Cuello in english


pronunciation: nek part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuello1 = neck ; throat. 

Example: At this disclosure, a flush flowed from Leforte's cheeks to her neck.Example: Self-effacing nervousness causes the epiglottis to tighten, strangling the words in the throat and stiffening the diaphragm so that it is like pulled-out elastic unable to propel anything.


» agarrar por el cuellocollar .

Example: He had one foot over the window sill of his Paris flat when police broke in and collared him.

» apostarse el cuellobet + Posesivo + lifebet + Posesivo + bottom dollarbet + Posesivo + shirtbet + Posesivo + boots .

Example: He bet his life that he would be found innocent because he believed there was insufficent eyewitness accounts that would render a shadow of a doubt.

Example: Vachal says there is 'no friggin' way' that happened and that she would 'bet her bottom dollar' that Bialek's allegations are untrue.

Example: Nobody with any sense would bet their shirt on it, but it's worth a small punt.

Example: I can bet my boots those who haven't read the book would love it.

» arriesgar el cuelloput + Posesivo + proverbials on the lineput + Posesivo + balls on the lineput + Posesivo + nuts on the lineput + Posesivo + neck on the lineput + Reflexivo + on the (firing) line (of fire) [Las construcciones posibles son put + Reflexivo + on the line o put + Reflexivo + on the firing line o put + Reflexivo + on the line of fire]take + Posesivo + life in(to) + Posesivo + (own) hands .

Example: Those same people you call 'rich pigs' have at one time or another put their proverbials on the line so that poor people like you can have a job and something to complain about.

Example: That's for those who like to sit around and talk about ideas and idly stroking each other but don't like to put their balls on the line and do things.

Example: He risked his career and put his nuts on the line, all because he's a good cop and wants to bring bad guys to justice.

Example: You deserve to reap the rewards that come with the risk of putting your neck on the line day in and day out.

Example: A hero is someone who puts himself on the line to save someone else.

Example: This brave tourist decided to take her life in her hands when she posed with a wild crocodile in Ghana.

» arriesgar el cuello (por)stick out + Posesivo + neck (for) [También usado en el orden stick + Posesivo + neck out (for)] .

Example: But commercial businesses do this all the time: somebody sticks a neck out, and gets promoted or loses neck depending on results.

» a voz en cuelloat the top of + Posesivo + voiceat the top of + Posesivo + lungs .

Example: It was a time when film directors believed in irreverence -- challenging the status quo and dissenting at the top of one's voice.

Example: I clenched my hands into fists, trying to keep composure and not scream at the top of my lungs.

» coger por el cuellocollar .

Example: He had one foot over the window sill of his Paris flat when police broke in and collared him.

» con cuello de picoV-neck(ed) .

Example: The men were wearing dickeys under their V-neck sweaters.

» con cuello redondoround-neck(ed) .

Example: He was wearing a round-neck sweater and dark trousers and is believed to have been driving a small, four-door car.

» con el agua hasta el cuelloin deep water .

Example: This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.

» con la soga al cuelloin dire straits .

Example: Egypt's Internet situation is in dire straits after two undersea cables in the Mediterranean were accidentally severed yesterday.

» cortar el cuelloslit + Posesivo + throat .

Example: These men were telling her they'd slit her throat or rape her little sister if she didn't do what they said.

» cuello de botellabottleneckchoke point .

Example: A number of research groups have investigated the use of knowledge-based systems as a means of avoiding this bottleneck.

Example: Certain phases are especially vulnerable dead ends, or choke points, of the entire sequence.

» cuello del úterocervix [cervices/cervixes, -pl.]cervix uteriuterine neckuterine cervix .

Example: The questions concerned primary prevention (alcohol, smoking, diet, sun exposure, etc.) and cancer screening (breast, cervix, colorectal, prostate and other cancers).

Example: Cancer of cervix uteri is the second commonest cancer among females in the world.

Example: The stomach, being intimately connected with the womb, physically, feels keenly these inflammations and ulcerations of the uterine neck.

Example: Both incidence and mortality for invasive cancer of the uterine cervix have declined steadily in this country over the past three decades.

