Cuento in english


pronunciation: stɔri part of speech: noun
In gestures

contar1 = count ; tally ; tell out into ; number ; count out ; take + inventory ; keep + count of. 

Example: To ease the cataloguer's job and save him the trouble of counting characters, DOBIS/LIBIS uses a special function.Example: The statistic programs have been designed to make it possible to extract, tally, and print statistical information from the journal.Example: The finished paper was sorted for imperfections and told out into quires and reams for sale.Example: I would therefore like to give a blanket thankyou to everyone who has talked or written to me in my research and they must now number thousands rather than hundreds.Example: At midnight, one pirate arose, opened the chest, and counted out the gold pieces into five even piles.Example: Anna, like most women in a room full of strangers, was taking inventory of the opposite sex and picking her choice if she were forced to sleep with one person.Example: It's also important to keep count of the puppies and placentas, because the afterbirth does not always come out with the puppy.


» al contarat the count of .

Example: One of the great tips that I got for group pictures is to ask the group to close their eyes and open them at the count of three.

» contar con los dedos de la manocount on + Posesivo + hands .

Example: I do have to also admit, that I can count on my hands how many purchases I've made this year at full price.

» contar con poco dinerobe on a limited budget .

Example: If you're on a limited budget, you're going to have to eat meals at home simply because it costs way less than eating out.

» contar con una fortunasit on + a fortune .

Example: Kenya and other African states are sitting on a fortune in the form of unexploited natural cures.

» contar con un presupuesto limitadobe on a limited budget .

Example: If you're on a limited budget, you're going to have to eat meals at home simply because it costs way less than eating out.

» contar con un presupuesto reducidobe on a limited budget .

Example: If you're on a limited budget, you're going to have to eat meals at home simply because it costs way less than eating out.

» contar dinerocount + money .

Example: The process of counting the money, reconciling the receipts and balancing the cash drawer creates an accountability of the day's transactions.

» contar (las) cabezascount + noses [Contar las personas generalmente para comprobar que no falta nadie]count + heads [Contar las personas generalmente para comprobar que no falta nadie] .

Example: Responsibilities include taking roll, counting noses after each stop and keeping the children and youth on the bus safe.

Example: Please designate someone to count heads after each stop, and someone to keep the bus clean.

» contar las manos levantadascount + hands .

Example: If we have to start counting hands to see who likes and dislikes a rule change, we're all in trouble.

» contar los días que faltancount down to .

Example: The article 'Keeping New Year's resolutions while counting down to the new millennium' discusses the following topics: self-discipline; losing weight; stopping smoking; starting an exercise programme; paying off bills; and meeting someone new.

» contar los días que faltan paracount down + the days until/till/to .

Example: I now have a little over a week of hard training left and I'm counting down the days until fight night in Hamburg.

» contar los días que quedancount down to .

Example: The article 'Keeping New Year's resolutions while counting down to the new millennium' discusses the following topics: self-discipline; losing weight; stopping smoking; starting an exercise programme; paying off bills; and meeting someone new.

» contar los días que quedan paracount down + the days until/till/to .

Example: I now have a little over a week of hard training left and I'm counting down the days until fight night in Hamburg.

» contar ovejascount + sheep .

Example: As sleep aids go, counting sheep is probably the oldest in the book.

» dinero contante y sonantereadiesthe readyhard cashcold cashcold hard cash .

Example: To add insult to injury, she came back from the cash-point without enough readies and had to make a return journey.

Example: The government has an obligation to ensure that those who are genuinely incapable of earning a minimally decent living for themselves have the ready needed to secure the basics.

Example: It is unlikely the cost of using digital currency will be low enough to displace the use of hard cash.

Example: Forget cold cash, money's going digital.

Example: And yet the best gifts I've ever got -- and by best I mean the most meaningful -- have been cold hard cash.

» que se cuentan por millonesnumbered in millions .

Example: No critics review issues of magazines or the weekly episodes of Crossroads or Coronation Street but women's magazines and these television serials all have readership and viewers numbered in millions.

» ser estupendo poder contar con + Nombrebe nice to have + Nombre + on board .

Example: He is so humble and such a sport -- it's really nice to have him on board.

» volver a contarrecount  ; retell [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio retold] .

Example: If one were to think of an analogue outside the library situation, one would conjure up the image of a miser cackling with delight as he counts and recounts his beloved coins.

Example: What is often clear is why particular scenes are the ones a reader chooses to retell.

contar2 = relate ; narrate ; hip ; tell ; recount ; share + Posesivo + thoughts. 

