Cuerno in english


pronunciation: hɔrn part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuerno = horn. 

Example: She situates the vessels in the context of Icelandic carving traditions in horn, bone, and walrus ivory = She situates the vessels in the context of Icelandic carving traditions in horn, bone, and walrus ivory.


» coger el toro por los cuernosseize + the bull by the hornstake + the bull by the hornsgrasp + the nettleface + Posesivo + fears .

Example: A decade ago, therefore, I decided to seize the bull by the horns and challenge my ethics students not to cheat.

Example: The article 'Taking the Bull the the Horns' addresses the educational needs of gifted children in the context of the existing educational system.

Example: If libraries are to be made more relevant to the needs of the community, librarians must 'grasp the nettle' and face up to the obstacles in their way.

Example: By gathering up courage to face their fears, international contractors operating in China may begin to detect new possibilities of doing business there.

» con cuernoshorned .

Example: Similar figures with horned headdresses are found in the iconography of seals, tablets, and pottery.

» Cuerno de Africa, elHorn of Africa, the .

Example: Adults who can receive it via satellite dish listen to the BBC Somali Service broadcast to the Horn of Africa in London.

» cuerno de cazacornhunting horn .

Example: This article surveys hunting themes incorporated into coats of arms, including prey animals, such as stags, wolves, bears, and foxes; hounds and falcons; and hunting equipment such as horns, bows and arrows, and spears.

Example: The hunt is the predominant sound of the poem, which features more than ten references to the sound of hunting horns or bugles.

» cuerno de la lunacusp of the moonhorn of the moon .

Example: The horns or cusps of the moon are always turned away from the sun, the line joining them being perpendicular to the ecliptic (Sun's annual apparent path on the sky).

Example: The horns or cusps of the moon are always turned away from the sun, the line joining them being perpendicular to the ecliptic (Sun's annual apparent path on the sky).

» gafas de montura de cuernohorn-rimmed (eye)glasseshipster (eye)glasses .

Example: But the latest fashion trend that has swept the campus and the rest of the anticulture of 'generation next' is black, horn-rimmed glasses.

Example: Lately, many owners have been photographing their cats wearing fashionable hipster glasses.

» irse al cuernonaff offget + lostgo (and) take a hikego to + hellget out of + Posesivo + facego (and) fly a kite .

Example: I just smiled and told him to naff off cos short of punching him in the gob what can you do?.

Example: The thing about these two is that we are constantly told that he loves her and yet he is continually asking her to get lost, go home, stop looking at him, stop talking to him, hand him her phone so he can erase his number, etc..

Example: No they are not bona ride, don't take any notice of them just another scam to get your money, tell them to go and take a hike.

Example: Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for the directions!.

Example: Joel said they came over to see what was going on but he told them to get out of my face and gave them a mouthful.

Example: Whoever tried to stand in the way of her goals and dreams was promptly told to go fly a kite.

» ponerle los cuernos acuckold .

Example: Rather than the luminous deity that appears elsewhere in medieval literature, he presents a character who resembles the jealous husband of the fabliaux who keeps a young wife under lock and key and who responds violently when he is cuckolded.

» romperse los cuernosgrind away .

Example: I don't want him to feel that he's just got to grind away and grind away and grind away and that his only purpose in life is to earn money to support this bunch of people.

» véte al cuernodrop dead!take a hike!take a long walk off a short pier .

Example: When President Ford was telling New York City to drop dead last month, he evoked a vision of the city as a wayward family to drive home his point.

Example: Leo is so angry that he basically told her to 'take a hike' -- he feels like he was wasting his time with her.

Example: I called the police about that and was impolitely told to take a long walk off a short pier for trying to spread such garbage.

Cuerno synonyms

trumpet in spanish: trompeta, pronunciation: trʌmpət part of speech: noun cornet in spanish: cucurucho, pronunciation: kɔrnet part of speech: noun tusk in spanish: colmillo, pronunciation: tʌsk part of speech: noun french horn in spanish: cuerno francés, pronunciation: frentʃhɔrn part of speech: noun motor horn in spanish: bocina del motor, pronunciation: moʊtɜrhɔrn part of speech: noun car horn in spanish: bocina, pronunciation: kɑrhɔrn part of speech: noun automobile horn in spanish: bocina de automóvil, pronunciation: ɔtəmoʊbilhɔrn part of speech: noun
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