Cuchilla in english


pronunciation: naɪf part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuchilla = blade ; scraper ; razor. 

Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in finding and managing to keep a broken and discarded hacksaw blade he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.Example: By the early 1820s a lithographic hand-press was in general use that was similar to the copperplate press except that the printing surface was run under a scraper rather than a roller.Example: His teeth grew into razor fangs with two large incisors sticking out above the rest like a wolf.


» cuchilla de afeitarrazor bladeblade razorrazorstraight razorcut-throat razor .

Example: One of the advantages of spirit duplication is that errors on the master can be erased by gently removing the layer of dye with a razor blade.

Example: Properly used, most electric shavers can offer the user a shave that is every bit as close as, if not closer, than a shave obtained from a blade razor.

Example: His teeth grew into razor fangs with two large incisors sticking out above the rest like a wolf.

Example: Using razor strops is as important as knowing how to swipe the blade of your straight razor over your face.

Example: You can still buy cut-throat razors at boot sales and in some antique shops.

» cuchilla de media lunahalf-moon cutter .

Example: Give me a spade any day for this and most other garden jobs like this, rather than a half-moon cutter or a gardening fork or anything else.

» máquina de recortar con cuchilla rectastraight-knife trimming machine .

Example: In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.

Cuchilla synonyms

tongue in spanish: lengua, pronunciation: tʌŋ part of speech: noun stab in spanish: puñalada, pronunciation: stæb part of speech: noun, verb
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