Cuchitril in english


pronunciation: hʌvəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuchitril = cubbyhole ; hovel ; poky little room ; poky little flat ; poky little apartment. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Kiosk or cubbyhole - the future of the information center'.Example: Watching Ranald drop a rafter on his head, Marion sneered at herself that these children, this filthy hovel were all that was left to her.Example: At £75 per night this is significantly overpriced for a poky little room, with worn furniture, and a mattress that had definitely seen better days.Example: For five years he had been stuck in a poky little flat, dreaming of a better place.Example: You're stuck in a going-nowhere job, you live in a poky little apartment and your car looks like it needs a serious make-over.


» cuchitril de casapoky little house .

Example: Alice says they live in a 'poky little house' and that Mabel has hardly any toys to play with.

» cuchitril de despachopoky office .

Example: Once he had finished his day's work at his decrepit old desk in his poky office, all he wanted to do was to eat well.

» cuchitril de oficinapoky office .

Example: Once he had finished his day's work at his decrepit old desk in his poky office, all he wanted to do was to eat well.

Cuchitril synonyms

hut in spanish: choza, pronunciation: hʌt part of speech: noun shack in spanish: choza, pronunciation: ʃæk part of speech: noun hutch in spanish: conejera, pronunciation: hʌtʃ part of speech: noun shanty in spanish: chabola, pronunciation: ʃænti part of speech: noun
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