Example: This article relates what happened to the records of the German era after the colony became a mandate under the British administration and after the attainment of independence.Example: The inmates satisfied their need for reading by smuggling in Polish books, or else narrating stories from memory.Example: He was aghast after having been hipped to the fact there are hookers on the Internet.Example: Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.Example: We recount the parts of the book which absorbed us utterly, which made us feel that the alternative world was more vivid, more alive, more immediate than our life outside the book.Example: This year's inductees share their thoughts on what they wished they had known when they were just starting their career.


» anécdota obligatoria de contarmust-tell .

Example: What kind of secrets are must-tells, and what are simply meant to die with you?.

» contar Algo a Alguienlet + Nombre + in on .

Example: If I decide to spring for this I'll let you in on what I find out.

» contar chascarrilloscrack + jokes .

Example: He says he has finally accepted his short stature and sometimes even cracks jokes at his size rather than feeling bitter.

» contar chismes de Alguientell + tales out of school about + Alguien .

Example: 'I'd be disappointed to learn that my boss or subordinates -- or peers for that matter -- told tales out of school about me to others'.

» contar chistescrack + jokes .

Example: He says he has finally accepted his short stature and sometimes even cracks jokes at his size rather than feeling bitter.

» contar detell of [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio told] .

Example: Roger Horn tells of a librarian who actually complained in print that just as the materials began to pile up nicely the enquirers were in the habit of disappearing.

» contar en confianzaconfide (in/to) .

Example: When the interviewer made a second visit to some households and had become accepted, more and complicated problems were confided simply because she was an outside person.

» contar experienciastell + tales .

Example: All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted = Todos los bibliotecarios pueden contar historias de cuando han metido la pata de este modo para aprender del error sólo cuando se ha producido la respuesta: información sobre los salones de baile cuando se preguntaba por los dinosaurios, o sobre el estornino gris cuando se quería algo sobre Grace Darling.

» contar historiastell + talesrecount + stories .

Example: All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted = Todos los bibliotecarios pueden contar historias de cuando han metido la pata de este modo para aprender del error sólo cuando se ha producido la respuesta: información sobre los salones de baile cuando se preguntaba por los dinosaurios, o sobre el estornino gris cuando se quería algo sobre Grace Darling.

Example: Join a retired trainman who will provide a guided tour of our cabooses and recount some great stories about life on a caboose.

» contar intimidadesconfide + intimacies .

Example: In 1985, the average US citizen had three friends in whom to confide intimacies; by 2004, the figure had slipped to two, and one American in four had no confidants at all.

» contar la experienciarecount + experience .

Example: This article recounts the experience of a director of public libraries in the USA who took a year off from work.

» contar las ideas a Alguienrun + ideas + past + Pronombre .

Example: If you would like to run ideas past me at this time, that is OK as well .

» contarle las penas a Alguiensob + Posesivo + heart out to .

Example: The Prime Minister has been heard to scoff at the idea that he was sobbing his heart out to Tessa Jowell.

» contar + Posesivo + historiatell + Posesivo + story .

Example: While they lead a bleak existence of isolation, danger and loneliness, these men reach out to tell their stories and try to understand their own actions through art.

» contar + Posesivo + propia vida y milagrosspill + Posesivo + guts .

Example: He's as shy as shy can be, but give him a couple of beers and he'll spill his guts about anything.

» contar + Posesivo + vidatell + Posesivo + storytell + Posesivo + life .

Example: While they lead a bleak existence of isolation, danger and loneliness, these men reach out to tell their stories and try to understand their own actions through art.

Example: They do not profess that their lives were better or worse but just tell their lives as they were .

» contar relatosrecount + stories .

Example: Join a retired trainman who will provide a guided tour of our cabooses and recount some great stories about life on a caboose.

» contar todo sobregive + Nombre + the lowdown on .

Example: Beck added: 'We would have given you the lowdown on Tilly the Hun' = Beck añadió: "Te lo hubieramos contado todo sobre Tilly el alemán".

» contar una anécdotatell + a story .

Example: I have already said that on the whole it is not difficult to stimulate children into telling stories.

» contar una experienciarelate + an experience .

Example: The article 'Towards the cyber-library?' relates the experience of Hertfordshire libraries in the provision of electronic public information and library services.

» contar una historiaspin + a yarnweave + a talenarrate + storyweave + a story .

