Cuanto in english

How much

pronunciation: haʊmətʃ part of speech: none
In gestures



» cada cuantos + Nombreevery few + Nombre .

Example: They agreed to publish a new edition at appropriate intervals, for example every few years.

» con cuanta creatividadhow creatively .

Example: This would be an opportunity for us to see how creatively you'd approach an assignment of this sort.

» con unos cuantos + Expresión de Tiempo + de antelaciónat a few + Expresión Temporal + notice .

Example: A book fair cannot be put on at a few days' notice.

» costar unos cuantos + Nombreset + Nombre + back a few + Nombre .

Example: He says he has a special surprise lined up that has set him back a few thousand dollars.

» cuánta distanciahow farhow far .

Example: In the video, you have a chance to see how far a lightyear is.

Example: In the video, you have a chance to see how far a lightyear is.

» cuantas veces se quieraany number of times .

Example: A student may repeat a course any number of times to improve the grade in the course.

» cuanto antesas soon as possible (asap)in as little time as possible .

Example: If there are excessive delays in the record becoming available, and long delays become a common phenomenon, the librarian who is anxious to make new stock available for the user as soon as possible will resort to local cataloguing.

Example: The best cardio workout for burning fat is one of high intensity that gets the job done in as little time as possible.

» cuanto antes mejorthe sooner the better .

Example: The more mechanical parts of the research, such as literature search or data collecting, are best done on a regular timetable, and the sooner it is over the better, leaving the student more time to think and write.

» cuanto antes + Pronombre + convengaat + Posesivo + earliest convenience .

Example: Please telephone me collect at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss your future, hopefully with the Mitford Public Library.

» cuanto ha progresado + Nombrehow far along + Nombre + be .

Example: If a search is likely to take more than a few seconds, the bottom line of the screen gives a running 'progress report' of how far along the seach is.

» cuanto másall the more soall the morea fortiori .

Example: Authors gain exposure in their domain -- isn't it why one publishes? -- all the more so if it is through peer reviewing and what we hope will be a high quality conference.

Example: He listened with rapture, and all the more because it was a poignant moment in his life.

Example: The same problem is posed a fortiori when the liquid to be pasteurized contains dissolved gas under pressure (carbonated liquid) -- the case of beer for example.

» cuanto más ..., más ...the + Comparativo ..., the + Comparativo ... .

Example: The more secondary themes that are indexed in a document, the more documents that will be retrieved.

» cuanto menos se diga, mejorthe less said (about it), the better .

Example: In fact, when it comes to spying on employees Internet surfing behavior, perhaps the less said, the better.

» cuantos más, mejorthe more the merrierthe more the better .

Example: The film 'The More the Merrier' features some of her finest work.

Example: Canzone seems to be less afraid when there are other greyhounds around him, the more the better.

» cuantos + Nombre + se quieraany number of + Nombre .

Example: To sum up, the card catalogue is very flexible; it permits us to arrange any number of entries in any way we wish, and to insert new entries as required.

» dentro de unos cuantos añosin a few years' time .

Example: Further research will also require a follow-up survey in a few years' time = Además, se realizará un estudio de seguimiento dentro de unos cuantos años.

» en cuanto...the second...the minute... .

Example: The second those words slipped out of her mouth I knew in my gut that she was right.

Example: The minute she was gone, he tore the slip of paper up and walked away in the other direction, feeling very much like a big shot.

» en cuanto aas toin extent ofin regard(s) toin terms ofin the way ofwith regard(s) to [Siendo más común el uso de with regard to]as foras regardsas to the matter ofin reference tonow as tomoving on to .

Example: With a limited number of exceptions the title proper is transcribed exactly as to order, wording and spelling.

Example: In extent of enumeration and location of some topics, the sixteenth edition went back to the fourteenth edition.

Example: Headings represent the predilection of the cataloger in regard to terminology.

Example: And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.

Example: Indeed, the changes are so rapid and so diverse, our plans for the future must also include what is presently possible in the way of information dissemination.

