Cuatro in english


pronunciation: fɔr part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

cuatro (4) = four (4). 

Example: Four situations may arise which will need careful consideration.


» a cuatro aguashipped .

Example: According to the new design, the roof will have gable ends as opposed to being hipped with dormer windows = De acuerdo con el nuevo diseño, el techo tendrá hastiales en lugar de ser a cuatro aguas con buhardillas.

» a cuatro patason all fourson four legs .

Example: Scientists have controversially claimed the discovery of gene variants which directly influence whether we walk upright or on all fours.

Example: Of course, the horse can sleep lying down if it so chooses, but God has designed this magnificent animal to get forty winks on four legs.

» andar a cuatro pataswalk on + four legswalk on + all fourscrawl .

Example: Before they had grain to eat, humans were weak and had to walk on four legs like animals.

Example: In human evolution, the transition from walking on all fours to walking upright didn't occur in a single step.

Example: Weeks of intensive feeding have transformed the baby into a chubby-cheeked boy who crawls.

» anunciar a los cuatro vientosshout + Nombre + from the rooftopstrumpet .

Example: But it was too much for him; for instead of shouting it from the rooftops, he simply went home, thinking and marveling about what had taken place.

Example: Just weeks after trumpeting the results of a military offensive, the Pakistan army suddenly finds itself under attack on multiple fronts.

» apenas cuatro gatoshardly anybodyscarcely anybodyhardly anyonescarcely anyonehardly a soulonly a handful of people .

Example: There is hardly anybody good for everything and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing.

Example: There is hardly anybody good for everything and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing.

Example: Despite the efforts of the publicity subcommittee, hardly anyone attended the workshop that had been planned so painstakingly.

Example: For whatever obscure reason, two meetings were held to organise the fiftieth anniversary of the settlement but scarcely anyone attended.

Example: Passing through mile after mile of surf beaches with hardly a soul to be seen for most of the year, you'll enjoy the solitude in an untouched wilderness.

Example: But his radical views on religion would destroy his success, and by the end of his life, only a handful of people attended his funeral.

» apenas cuatro pelagatoshardly anybodyscarcely anybodyhardly anyonescarcely anyoneonly a handful of people .

Example: There is hardly anybody good for everything and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing.

Example: There is hardly anybody good for everything and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing.

Example: Despite the efforts of the publicity subcommittee, hardly anyone attended the workshop that had been planned so painstakingly.

Example: For whatever obscure reason, two meetings were held to organise the fiftieth anniversary of the settlement but scarcely anyone attended.

Example: But his radical views on religion would destroy his success, and by the end of his life, only a handful of people attended his funeral.

» cama con cuatro columnasfour-poster bed .

Example: These bedsteads and four-poster beds were originally made for export and now exude a chic elegance.

» coche cuatro por cuatrofour-wheel-drive car .

Example: These specialists are joining a growing initiative to make humanitarian groups more responsible with their gas-guzzling four-wheel-drive cars.

» como dos y dos son cuatroas sure as eggs is eggs .

Example: You know the kind of thing: if you put your hand in the fire then, as sure as eggs is eggs, your hand will get burnt.

» comprar por cuatro durosbuy + Nombre + for a song .

Example: Most of them had been foreclosed, and she bought them for a song, often just for the unpaid taxes.

» comprar por cuatro perrasbuy + Nombre + for a song .

Example: Most of them had been foreclosed, and she bought them for a song, often just for the unpaid taxes.

» con cuatro carasfour-sided .

Example: Because of the high cost of constructing a four-sided free standing shed, some clients prefer to have a lean-to shed attached to their home.

» con cuatro costadosfour-sided .

Example: Because of the high cost of constructing a four-sided free standing shed, some clients prefer to have a lean-to shed attached to their home.

» con cuatro patasfour-legged .

Example: The first four-legged fossil snake ever found is forcing scientists to rethink how snakes evolved from lizards.

» con cuatro puertasfour-door .

Example: He was wearing a round-neck sweater and dark trousers and is believed to have been driving a small, four-door car.