» cuello uterinocervix uteriuterine neckuterine cervix .

Example: Cancer of cervix uteri is the second commonest cancer among females in the world.

Example: The stomach, being intimately connected with the womb, physically, feels keenly these inflammations and ulcerations of the uterine neck.

Example: Both incidence and mortality for invasive cancer of the uterine cervix have declined steadily in this country over the past three decades.

» de cuello de picoV-neck(ed) .

Example: The men were wearing dickeys under their V-neck sweaters.

» de cuello redondoround-neck(ed) .

Example: He was wearing a round-neck sweater and dark trousers and is believed to have been driving a small, four-door car.

» del cuello del úterocervical .

Example: This study aims to quantify the variation in cervical morphology between ewes.

» dolor de cuelloneck pain .

Example: Although the library profession cannot be regarded as one of high risk from the viewpoint of occupational hazards, certain hazards do exist: including repetitive strain injuries, neck pain, and back pain.

» el cuello del úterothe neck of the uterus .

Example: The cervix forms the neck of the uterus, and the vagina is the canal through which conception and birth take place.

» encontrarse con el agua al cuellofind + Reflexivo + in hot water .

Example: Anyway, this time around, the airline is finding itself in hot water for an entirely different reason.

» endeudado hasta el cuelloin deep debtup to + Posesivo + ears in debt .

Example: Marcus' family are in deep debt and, when they fail to pay, soldiers are sent in to repossess their house.

Example: A year ago she was fresh out of college and up to her ears in debt but today she is a rising star.

» entrampado hasta el cuelloin deep debtup to + Posesivo + ears in debt .

Example: Marcus' family are in deep debt and, when they fail to pay, soldiers are sent in to repossess their house.

Example: A year ago she was fresh out of college and up to her ears in debt but today she is a rising star.

» estar con el agua al cuellobe in hot waterbe up the creek (without a paddle)be up shit creek (without a paddle) .

Example: And if I had known then what I know now I might not have been so eager to accept that offer, because I have been in hot water ever since.

Example: Without its complex network of dikes and sea defences Holland would be literally be up the creek without a paddle.

Example: Richard was up shit creek without a paddle, even though lots of students rallied to his aid, some going back many years to when he first started teaching in 2001.

» estar metido hasta el cuellobe in deep .

Example: Well now the cat is among the pixies now and Harry is in deep.

» estirar el cuellocrane + Posesivo + neck [Para ver o mirar algo] .

Example: He paused as she squirmed suddenly, twisting and craning her neck to look at the floor.

» fracturarse el cuellobreak + Posesivo + neck .

Example: Reeve broke his neck in May 1995 when he was thrown from his horse during an equestrian competition.

» girar el cuelloturn + Posesivo + neckturn + Posesivo + neck .

Example: It was so bad that I was concerned about driving because I could not turn my neck to back up the car.

Example: It was so bad that I was concerned about driving because I could not turn my neck to back up the car.

» hacer una llave al cuelloput + Nombre + in a chokehold .

Example: He was accused of illegally selling cigarettes on a sidewalk when Pantaleo put him in a chokehold from behind and tackled him with the help of other officers.

» hasta el cuelloup to + Posesivo + eyeballs into the hilt .

Example: Some of these countries are already up to their eyeballs in debt repayment.

Example: Motorists are under the cosh, feel taxed to the hilt and face record prices at the pumps.

» hasta el cuello de trabajoup to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work .

Example: Around this time of year, professors are up to their eyeballs in work and. are likely handling lots of requests for reference letters.

» jugarse el cuellobet + Posesivo + lifebet + Posesivo + bottom dollarbet + Posesivo + shirtbet + Posesivo + bootsput + Posesivo + head on the block .

Example: He bet his life that he would be found innocent because he believed there was insufficent eyewitness accounts that would render a shadow of a doubt.

Example: Vachal says there is 'no friggin' way' that happened and that she would 'bet her bottom dollar' that Bialek's allegations are untrue.

Example: Nobody with any sense would bet their shirt on it, but it's worth a small punt.

