Cuerdo in english


pronunciation: seɪn part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cuerdo = sane ; mentally fit. 

Example: Democracy to be sane must be desired by a people qualified by their own understanding to judge it and shape its course.Example: A panel of three psychiatrists has found Payton Rapozo mentally fit to stand trial for murder.


» estar cuerdohave + all + Posesivo + buttons [También usado frecuentemente en frases negativas]have + all + Posesivo + marbles .

Example: He stands straight and understands every single thing you say -- he still has all his buttons and you can discuss any subject with him.

Example: He has all his marbles, can read without glasses, and is fully mobile.

Cuerdo synonyms

lucid in spanish: lúcido, pronunciation: lusəd part of speech: adjective rational in spanish: racional, pronunciation: ræʃənəl part of speech: adjective reasonable in spanish: razonable, pronunciation: rizənəbəl part of speech: adjective
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