Example: KWOC or Keyword Out of Context indexes are intended to improve upon KWIC indexes, with regards to layout and presentation.

Example: As for the future, the technology already exists for interfacing head-end computers on cable television systems with online catalog computers so that television sets can be employed to access catalogs.

Example: Practice as regards integration varies considerably.

Example: As to the matter of relics, it is almost incredible how impudently the world has been cheated.

Example: We now know enough in reference to the prevention and cure of communicable diseases so that the average human life might be lengthened by a third.

Example: Now as to the country of Samaria, it lies between Judea and Galilee and is made up hills and valleys.

Example: Moving on to our second issue, we have identified three key barriers that continue to undermine the progress being made.

» en cuanto a élas for him .

Example: As for him, I don't know enough about him to know whether he would be a better treasurer, even though he was treasurer in the past.

» en cuanto a ellaas for her .

Example: As for her, she could not look at him without blushing to the whites of her eyes, and could not live for an instant without looking at him.

» en cuanto a ellosas for them .

Example: But as for them they would say they need to drive so they could get to work everyday.

» en cuanto a los hechosfactually .

Example: It is factually wrong and historically incorrect to deify scientists, who share the foibles and weaknesses of other human beings.

» en cuanto a mías for me .

Example: As for me, I sit, as the saying goes, between a rock and a hard place.

» en cuanto a nosotrosas for us .

Example: As for us, we believe in teamwork, creativity, innovation and happy employees.

» en cuanto a tias for you .

Example: As for you, try to isolate yourself from all this craziness that have been going around you.

» en cuanto a ustedas for you .

Example: As for you, try to isolate yourself from all this craziness that have been going around you.

» en cuanto a vosotrosas for you .

Example: As for you, try to isolate yourself from all this craziness that have been going around you.

» en cuanto + nacerat birth .

Example: A congenital disorder is any medical condition that is present at birth usually hereditary, as contrasted with an acquired disorder.

» en cuanto pueda(n)at + Posesivo + earliest convenience .

Example: Please telephone me collect at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss your future, hopefully with the Mitford Public Library.

» en cuanto quein that .

Example: This will satisfy the second objective of an author catalogue, in that it becomes easy to review the extent of a library's collection of works by a specific author.

» en cuanto + salir + por lathe moment/second + Nombre + walk + out (of) the/that door .

Example: In her mind, she still feared becoming another woman he'd check off the list after debauching her, almost as if he'd be done with her the second he walked out that door.

» en cuestión de unos cuantos mesesover the course of a few months .

Example: Over the course of a few months, her life became a shambles.

» en tanto en cuantoas long asso long as .

Example: Quite frequently a user will be satisfied with a few items on a topic, as long as they are relevant, and meet other criteria such as language, date and level.

Example: In the case of the card catalog complete sequences exist whether or not someone is actually viewing them, while on a CRT (cathode-ray tube) screen they exist only so long as the phosphors continue to glow.

» en tanto en cuanto queinasmuch asinsomuch as .

Example: Both are obviously secondary sources inasmuch as the information they contain is compiled from the primary sources.

Example: The field of computational linguistics is exciting insomuch as it permits linguists of different stripes to model language behaviour.

» en tanto en cuanto + Subjuntivoprovided (that) .

Example: Computers are reliable, and less prone to error provided they are instructed or programmed appropriately and correctly.

» en unos cuantos añoswithin a few yearsin a few years' time .

Example: Recently, a new and devastating disease of almond and nectarine trees leading to their death within a few years has emerged in Lebanon.

Example: Further research will also require a follow-up survey in a few years' time = Además, se realizará un estudio de seguimiento dentro de unos cuantos años.

» hace unos cuantos díasa few days ago .

Example: For example, a few days ago, he argued that McCain shouldn't choose Palin as his running mate.

» hace unos cuantos mesesa few months back .

Example: Woo dumped her controlling brain surgeon boyfriend a few months back claiming he spent more time in the mirror dolling himself up than she did.

