Cuentagotas in english


pronunciation: drɑpɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuentagotas = pipet(te) dropper ; dropper. 

Example: The black bulb polypropylene caps with straight glass pipette droppers are available in a variety of sizes.Example: Because the opening is very tiny indeed, we special ordered some small droppers which will include one free eyedropper with each set of three.


» con cuentagotasin dribs and drabs .

Example: In any case, much of the original report has already leaked its way into the public domain, albeit in dribs and drabs.

» cuentagotas para los ojoseyedropper .

Example: Because the opening is very tiny indeed, we special ordered some small droppers which will include one free eyedropper with each set of three.

Cuentagotas synonyms

eye dropper in spanish: cuentagotas, pronunciation: aɪdrɑpɜr part of speech: noun
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