning for some of today's lucky canines who live in the lap of luxury.

Example: Even in central London you can live like a lord, and at a fraction of the cost of a five-star hotel.

Example: I'm just watching a documentary about such parasites sponging off the state and living the life of Riley.

Example: I took longer that most to mature and married later in life having led the life of Riley until I was close to 36.

Cuerpo synonyms

trunk in spanish: el maletero, pronunciation: trʌŋk part of speech: noun consistency in spanish: consistencia, pronunciation: kənsɪstənsi part of speech: noun torso in spanish: torso, pronunciation: tɔrsoʊ part of speech: noun personify in spanish: personificar, pronunciation: pɜrsɑnəfaɪ part of speech: verb consistence in spanish: consistencia, pronunciation: kənsɪstəns part of speech: noun dead body in spanish: cadáver, pronunciation: dedbɑdi part of speech: noun organic structure in spanish: estructura orgánica, pronunciation: ɔrgænɪkstrʌktʃɜr part of speech: noun physical structure in spanish: estructura física, pronunciation: fɪzɪkəlstrʌktʃɜr part of speech: noun
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