Example: The old expressions 'spin a yarn', 'weave a tale' suggest the anecdotal, conversational quality that must be striven for by the storyteller.

Example: The old expressions 'spin a yarn', 'weave a tale' suggest the anecdotal, conversational quality that must be striven for by the storyteller.

Example: According to Eisner, sequential art is 'the arrangement of pictures or images and words to narrate a story or dramatize an idea' = De acuerdo con Eisner, el arte secuencial es "la combinación de dibujos e imágenes y palabras para narrar una historia o representar una idea".

Example: Based on hundreds of interviews with Hollywood's power players, she weaves Eisner's story together with those who have crossed his path.

» contar una mentiratell + a lietell + a porky .

Example: These people do not just tell lies but they live a lie -- everything they say and do is tainted with dishonesty.

Example: We were telling porkies all along about this being just a peace treaty.

» contar un chistemake + a joketell + Nombre + a joke .

Example: Every time I make a joke I expect a few laughs and recently I told this girl a joke and it was very awkward when she didn't laugh.

Example: Every time I make a joke I expect a few laughs and recently I told this girl a joke and it was very awkward when she didn't laugh.

» contar un cuentotell + a story .

Example: I have already said that on the whole it is not difficult to stimulate children into telling stories.

» cuenta la leyenda quelegend has it thatas legend goes .

Example: Legend has it that he sold his soul to the devil so that he could play anything.

Example: As legend goes Cortes was greeted by natives that gave him a sackful of cacao beans in exchange for some of his own merchandise.

» deja de contar milongaspull the other one (it's got bells on (it)) .

Example: Put simply, my attitude to any claim of a supernatural order is summed up in the phrase 'Pull the other one... it's got bells on it= En resumen, mi actitud ante la noción de que exista un orden sobrenatural se resume con la frase "deja de contar milongas".

» no me cuentes más milongaspull the other one (it's got bells on (it)) .

Example: Put simply, my attitude to any claim of a supernatural order is summed up in the phrase 'Pull the other one... it's got bells on it= En resumen, mi actitud ante la noción de que exista un orden sobrenatural se resume con la frase "deja de contar milongas".

» relato obligatorio de contarmust-tell .

Example: What kind of secrets are must-tells, and what are simply meant to die with you?.

» según cuenta la leyendalegend has it thatas legend goes .

Example: Legend has it that he sold his soul to the devil so that he could play anything.

Example: As legend goes Cortes was greeted by natives that gave him a sackful of cacao beans in exchange for some of his own merchandise.

» un pajarito me ha contadoa little (dicky) bird told me .

Example: A little dicky bird told me you have a soft spot for a man in uniform.

» visión contada por una persona de adentroan insider's look .

Example: The book 'If Looks Could Kill' is a juicy, tell-all, insider's look at the true world of fashion.

» volver a contarrecount  ; retell [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio retold] .

Example: If one were to think of an analogue outside the library situation, one would conjure up the image of a miser cackling with delight as he counts and recounts his beloved coins.

Example: What is often clear is why particular scenes are the ones a reader chooses to retell.

» y ahora me cuentas una de vaquerospull the other one (it's got bells on (it)) .

Example: Put simply, my attitude to any claim of a supernatural order is summed up in the phrase 'Pull the other one... it's got bells on it= En resumen, mi actitud ante la noción de que exista un orden sobrenatural se resume con la frase "deja de contar milongas".

» y ahora me cuentas una de indiospull the other one (it's got bells on (it)) .

Example: Put simply, my attitude to any claim of a supernatural order is summed up in the phrase 'Pull the other one... it's got bells on it= En resumen, mi actitud ante la noción de que exista un orden sobrenatural se resume con la frase "deja de contar milongas".

» y ahora me cuentas una de chinospull the other one (it's got bells on (it)) .

Example: Put simply, my attitude to any claim of a supernatural order is summed up in the phrase 'Pull the other one... it's got bells on it= En resumen, mi actitud ante la noción de que exista un orden sobrenatural se resume con la frase "deja de contar milongas".

contar3 = count. 

Example: People must be made to feel that they and their ideas count.


» contandocounting .

Example: Counting the media center (which everyone persists in calling the library), there are 26 classrooms, 2 shops (one for auto repair and one for woodworking), a basement gymnasium, and a flat-floor auditorium.

» contar conhold [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio held]count onhave at + Posesivo + disposalbank onset + your watch by .

Example: If the search is made with a call number, a summary of copies with that call number which are held by the library is first displayed.

