Cubo in english


pronunciation: kjub part of speech: noun
In gestures

cubo1 = bucket ; bin ; pail ; scuttle. 

Example: The title of his address is 'How many drops to fill the bucket?'.Example: The items to be humidified are placed inside the smaller bin and a cover put in place.Example: In Little Gidding T.S. Eliot gives us some lines that express what I mean not just by saying it but by demonstrating it too: Last season's fruit is eaten And the full-fed beast shall kick the empty pail.Example: Imagine having to bring in a scuttle full of coal (or more) each day just to have heat in the winter!.


» caer como un cubo de agua fríacome as + a (complete) shock .

Example: Obama's abrupt change of direction came as a shock to experts and allies alike.

» cubo de la basurawaste bintrashcan [trash can]dustbin [dust bin]rubbish bintrash bingarbage can .

Example: This attitude is based on the waste bin decision process widely used in political and educational organisations, which tend to have open-ended goals, problematic preferences, hazy technology, and poor feeback.

Example: The article 'You can never own too many trashcans' comments on the problems of finding enough space to house the University of California Division of Library Automation installations.

Example: Databases which should be gold mines degenerate into dustbins, and inter-departmental strife tears apart the organization's commitments.

Example: The bags may be used as an inner skin to a rubbish bin, to stop wet and noisome remains from sticking to the inside of the container.

Example: In a trash bin, he found the inedibles: fragile little calf legs with tiny cleft hooves.

Example: Two boys said they were shooting at a garbage can but ended up hitting a 61-year-old delivery driver instead, police say.

» cubo de plásticoplastic pailplastic bucket .

Example: Tomatoes, cucumbers, and similar plants can be grown in pots about the size of 5-gallon plastic pails.

Example: Store liquids, powders, or most anything safely in plastic buckets with lids that really make an airtight seal.

» cubo de recicladorecycling bin .

Example: Verbal commitment significantly increased participation in an experiment to encourage people to use recycling bins.

» meter en un cubobucket .

Example: This blueberry jam is bursting with tiny, whole berries, reviving memories of picking blueberries with loved ones and eating more than we bucketed.

» sacar a cubosbucket out .

Example: We bucketed out the water, but it just came back in as the water table in the ground had risen so much.

» sacar con un cubobucket out .

Example: We bucketed out the water, but it just came back in as the water table in the ground had risen so much.

» un cubo dea bucketful ofa bucketload of .

Example: That was what that drill corporal himself thought, for he got really angry with those persons who had thrown the bucketful of water over me.

Example: If reports are to be believed, the Moon may have bucketloads of water.

cubo2 = cube. 

Example: Theoretically travel distances will be reduced to a minimum if the building is a cube and on entry users are brought quickly to the centre of gravity.


» diseño de construcción en forma de cubodeep plan .

Example: Books, staff and readers will need to move shorter distances in a cubic building than in a linear building or one extended by moving away from a deep plan.

» edificio en forma de cubocubic building .

Example: Books, staff and readers will need to move shorter distances in a cubic building than in a linear building or one extended by moving away from a deep plan.

» ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuboinverse cube law [En bibliometría, ley utilizada para describir que la relación entre dos variables es inversa y va aumentando o disminuyendo al cubo] .

Example: The data was found to conform to an inverse cube law more closely than an inverse square law (i.e., Lotka's Law) = Se halló que los datos se ajustan mejor a una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cubo que una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuadrado (es decir, la Ley de Lotka).

Cubo synonyms

block in spanish: bloquear, pronunciation: blɑk part of speech: noun dice in spanish: dado, pronunciation: daɪs part of speech: noun regular hexahedron in spanish: hexaedro regular, pronunciation: regjəlɜreksəhidrən part of speech: noun square block in spanish: bloque cuadrado, pronunciation: skwerblɑk part of speech: noun third power in spanish: tercer poder, pronunciation: θɜrdpaʊɜr part of speech: noun
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