» conocer cuatro cosas sobreknow + a thing or two about .

Example: But give credit where credit is due, Berger knows a thing or two about farming.

» conseguir por cuatro durosget + Nombre + for a song .

Example: The two books were old and ratty, and he had got them for a song -- twenty bucks.

» conseguir por cuatro perrasget + Nombre + for a song .

Example: The two books were old and ratty, and he had got them for a song -- twenty bucks.

» cuatro de julio, elFourth of July, the .

Example: The focus is on St. Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, but consideration is also given to other events such as the Fourth of July and Father's Day.

» cuatro gatosfour men and a dogfour nobodies .

Example: But very few people have any time for domestic cricket, where matches are often played in front of the proverbial four men and a dog.

Example: So basically this new team comes from the fact that he has decided to sit at home sipping brandy while his son and four nobodies do all the work.

» cuatro ojosfour eyes [Forma humorística de referirse a una persona que usa gafas] .

Example: Lots of people also called me 'four eyes' but that is just as common as muck and most people that wore glasses were called this.

» cuatro pelagatosfour men and a dogfour nobodies .

Example: But very few people have any time for domestic cricket, where matches are often played in front of the proverbial four men and a dog.

Example: So basically this new team comes from the fact that he has decided to sit at home sipping brandy while his son and four nobodies do all the work.

» cuatro por cuatro4WDfour-wheel-drive carfour wheel drive .

Example: You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.

Example: These specialists are joining a growing initiative to make humanitarian groups more responsible with their gas-guzzling four-wheel-drive cars.

Example: It is now a well known and established fact that four wheel drives are meant for off-road activities.

» cuatro quintosfour-fifths .

Example: Four-fifths of all moonlighters were men.

» cuatro vecesfour times .

Example: These work schedules offer your employees a weekday off two or four times a month with no cut in pay or benefits.

» cuatro veces mayorfourfold .

Example: By the end of June 1980, Adviceline had attracted 289 enquiries, a fourfold increase on the number of enquiries originating from the same area in the corresponding period the year before.

» cuatro verdadeshome truth .

Example: The book `Life's Like That' demystifies some myths, hopefully triggered some change and established some home truths about homosexuality.

» cuatro verdades bien dichashome truth .

Example: The book `Life's Like That' demystifies some myths, hopefully triggered some change and established some home truths about homosexuality.

» decirle a Alguien cuatro cosastell + Nombre + a thing or two .

Example: Evelin should have told her a thing or two about manners.

» de cuatro carasfour-sided .

Example: Because of the high cost of constructing a four-sided free standing shed, some clients prefer to have a lean-to shed attached to their home.

» de cuatro costadosfour-sided .

Example: Because of the high cost of constructing a four-sided free standing shed, some clients prefer to have a lean-to shed attached to their home.

» de cuatro días de duraciónfour-day .

Example: The four-day interdisciplinary workshop will include a very exciting agenda consisting of invited speeches, technical presentations, and panel discussion sessions = Las jornadas interdisciplinares de cuatro días de duración tendrán un programa muy interesante con conferenciantes invitados, presentaciones técnicas y paneles de debate.

» de cuatro estrellasfour-star .

Example: This four-star hotel has full leisure facilities including an indoor swiming pool, jacuzzi, sauna and multi-gym.

» de cuatro patasfour-legged .

Example: The first four-legged fossil snake ever found is forcing scientists to rethink how snakes evolved from lizards.

» de cuatro puertasfour-door .

Example: He was wearing a round-neck sweater and dark trousers and is believed to have been driving a small, four-door car.

» enas cuatro pelagatoshardly a soul .

Example: Passing through mile after mile of surf beaches with hardly a soul to be seen for most of the year, you'll enjoy the solitude in an untouched wilderness.

» en cuatro nivelesquadraplaner .

Example: The new catalog is conceived of on a quadraplaner data structure; that is, the idea that there are four levels of data elements that we are collecting to form a catalog record.

» en cuatro palabrasin a nutshellin a few words .

Example: In a nutshell, I believe we must support all efforts to provide online computer access to bibliographic information.

