Cuatrimestre in english


pronunciation: kwɔrtɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuatrimestre = term. 

Example: I agree whole-heartedly that the subject approach is used chiefly by the beginner, whether it is a historical researcher or a high school student who is looking for term paper material.


» descomposición en cuatrimestressemesterisation [semesterization, -USA] .

Example: This article highlights needs and perspectives for further cooperative actions in relation to internationalization, modularization and semesterization of LIS studies.

» vacaciones de mitad de cuatrimestrehalf term vacation [Vacaciones que en el sistema anglosajón de enseñanza existen cada número determinado de semanas de clase] .

Example: Half term vacation fell in part of a week, so that it does not show in the records, as there was borrowing activity in the same week.

Cuatrimestre synonyms

stern in spanish: popa, pronunciation: stɜrn part of speech: noun, adjective tail in spanish: cola, pronunciation: teɪl part of speech: noun poop in spanish: mierda, pronunciation: pup part of speech: noun billet in spanish: palanquilla, pronunciation: bɪlət part of speech: noun fourth in spanish: cuarto, pronunciation: fɔrθ part of speech: adjective, noun canton in spanish: cantón, pronunciation: kæntən part of speech: noun quartern in spanish: cuarta parte, pronunciation: kwɔrtɜrn part of speech: noun one-fourth in spanish: un cuarto, pronunciation: wʌnfɔrθ part of speech: noun draw and quarter in spanish: sorteo y cuarto, pronunciation: drɔændkwɔrtɜr part of speech: verb after part in spanish: despues de parte, pronunciation: æftɜrpɑrt part of speech: noun fourth part in spanish: cuarta parte, pronunciation: fɔrθpɑrt part of speech: noun twenty-five percent in spanish: veinticinco porciento, pronunciation: twentifaɪvpɜrsent part of speech: noun
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