Cuatrero in english


pronunciation: kætəlmən part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuatrero = cattle rustler ; rustler ; rustler. 

Example: Each year in South Sudan, about 350000 cows and bulls are stolen and more than 2500 people are killed by cattle rustlers.Example: A farmer has launched an urgent appeal to find a herd of cattle stolen by rustlers.Example: A farmer has launched an urgent appeal to find a herd of cattle stolen by rustlers.

Cuatrero synonyms

cowboy in spanish: vaquero, pronunciation: kaʊbɔɪ part of speech: noun cowpoke in spanish: vaquero, pronunciation: koʊpoʊk part of speech: noun puncher in spanish: pegador, pronunciation: pʌntʃɜr part of speech: noun cowhand in spanish: mano de vaca, pronunciation: kaʊhɑnd part of speech: noun cowherd in spanish: vaquero, pronunciation: kaʊhɜrd part of speech: noun cowman in spanish: gaucho, pronunciation: kaʊmən part of speech: noun cowpuncher in spanish: vaquero, pronunciation: kaʊpəntʃɜr part of speech: noun cow man in spanish: hombre vaca, pronunciation: kaʊmæn part of speech: noun beef man in spanish: hombre de carne, pronunciation: bifmæn part of speech: noun
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