Example: Recently, someone asked me if I could explain chi-square in a few words.

» entre las dos y las cuatromid-afternoon .

Example: A chilly, rain-soaked day can make a class unpleasantly irritable by mid-afternoon.

» estar a cuatro pasosbe just a hop awaybe just a hop and a skip away .

Example: London is just a hop away, and is one of the best cities for fun, theatre, nightlife, and many other things.

Example: Formentera is a hop and a skip from hedonistic Ibiza and the destination for my week of bliss.

» grupo de cuatrofoursome  .

Example: It marked the first time the band have appeared on television as a foursome.

» ochenta y cuatroeighty four .

Example: Eighty-four percent of the users felt that the reference librarian had pinpointed their needs very well.

» perder por los cuatro costadosleak like + a sieve .

Example: It seems to me that it won't take long for this new pond to develop some cracks which will make it leak like a sieve.

» por cuatro perrasfor a pittance .

Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.

» por cuatro realesfor a pittance .

Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.

» proclamar a los cuatro vientosshout + Nombre + from the rooftops .

Example: But it was too much for him; for instead of shouting it from the rooftops, he simply went home, thinking and marveling about what had taken place.

» sábana de cuatro picosfitted sheet .

Example: Each set contains one flat sheet, one fitted sheet and two standard pillow cases.

» saber cuatro cosas sobreknow + a thing or two about .

Example: But give credit where credit is due, Berger knows a thing or two about farming.

» tejado a cuatro aguaship roofhipped roof .

Example: One of the two most popular roof designs, if not the most popular is the hip roof.

Example: A hipped roof is stronger in windstorms than a gabled one.

» trébol de cuatro hojasfour-leaf clover .

Example: Four-leaf clovers are known all around the world for giving the finder good luck and fortune.

» uno de cada cuatroone in four .

Example: Users using English language search engines were found to have only a one in four chance of finding information that is relevant to their search while comparable odds for those using a Spanish language search engine only were one in eight.

» veinticuatrotwenty-four (24) .

Example: Most host are not available twenty-four hours a day, seven days of the week.

» vender por cuatro durossell + Nombre + for a song .

Example: I sold them for a song compared to what they go for now.

» vender por cuatro perrassell + Nombre + for a songsell + Nombre + for a pittance .

Example: I sold them for a song compared to what they go for now.

Example: Destitute, Vivaldi was forced to sell further scores for a pittance before dying in a fleapit, aged 63, at the end of July 1741.

» vender por cuatro realessell + Nombre + for a pittancesell + Nombre + for a song .

Example: Destitute, Vivaldi was forced to sell further scores for a pittance before dying in a fleapit, aged 63, at the end of July 1741.

Example: I sold them for a song compared to what they go for now.

» venderse por cuatro durosgo for + a song .

Example: They went for a song last fall but now seem to be as scarce as hen's teeth.

» venderse por cuatro perrasgo for + a song .

Example: They went for a song last fall but now seem to be as scarce as hen's teeth.

Cuatro synonyms

cardinal in spanish: cardenal, pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective iv in spanish: iv, pronunciation: ɪv part of speech: noun tetrad in spanish: tétrada, pronunciation: titræd part of speech: noun quartet in spanish: cuarteto, pronunciation: kwɔrtet part of speech: noun quaternary in spanish: cuaternario, pronunciation: kwɑtɜrneri part of speech: adjective, noun 4 in spanish: 4, pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective foursome in spanish: cuarteto, pronunciation: fɔrsəm part of speech: noun quadruplet in spanish: cuatrillizo, pronunciation: kwɑdrʌplət part of speech: noun quaternion in spanish: cuaternio, pronunciation: kwɑtɜrnun part of speech: noun quaternity in spanish: cuaternidad, pronunciation: kwɑtɜrnɪti part of speech: noun quatern in spanish: cuaternario, pronunciation: kwɔtɜrn part of speech: noun little joe in spanish: pequeño Joe, pronunciation: lɪtəldʒoʊ part of speech: noun
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