Cuclillas in english


pronunciation: skwɑtɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuclillas = hunkers. 

Example: The bell rang and she jumped to the ground, sitting on her hunkers, hands over her ears.


» en cuclillassquatin a squat positionin a squatting positionin a crouching position .

Example: Fitness instructors laud the squat as being among the best strengthening moves for the lower body.

Example: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower into a squat position, jump as far forward as possible, and land on the balls of both feet.

Example: Most women who have delivered in a squatting position have, in fact, practiced very little.

Example: The present invention relates to a toilet bowl adapted for non-contact use by a person in a crouching position.

» ponerse en cuclillassquat (down)crouch (down)squattinghunkerhunker down .

Example: As you squat your heels raise off the floor so you are squatting on the balls of your feet.

Example: My lasting image of Omar is of him crouched in the rubble waiting for U.S. troops to get close enough so he could take one of them out.

Example: To understand why squatting is better than sitting, one just need to have a basic understanding of how the colon works.

Example: But the kitty didn't walk forward to Martin; instead, it was trying to hunker again in preparation for a leap.

Example: As a sign that the protesters are hunkering down for the long haul, they erected a larger tent on Sunday.

Cuclillas synonyms

squat in spanish: agacharse, pronunciation: skwɑt part of speech: adjective, verb
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