Cucú in english


pronunciation: kʌku part of speech: noun
In gestures

cucú1 = cuckoo. 

Example: Cuckoos leave their sub-Saharan winter home to reach the southern Mediterranean by March.


» reloj cucúcuckoo clock .

Example: The latest addition to my clock menagerie is a cuckoo clock, something I've wanted for quite some time.

» reloj de cucúcuckoo clock .

Example: The latest addition to my clock menagerie is a cuckoo clock, something I've wanted for quite some time.

cucu2 = peekaboo. 

Example: The first precursor of make-believe in a child's life may be the game of peekaboo, which babies start to play at about six months.

Cucú synonyms

goose in spanish: ganso, pronunciation: gus part of speech: noun zany in spanish: loco, pronunciation: zeɪni part of speech: adjective, noun goof in spanish: bobo, pronunciation: guf part of speech: noun, verb jackass in spanish: burro, pronunciation: dʒækæs part of speech: noun fathead in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: fæθed part of speech: noun
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