Cuerda in english


pronunciation: roʊp part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuerda = cord ; rope ; string ; halter ; twine ; tether ; lace. 

Example: The cord which trips its shutter may reach down a man's sleeve within easy reach of his fingers.Example: The second title may be indexed under: wire, rope, lubrication, corrosion, protection.Example: For example, violins, cellos, harps, guitars and lutes are all musical instruments which produce sound through the bowing or plucking of strings.Example: The author studies medieval representations of Saint Anthony Abbot and his accompanying piglet on a halter.Example: This type of twine is thick and strong enough for most necklaces and bracelets, but still thin enough to accomodate many different bead sizes.Example: We used to put our kitties on a tether and let them explore the back yard, but not for hours on end.Example: Crests were originally worn on the helmet during tournaments; they consisted of a panache of feathers attached to a wreath made of twisted strands, which was itself attached to the helmet by means of laces or rivets.


» andar por la cuerda flojawalk + the tight wirewalk + the tightrope .

Example: The Social Responsibilities Round Table of the ALA has been described as 'walking the tight wire between being somewhat independent and becoming part of the ALA establishment'.

Example: The challenge of the Christian life, or so it seems to me, is to walk a kind of tightrope strung between this world and the next.

» bajo cuerdaon the down low [También abreviado a on the d-l]under the table .

Example: Whatever the reason, many black women keep their sexuality a secret, behind closed doors, on the down low.

Example: The Pope vowed to his workforce that he wants to eliminate any under-the-table jobs in the Vatican, saying it's a 'question of conscience'.

» caminar por la cuerda flojawalk + a tightropewalk + the tightropewalk + the tight wire .

Example: Therefore, the library manager must walk a tightrope that is continually swayed by self-interest (on the part of oneself and others).

Example: The challenge of the Christian life, or so it seems to me, is to walk a kind of tightrope strung between this world and the next.

Example: The Social Responsibilities Round Table of the ALA has been described as 'walking the tight wire between being somewhat independent and becoming part of the ALA establishment'.

» conjunto de (instrumentos de) cuerdastring ensemble .

Example: Some of the greatest music ever written is for small string ensembles.

» contra las cuerdasagainst the ropes .

Example: O'Connell recovered strongly in the third round, until Shapot again backed him against the ropes.

» cuerda de colgar la ropaclothesline [clothes line] .

Example: Villagers must share their island with a volcano, an active, smoking one that soils clothes hanging on the clothesline and in winter blackens the snow.

» cuerda de remolquetowrope .

Example: A knot in the towrope will probably reduce the rope strength by about 35-40% and markedly increase abrasion.

» cuerda de saltarskipping ropeskip ropejump rope .

Example: The skipping rope seemed so long and heavy, and after a few skips, I was ready to drop dead.

Example: Skip ropes are one of the most popular products used in physical education classes as it motivates mass participation.

Example: Jump ropes hurt if you make a mistake and you whip yourself, so start out slow!.

» cuerda de tenderclothesline [clothes line]washing line .

Example: Villagers must share their island with a volcano, an active, smoking one that soils clothes hanging on the clothesline and in winter blackens the snow.

Example: The cottage has full laundry facilities including a washing machine, dryer, pegs, clothes horse, wash basket and a washing line outside.

» cuerda de tender la ropawashing lineclothesline [clothes line] .

Example: The cottage has full laundry facilities including a washing machine, dryer, pegs, clothes horse, wash basket and a washing line outside.

Example: Villagers must share their island with a volcano, an active, smoking one that soils clothes hanging on the clothesline and in winter blackens the snow.

» cuerda flojatightrope [tight-rope] .

Example: This tightrope teaches the basics of funambulism, developing concentration, balance, and coordination skills as you traverse a 10 foot long tightrope.

» cuerdascordage .

Example: Every project in this book is made by knotting together some type of cordage.

» cuerda SolG-string .

Example: If you break a guitar's G-string, it only costs $.79 for a new one.

» cuerdas vocalesvocal cords .

Example: This article specifically discusses the occurrence of nodules on the vocal cords and how to treat them, a subject of interest to both singers and nonsinger.

» dar cuerda a un caballolunge + a horse .

Example: When a saddle is introduced, the horse is lunged again to get his accustomed to its feel on his back.

» dar cuerda a un relojwind + a clock .

Example: It is helpful in this respect to count the number of turns it takes to fully wind a clock, and to use this number as a guide each time you wind the clock.

