Cubero in english


pronunciation: kjuberoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

cubero = cooper. 

Example: A barrel maker was commonly called a cooper and he started by planing narrow wood strips or staves from imported wood often from Thailand = A barrel maker was commonly called a cooper and he started by planing narrow wood strips or staves from imported wood often from Thailand.


» cálculo a ojo de buen cuberoguessworkdead reckoningblind guess .

Example: Without such knowledge we are rather like a doctor who treats symptoms only and acts on guesswork, inquiring neither into the cause of the ailment nor its history.

Example: Before the development of celestial navigation, sailors navigated by dead reckoning -- this was the method used by Columbus and most other sailors of his era.

Example: This decision should be based on an educated decision not a blind guess.
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