» más de unos cuantos + Nombrenot a few + Nombre .

Example: Not a few course leaders in the high technology end of the information education market were, in fact, somewhat envious of the clear focus in an application of the technology represented by SLIS.

» otros cuantosseveral other .

Example: This was a spur to several other London boroughs who set up shop-front consumer advice centres from 1972.

» por cuanto quebecause  .

Example: In practice, many cataloguers favour the direct catalogue partly because it is simpler for the cataloguer to compile.

» por mencionar sólo unos cuantosto mention only a few .

Example: Those researchers include Herbert Simon, Chris Argyris and Rensis Likert, to mention only a few.

» por nombrar sólo unos cuantosto name only someto name only some .

Example: With a little bit of forethought on such aspects as insulation, windows and even the shape of a building to name only some aspects, considerable economies can be achieved.

Example: With a little bit of forethought on such aspects as insulation, windows and even the shape of a building to name only some aspects, considerable economies can be achieved.

» predecible en cuanto a lo que diceplatitudinous .

Example: She wanted to say: 'You are a conceited, obstinate, inflexible, manipulative, pompous, close-minded, insensitive, abrasive, opinionated, platitudinous oaf!'.

» sólo unas cuantas personasonly a handful of people .

Example: But his radical views on religion would destroy his success, and by the end of his life, only a handful of people attended his funeral.

» sólo unos cuantosonly a handful of people .

Example: But his radical views on religion would destroy his success, and by the end of his life, only a handful of people attended his funeral.

» todos excepto unos cuantosall but a few .

Example: And, he plans to get rid of the Senate, all but a few, who will remain, according to his plans.

» todos menos unos cuantosall but a few .

Example: And, he plans to get rid of the Senate, all but a few, who will remain, according to his plans.

» unas cuantas ideasa rough guide .

Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.

» unos cuantosa fewa smattering of + Nombre Contablea sprinkling ofquite a few .

Example: Examine the definition of geography in a few dictionaries and encyclopaedias.

Example: She is still very much a children's book borrower with a smattering of titles taken from the applied sciences, which in Susan's case meant books on cookery and needlework.

Example: There need only be a sprinkling of qualified librarians to select new material and deal with problems.

Example: One day, quite a few years ago now, a middle-aged mother discovered that her teenage daughter sometimes smoked pot with her friends after school.

» unos cuantos díasa few days .

Example: There were a few days last week where I felt like a walking dead person, but I am starting to feel better = La semana pasada hubo unos cuantos días que me sentí como un zombi, pero ya me estoy empezando a sentir mejor.

» unos (cuantos) días dea spell of .

Example: After a spell of sunshine, winter looks set to return with a bang.

» y cuanto mucho menosmuch less .

Example: Book clubs need not be enclosed, much less ingrown = Los clubs de lectores no deben ser cerrados y cuanto mucho menos conservadores.

» y unos cuantos másand a few others .

Example: The user has all the usual search commands at his disposal, and a few others in addition.

cuánto2 = how much ; just how much. 

Example: 'I don't know how much I have to work with then?' he said, moving his neck as though his collar was not comfortable.Example: Yet just how much greater the cost would be depends on the application.


» cuánta distanciahow farhow far .

Example: In the video, you have a chance to see how far a lightyear is.

Example: In the video, you have a chance to see how far a lightyear is.

» cuántas veceshow often .

Example: How often you need to mow your lawn depends on how quickly it grows and each type of grass has an ideal height.

» cuántos + Nombre Contablehow many + Nombre Contable .

Example: But the real question of how many terminals is not answerable in a finite number.

» durante cuánto tiempohow long .

Example: How long, and to what extent, can a library operate beyond the pale and still make use of any of the Library of Congress's bibliographic data?.

» no saberse cuánto(s)there + be + no telling how many/much .

Example: There was no telling how many more women had been too ashamed to go to the police.

» no saberse cuánto tiempothere + be + no telling how long .

Example: For the moment, he was safe but there was no telling how long that would last.
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