» de cuerdawind-up .

Example: We kept the old wind-up clock on the living room wall just for swank.

» desenrollar la cuerdapay out + rope [Poco a poco] .

Example: The sailor unfastened the knot and began paying out the rope, and the rowboat came out of its shed and glided slowly downwards to the beach.

» dinero bajo cuerdamoney under the table .

Example: According to research, more than half of young employees in private companies have received money under the table, additional to their salaries.

» escalera de cuerdaJacob's ladderrope ladder .

Example: I have used the following as structures on which to mount displays: a Jacob's ladder built into an interesting shape, covered with sacking and decorated appropriately.

Example: In 1953 caver Henry Lambert descended a rope ladder with a safety line attached to his waist.

» estar contra las cuerdasbe against the ropesbe on the ropes .

Example: The novel is about how hard you fight back when you are against the ropes.

Example: Now that the talks with Iran on its nuclear program appear to be on the ropes, are we on the road to war?.

» ganar dinero bajo cuerdaearn + money under the table .

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

» instrumento de cuerdastringed instrument (string instrument)string instrument [stringed instrument] .

Example: We can thus say that violins, cellos, harps and guitars form part of musical instruments called stringed instruments.

Example: Individual instruments and instrumental groups are arranged according to their basic mode of performance: PW Keyboard instruments (Q Piano, R Organ); RW String instruments (RX Bowed (S Violin), SQ Plucked (T Viola)).

» juguete de cuerdaclockwork toy .

Example: Their products were charming and much less expensive than American clockwork toys because they used tinplate gears rather than brass.

» mantener bajo cuerdakeep + Nombre + under wrapskeep + Nombre + under the tablekeep + Nombre + under the rugkeep + Nombre + on the down low .

Example: Maybe a whole slew of democrats knew about it and kept it under wraps until it was politically expedient to release it to the media.

Example: His father is in politics and having bastard children isn't exactly good for his image, so he gave the mother hush money to keep it under the table.

Example: The history of slavery is so complex that far too many people even among the opinion leaders in the country prefer to keep it under the rug.

Example: While marijuana use has been prevalent here from the time I was a teen at least people made some attempt to keep it on the down low -- now it is out in the open and in your face all the time.

» mecanismo de cuerdaclockwork .

Example: Toy locomotives powered by clockwork were popular into the late 1930s, until electrically-powered models became more readily available.

» negociaciones bajo cuerdapolitical horse-trading .

Example: We all know Brussels is the political horse-trading capital of Europe.

» orquesta de cuerdastring orchestra .

Example: Medium of performance may be, for example, nocturne, piano, ballads, woodwind quartet, string orchestra.

» pagar bajo cuerdapay + Nombre + (money) under the table .

Example: When your boss pays you under the table, the law doesn't recognize you as an employee, which means you lose out on a number of benefits and legal protections.

» poner a Alguien contra las cuerdasput + Nombre + on the spot .

Example: 'I'm really not trying to put anyone on the spot and, frankly, I'm not too surprised and only a little disappointed at your collective ignorance,' he commented.

» soltar cuerdapay out + rope [Poco a poco] .

Example: The sailor unfastened the knot and began paying out the rope, and the rowboat came out of its shed and glided slowly downwards to the beach.

» tener cuerda para largonever + hear + the end/last of it .

Example: This is a rivalry that has gone on for years and I will never hear the end of it for the next ten years if I lose.

» tener cuerda para ratohave + (still) a long way to gonever + hear + the end/last of it .

Example: One of main reasons for this library's lack of success is that users often have a long way to go to reach it.

Example: This is a rivalry that has gone on for years and I will never hear the end of it for the next ten years if I lose.

» trabajar un caballo a la cuerdalunge + a horse .

Example: When a saddle is introduced, the horse is lunged again to get his accustomed to its feel on his back.

cuerdo = sane ; mentally fit. 

Example: Democracy to be sane must be desired by a people qualified by their own understanding to judge it and shape its course.Example: A panel of three psychiatrists has found Payton Rapozo mentally fit to stand trial for murder.


» estar cuerdohave + all + Posesivo + buttons [También usado frecuentemente en frases negativas]have + all + Posesivo + marbles .

Example: He stands straight and understands every single thing you say -- he still has all his buttons and you can discuss any subject with him.

Example: He has all his marbles, can read without glasses, and is fully mobile.

Cuerda synonyms

leash in spanish: Correa, pronunciation: liʃ part of speech: noun
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