Example: Bookstores can no longer count on customers buying books if there is a more attractive entertainment option.

Example: But this would require time and competencies, which not all policy makers have at their disposal.

Example: Don't bank on it, there can be bright sunshine, hailstones, drizzle, pouring rain and snowflurries in any given hour of the day.

Example: There are a few things you can count on; I mean really set your watch by in life.

» contar con Alguiencount + Pronombre + in .

Example: She responded that if the folks against the war decided to hold a march 'for peace,' then they could count her in.

» contar con apoyo parahave + support for .

Example: A librarian made the announcement that he had some support for the idea that the Library of Congress and about 13 other ARL (Association of Research Libraries) libraries do all of the cataloging for the country.

» contar con el apoyo de Alguienhave + Nombre + behind + Pronombre .

Example: The emphasis on title entry came from the specialized libraries, primarily the technical libraries, that were small but had the money and the power behind them to see that their view prevails.

» contar con el apoyo necesario parahave + the power behind to .

Example: The emphasis on title entry came from the specialized libraries, primarily the technical libraries, that were small but had the money and the power behind them to see that their view prevails.

» contar con el visto buenomeet with + approval .

Example: A number of more unusual arrangements have been tried, but none have met with wide approval.

» contar con la aprobaciónmeet with + approval .

Example: A number of more unusual arrangements have been tried, but none have met with wide approval.

» contar con la colaboración deenjoy + cooperation with .

Example: Die Vereinigung Schweizerischer Archivare (Association of Swiss Archivists) has enjoyed close cooperation with the Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare (Association of Swiss Librarians).

» contar con la cooperación deenjoy + cooperation with .

Example: Die Vereinigung Schweizerischer Archivare (Association of Swiss Archivists) has enjoyed close cooperation with the Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare (Association of Swiss Librarians).

» contar con + Posesivo + aprobaciónmeet + Posesivo + approvalbe a thumbs up for .

Example: The medical industry will go to any lengths to suppress drugs and methods that haven't met their approval, regardless of how effective they might be.

Example: For the most part, this was a pleasant, enjoyable read -- so this is a thumbs up for me.

» contar con + Posesivo + beneplácitobe a thumbs up for .

Example: For the most part, this was a pleasant, enjoyable read -- so this is a thumbs up for me.

» contar con + Posesivo + visto buenomeet + Posesivo + approval .

Example: The medical industry will go to any lengths to suppress drugs and methods that haven't met their approval, regardless of how effective they might be.

» contar para nadacount + for nothing .

Example: That this is a statement of fact may count for nothing: in effect, the librarian may be obliged lay evidence before the enquirer, accompanied by a convincing explanation.

» entre ellos contamos con los siguientesnumbered amongst these are .

Example: Numbered amongst these are: Euler circles, arrowgraphs, and the circular thesaurus.

» no contarbe out of the picturebe out of the frame .

Example: Saddam may be out of the picture, but his methods are living on just fine.

Example: Robert may be out of the frame but there is plenty of new talent and eye candy to replace him.

» no contar conleave + Nombre + out of the picturedrop + Nombre + out of the picture .

Example: Congress is being left out of the picture, and, more importantly, the American people are left in the dark once again.

Example: My reading of Joel's comments was that he'd be willing to drop all the others out of the picture if one of you were willing to do the whole thing.

» no contar con la aprobaciónfrown (up)on .

Example: This kind of transfer is usually frowned upon by budgeting authorities, however.

» poder contar conbe there for + Pronombre .

Example: So, even if one of them falls off of the information food chain in some way, the others will be always there for us.

» si eso cuenta para algoif that counts in any wayif that counts for anything .

Example: I do have a couple of nasty chafes on my feet from my new and ruinously expensive sandals, if that counts in any way.

Example: I have done absolutely no studying tonight, but my kitchen is spotlessly clean if that counts for anything.

» sin contarnot includingexcludingbarring .

Example: According to this story, owning a horse can cost about $10000 a year, not including the horse = Según esta historia, poseer un caballo puede costar alrededor de $ 10000 al año, sin incluir el caballo.

Example: Durable goods excluding transportation soared by 2.0% in June in the U.S.

Example: All abstracts, barring possibly those of exceptional length, should consist of one paragraph only.

» sin contar conin the absence of .

Example: In the absence of, or in addition to, an ISADN an alternative number assigned by a regional or national agency may be given.

cuento = story ; story book [storybook] ; tale ; yarn ; nursery story ; storie. 