Example: I can bet my boots those who haven't read the book would love it.

Example: She has put her head on the block in defending her principles, which she insists her staff must also abide by.

» lesión del cuelloneck injury .

Example: Accidents in stairwells can happen to anyone and can result in serious injuries such as head trauma, neck and spine injuries, broken bones, and in some cases, death = Los accidentes en escaleras le pueden pasar a cualquiera y llevar a lesiones graves tales como traumatismo craneal, lesiones del cuello y en la columna vertebral, fracturas de huesos, y en algunos casos, la muerte.

» llave al cuellostrangleholdchokehold .

Example: Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.

Example: He was detained by police in a chokehold and later died from a heart attack en route to the hospital.

» más arrugado que cuello de tortugaas wrinkled as an elephant's hideas wrinkled as a prune .

Example: Then from out of nowhere an old man, whose skin looked as wrinkled as an elephant's hide, appeared.

Example: There I spent a dismal period with the boy's paternal grandfather, a man as wrinkled as a prune, and a brown short-haired dog.

» meterse hasta el cuellobe in the thick of itbe in deep .

Example: I'm in the thick of it, as they say, and honestly have no idea how long this struggle will continue or how and when it will be resolved.

Example: Well now the cat is among the pixies now and Harry is in deep.

» perder el cuellolose + Posesivo + neck .

Example: But commercial businesses do this all the time: somebody sticks a neck out, and gets promoted or loses neck depending on results.

» prendas para el cuelloneckwear .

Example: Some form of neckwear is always required with morning dress, there really isn't any conceivable way that you could get away without it.

» retorcer el cuellowring + Posesivo + neck .

Example: She is great with my kids, she has the best temperament I have ever seen in a dog, but sometimes I want to wring her neck.

» romperse el cuellobreak + Posesivo + neck .

Example: Reeve broke his neck in May 1995 when he was thrown from his horse during an equestrian competition.

» salvar el cuellosave + Posesivo + neck .

Example: She is rescued by Geralt and is in his debt for saving her neck.

» tirarse al cuellogo for + the neck .

Example: Pitbulls go for the neck, one bite and your carotid artery is severed.

» tirón en el cuellocrick in the neckneck crick .

Example: Stress, if left unchecked, can cause such physical problems as muscle dysfunction, spasms, headaches and cricks in the neck.

Example: Neck cricks are extremely common, affecting about 50% of adults per year, ranging in severity from trivial to crippling.

cuello2 = collar ; neck. 

Example: 'I don't know how much I have to work with then?' he said, moving his neck as though his collar was not comfortable.Example: The only negative thing I have is that the neck of the shirt comes up too high.


» blusa de cuello halterhalter top .

Example: This is important for women who do not wear a bra with a halter top, since the straps of the bra would show.

» con el cuello desabrochadoopen-neckopen-necked .

Example: I go to a girl school and we wear ties in winter and spring terms, but May-July we get to wear an open-neck collar.

Example: That's why you rarely see him in an open-necked shirt and, then, almost never without a neckerchief.

» con el cuello sin abrocharopen-neckopen-necked .

Example: I go to a girl school and we wear ties in winter and spring terms, but May-July we get to wear an open-neck collar.

Example: That's why you rarely see him in an open-necked shirt and, then, almost never without a neckerchief.

» el cuello de la botellathe neck of the bottle .

Example: Sometimes the cork breaks off halfway down the neck of the bottle.

» prenda de cuello altoturtleneck .

Example: Clothing for children should consist of long johns, turtlenecks, shirts, pants, sweater, coat, warm socks, boots, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

» prenda de cuello de cisneturtleneck .

Example: Clothing for children should consist of long johns, turtlenecks, shirts, pants, sweater, coat, warm socks, boots, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

» prenda de cuello vueltoturtleneck .

Example: Clothing for children should consist of long johns, turtlenecks, shirts, pants, sweater, coat, warm socks, boots, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

Cuello synonyms

cervix in spanish: cerviz, pronunciation: sɜrvɪks part of speech: noun make out in spanish: dar a entender, pronunciation: meɪkaʊt part of speech: verb
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