Cuarenta in english


pronunciation: fɔrti part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

cuarenta (40) = forty (40). 

Example: SLIS differ in size from about eighty to 400 students with staff numbers of from six to forty plus, implying staff to student ratios of 1:8 to 1:18.


» andar por los cuarentabe fortyish .

Example: The other woman was fortyish, overweight and had a face like a potato.

» crisis de los cuarentamid-life crisismiddle-age crisismiddle-age blues .

Example: 'I hope this doesn't sound like an off-the-wall remark but have you ever heard of or read anything about the so called mid-life crisis?'.

Example: The article is entitled 'The public library: middle-age crisis or old age?'.

Example: The article is entitled 'Fighting the middle-age blues -- is the public library winning the battle?'.

» cuarenta aproximadamentefortyish  .

Example: Seriously, will a story about a fortyish woman in love with a younger man sell?.

» cuarenta y algoforty something .

Example: At forty something, I face my days with even more push and drive than I did at twenty something.

» cuarenta y tantosforty oddforty something .

Example: You spend forty odd years wishing you didn't have to be up and out before 8am every morning -- so why do pensioners never lie in?.

Example: At forty something, I face my days with even more push and drive than I did at twenty something.

» edad entre los cuarenta y cincuentamiddle-age .

Example: I like the confidence that middle-age brings.

» hasta el cuarenta de mayo no te quites el sayocast no clout till May is out .

Example: As she walked out of the library, he warned her 'cast no clout till May is out'.

» los 40 principalesTop 40 singles chart .

Example: Billboard Top 40 singles chart data were examined to determine if the frequency distribution of artist productivity fits either of 2 laws of scattering.

» mediados de los cuarentamid-forties .

Example: As far back as the mid-forties, scientists, some of national stature, became seriously concerned = Ya a mediados de los cuarenta, los científicos, algunos de prestigio nacional, estaban muy preocupados.

Cuarenta synonyms

cardinal in spanish: cardenal, pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective xl in spanish: SG, pronunciation: zəl part of speech: noun 40 in spanish: 40, pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective twoscore in spanish: dos, pronunciation: twɔskɜr part of speech: adjective
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