Example: There were lessons in this story which appear to have been ignored but remain valid for the future.Example: These he bound up in three volumes, and on the fly leaf of the first volume wrote 'I have always retained a kind of affection for little story books, as they recall muy early days'.Example: 'I only wanted to write an interesting tale,' he will say, ignoring that the interest of a story almost always comes from seeing the human will in action -- against chaos or against order.Example: Every teacher, I suppose, has his own collection of favorite yarns based on personal experiences.Example: The child who has the advantage of being brought up enriched by hearing stories and reading books will have the opportunity to air his knowledge about the characters in nursery stories.Example: One of these collectors was a Captain Cox, stone mason of Coventry, a person with 'great oversight ... in matters of storie'.


» aparecer sin venir a cuentocome out of + the (clear) blue (sky)appear out of + the (clear) blue (sky) .

Example: This proposal appeared to come out of the clear blue sky, and has raised eyebrows in Taiwan and overseas.

Example: It could be legit, but money does not typically appear out of the clear blue sky.

» aplicársele el cuento a Alguiencap + fit .

Example: We would laugh and mutter that in his case the cap fitted.

» contar un cuentotell + a story .

Example: I have already said that on the whole it is not difficult to stimulate children into telling stories.

» cuentacuentosstoryteller [story-teller] .

Example: The storyteller has in fact to be something of a showman, a performer, before he gets anywhere.

» cuenta-cuentosstorytelling [story-telling] .

Example: She accepts that at all sorts of intellectual and aesthetic levels there are people who read 'for the enjoyment of good storytelling and a good story'.

» cuento chinotall taletall story .

Example: The author chronicles the exuberant stories, hyperbole, homespun speech and demigod characteristics of American 'tall tales'.

Example: The article 'Tall Stories: The Metaphorical Nature of Everyday Talk' claims that everyday discourse is in fact richly metaphorical and that, through the operation of metaphor, people fictionalize as they talk.

» cuento de hadasfairy storyfairy tale [fairytale] .

Example: If the analogy with the fairy story is taken a little further it can be noted that no author really believes in dragons, wicked queens, fair maidens locked in high towers and the like.

Example: The best material to use in this approach is that great corpus of traditional folk and fairy tale myth, legend and stories from biblical and historical sources.

» cuento de la lechera, elmilkmaid and her pail, the .

Example: This adaptation of Aesop's fable about the milkmaid and her pail becomes more and more elaborate as the milkmaid's plans get more and more grandiose = Esta adaptación del cuento de la lechera de Esopo, se enreda cada vez más conforme los planes de la lechera se vuelven cada vez más ambiciosos.

» cuento de nunca acabarendless storynever-ending story .

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

Example: And the Democratic Party is a never-ending story of corruption, greed, petty bickering, and blithe disregard of the voters' interests.

» cuento de viejasold wives' tale .

Example: Read on to see what the experts have to say about which old wives' tales are true wisdom and which are a bunch of baloney.

» cuento eróticosmutty story .

Example: Weiner's story is not merely a smutty story, it's a story about an elected official who was leading a double life.

» cuento escritowritten story .

Example: And they succeed with oral narrative more easily and satisfyingly than with written stories.

» cuento inacabablenever-ending storyendless story .

Example: And the Democratic Party is a never-ending story of corruption, greed, petty bickering, and blithe disregard of the voters' interests.

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

» cuento infantilpicture book .

Example: Songs, poems, fingergames and picture books are shared with parents and their young children, from infancy to age 3.

» cuento para dormirbedtime story .

Example: In this bedtime story the little rabbit says goodnight to everything in the great green room as well as the stars, the air, and the moon.

» cuento popularfolk tale [folktale] .

Example: The original folktale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs becomes transformed when told through the different media of film, sound, movement, colour, art and technology.

» hora del cuentostory hour [storyhour]storytelling [story-telling]storytime [story time] .

Example: The mediatheque serves the local, deprived population with story hours, film shows, exchange of stamps and postcards.

Example: She accepts that at all sorts of intellectual and aesthetic levels there are people who read 'for the enjoyment of good storytelling and a good story'.

Example: Traditionally these books have been shunned because of their fragile nature, but librarians are finding that a small collection can enliven story times.

» lectura de cuentosstory reading .

Example: This article describes story-reading events organised outside the libraries.

» narración de cuentosstorytelling [story-telling] .

Example: She accepts that at all sorts of intellectual and aesthetic levels there are people who read 'for the enjoyment of good storytelling and a good story'.

» narrador de cuentosstoryteller [story-teller]story teller .

Example: The storyteller has in fact to be something of a showman, a performer, before he gets anywhere.

Example: Children learned stories either from classical Jewish sources, family members, or travelling story tellers.

» no venir a cuentobe beside the pointbe beside the markbe beside the questionbe off-topic .

Example: The fact that she chose to dissolve the dance troupe she founded in 1965 is now beside the point.

Example: In this case many of my objections would appear to be beside the mark.

Example: It is quite beside the question to ask which is the better.

Example: Many of the essays submitted were quite good, but received lower scores because they were off-topic.

» que no viene a cuentooff-topic .

Example: But on the other hand, these electronic message boards can have a hit-and-run quality where vitriolic or off-topic comments are posted by contributors hidden in the safety of anonymity.

» rincón del cuento, elstorycorner, the [En las aulas de enseñanza primaria, generalmente, espacio con estanterías de libros y decorada con carteles, dibujos, etc., que hacen referencia al contenido o los autores de los libros] .

Example: In order to make my twice-weekly half-hour visits to the class more relaxing and, I hoped, more enjoyable, the teacher designed a special area the children called 'the storycorner'.

» ser el cuento de nunca acabarnever + hear + the end/last of it .

Example: This is a rivalry that has gone on for years and I will never hear the end of it for the next ten years if I lose.

» ¡se te acabó el cuento!the jig's up! .

Example: Okay, the jig's up! Your dean or department chair corners you and says: 'I think it's high time you taught your Introduction to Library History course on the Internet'.

» sin venir a cuentoout of the (clear) blue (sky)like a bolt out of the bluelike a bolt from the bluefor no reasonfor no specific reasonfor no particular reasonfor no good reasoncome out of/from + left field .

Example: The article is entitled 'Software out of the blue'.

Example: The election results came like a bolt out of the blue, threatening his loss of power.

Example: A white bird in the distance was seen to dart down like a bolt from the blue and seize a flying fish in the air.

Example: When women frequently go to family restaurants, this leads to them going out of their homes excessively for no reason, which goes against the command of Allah.

Example: On February 20, 2000, she was arrested at home by police for no specific reason and illegally detained for fifteen days.

Example: Nearly a third of internet users go online on a typical day for no particular reason, just for fun or to pass the time.

Example: He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.

Example: I think the reason most people here are thinking that Rose and Nat might get back together is because their break up seemed to come out of left field.

» tener (mucho) cuentopretend (to)fibput it on .

Example: We do not pretend to have equipped you with an instant expertise in the subject analysis and classification of documents.

Example: She also fibbed about the place the wedding took place - citing a country town when they were married in a city registry office.

Example: I suppose you think people in asylums are just putting it on so they get a rent free room?.

» urdir un cuentoweave + a tale .

Example: The old expressions 'spin a yarn', 'weave a tale' suggest the anecdotal, conversational quality that must be striven for by the storyteller.

» vivir del cuentolive off + the fat of the land .

Example: Unless more of us refuse to be content to coast along, living off the fat of the land and leaving others to pay the tab, there is no guarantee that America will be a better place for our children than it was for us.

Cuento synonyms

account in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: əkaʊnt part of speech: noun level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun report in spanish: informe, pronunciation: ripɔrt part of speech: noun, verb history in spanish: historia, pronunciation: hɪstɜri part of speech: noun narrative in spanish: narrativa, pronunciation: nærətɪv part of speech: noun floor in spanish: piso, pronunciation: flɔr part of speech: noun chronicle in spanish: crónica, pronunciation: krɑnɪkəl part of speech: noun tale in spanish: cuento, pronunciation: teɪl part of speech: noun yarn in spanish: hilo, pronunciation: jɑrn part of speech: noun fib in spanish: mentira, pronunciation: fɪb part of speech: noun storey in spanish: piso, pronunciation: stɔri part of speech: noun recital in spanish: recital, pronunciation: rəsaɪtəl part of speech: noun narration in spanish: narración, pronunciation: nereɪʃən part of speech: noun taradiddle in spanish: taradiddle, pronunciation: tɜrædɪdəl part of speech: noun write up in spanish: escribir, pronunciation: raɪtʌp part of speech: noun, verb tarradiddle in spanish: tadadiddle, pronunciation: terədɪdəl part of speech: noun news report in spanish: informe de noticias, pronunciation: nuzripɔrt part of speech: noun
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