Cuantioso in english


pronunciation: lɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cuantioso = sizeable [sizable] ; profuse. 

Example: In order to provide information not covered by their own stock, most sizeable special libraries join the subscribers' service offered by the British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC) housed at Boston Spa in Yorkshire.Example: It can produce watery diarrhoea that is very profuse and this can rapidly lead to severe dehydration and death.

Cuantioso synonyms

great in spanish: genial, pronunciation: greɪt part of speech: adjective comprehensive in spanish: exhaustivo, pronunciation: kɑmprihensɪv part of speech: adjective epic in spanish: épico, pronunciation: epɪk part of speech: noun, adjective big in spanish: grande, pronunciation: bɪg part of speech: adjective prominent in spanish: prominente, pronunciation: prɑmənənt part of speech: adjective important in spanish: importante, pronunciation: ɪmpɔrtənt part of speech: adjective significant in spanish: significativo, pronunciation: səgnɪfɪkənt part of speech: adjective deep in spanish: profundo, pronunciation: dip part of speech: adjective gross in spanish: bruto, pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun conspicuous in spanish: conspicuo, pronunciation: kənspɪkjuəs part of speech: adjective magnanimous in spanish: magnánimo, pronunciation: mægnænəməs part of speech: adjective heavy in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: hevi part of speech: adjective double in spanish: doble, pronunciation: dʌbəl part of speech: adjective super in spanish: súper, pronunciation: supɜr part of speech: noun, adjective extensive in spanish: extenso, pronunciation: ɪkstensɪv part of speech: adjective broad in spanish: ancho, pronunciation: brɔd part of speech: adjective prodigious in spanish: prodigioso, pronunciation: prədɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective generous in spanish: generoso, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəs part of speech: adjective obvious in spanish: obvio, pronunciation: ɑbviəs part of speech: adjective vast in spanish: vasto, pronunciation: væst part of speech: adjective rhetorical in spanish: retórico, pronunciation: rɪtɔrɪkəl part of speech: adjective bombastic in spanish: rimbombante, pronunciation: bɑmbæstɪk part of speech: adjective huge in spanish: enorme, pronunciation: hjudʒ part of speech: adjective monolithic in spanish: monolítico, pronunciation: mɑnəlɪθɪk part of speech: adjective ample in spanish: amplio, pronunciation: æmpəl part of speech: adjective turgid in spanish: turgente, pronunciation: tɜrdʒɪd part of speech: adjective tremendous in spanish: tremendo, pronunciation: trəmendəs part of speech: adjective massive in spanish: masivo, pronunciation: mæsɪv part of speech: adjective immense in spanish: inmenso, pronunciation: ɪmens part of speech: adjective giant in spanish: gigante, pronunciation: dʒaɪənt part of speech: adjective, noun enormous in spanish: enorme, pronunciation: ɪnɔrməs part of speech: adjective banner in spanish: bandera, pronunciation: bænɜr part of speech: noun macro in spanish: macro, pronunciation: mækroʊ part of speech: noun, adjective orotund in spanish: rimbombante, pronunciation: ɔroʊtənd part of speech: adjective colossal in spanish: colosal, pronunciation: kəlɑsəl part of speech: adjective cosmic in spanish: cósmico, pronunciation: kɑzmɪk part of speech: adjective stupendous in spanish: estupendo, pronunciation: stupendəs part of speech: adjective capacious in spanish: espacioso, pronunciation: kəpeɪʃəs part of speech: adjective voluminous in spanish: voluminoso, pronunciation: vəlumənəs part of speech: adjective heroic in spanish: heroico, pronunciation: hɪroʊɪk part of speech: adjective humongous in spanish: gigantesco, pronunciation: hjumɔŋgəs part of speech: adjective monumental in spanish: monumental, pronunciation: mɑnjəmentəl part of speech: adjective mammoth in spanish: mamut, pronunciation: mæməθ part of speech: adjective, noun extended in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: ɪkstendəd part of speech: adjective gargantuan in spanish: gigantesco, pronunciation: gɑrgæntʃuən part of speech: adjective jumbo in spanish: jumbo, pronunciation: dʒʌmboʊ part of speech: adjective spacious in spanish: espacioso, pronunciation: speɪʃəs part of speech: adjective gigantic in spanish: gigantesco, pronunciation: dʒaɪgæntɪk part of speech: adjective galactic in spanish: galáctico, pronunciation: gəlæktɪk part of speech: adjective rangy in spanish: alto y delgado, pronunciation: reɪndʒi part of speech: adjective gravid in spanish: grávido, pronunciation: grævɪd part of speech: adjective monstrous in spanish: monstruoso, pronunciation: mɑnstrəs part of speech: adjective greatest in spanish: mayor, pronunciation: greɪtəst part of speech: adjective bulky in spanish: voluminoso, pronunciation: bʌlki part of speech: adjective puffy in spanish: hinchado, pronunciation: pʌfi part of speech: adjective sizable in spanish: considerable, pronunciation: saɪzəbəl part of speech: adjective sizeable in spanish: considerable, pronunciation: saɪzəbəl part of speech: adjective titanic in spanish: titánico, pronunciation: taɪtænɪk part of speech: adjective expectant in spanish: expectante, pronunciation: ɪkspektənt part of speech: adjective bouffant in spanish: bouffant, pronunciation: bufænt part of speech: adjective tumid in spanish: tumid, pronunciation: tumɪd part of speech: adjective astronomical in spanish: astronómico, pronunciation: æstrənɑmɪkəl part of speech: adjective thumping in spanish: descomunal, pronunciation: θʌmpɪŋ part of speech: noun bigger in spanish: más grande, pronunciation: bɪgɜr part of speech: adjective enceinte in spanish: encinta, pronunciation: enseɪnti part of speech: adjective declamatory in spanish: declamatorio, pronunciation: dɪkleɪmətɔri part of speech: adjective mountainous in spanish: montañoso, pronunciation: maʊntənəs part of speech: adjective elephantine in spanish: elefantino, pronunciation: eləfæntin part of speech: adjective biggest in spanish: más grande, pronunciation: bɪgəst part of speech: adjective largest in spanish: mas grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒəst part of speech: adjective oversized in spanish: sobredimensionado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrsaɪzd part of speech: adjective large-scale in spanish: Gran escala, pronunciation: lɑrdʒskeɪl part of speech: adjective hulking in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: hʌlkɪŋ part of speech: adjective larger in spanish: mas grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒɜr part of speech: adjective outsize in spanish: enorme, pronunciation: aʊtsaɪz part of speech: adjective macroscopic in spanish: macroscópico, pronunciation: məkrɑskəpɪk part of speech: adjective enlarged in spanish: engrandecido, pronunciation: enlɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective outsized in spanish: sobredimensionado, pronunciation: aʊtsaɪzd part of speech: adjective oversize in spanish: demasiado grande, pronunciation: oʊvɜrsaɪz part of speech: adjective largish in spanish: grande, pronunciation: lɑrgɪʃ part of speech: adjective life-size in spanish: de tamaño natural, pronunciation: laɪfsaɪz part of speech: adjective larger-than-life in spanish: mas largo que la vida, pronunciation: lɑrgɜrθænlaɪf part of speech: adjective vauntingly in spanish: vagando, pronunciation: vɔntɪŋli part of speech: adverb king-size in spanish: Tamaño gigante, pronunciation: kɪŋzaɪz part of speech: adjective biggish in spanish: bastante grande, pronunciation: bɪgɪʃ part of speech: adjective astronomic in spanish: astronómico, pronunciation: æstrənɑmɪk part of speech: adjective boastfully in spanish: presumiblemente, pronunciation: boʊstfəli part of speech: adverb plumping in spanish: regordete, pronunciation: plʌmpɪŋ part of speech: adjective full-size in spanish: tamaño completo, pronunciation: fʊlsaɪz part of speech: adjective queen-size in spanish: tamaño reina, pronunciation: kwinsaɪz part of speech: adjective megascopic in spanish: aumentado, pronunciation: megəskɑpɪk part of speech: adjective hulky in spanish: Hulky, pronunciation: hʌlki part of speech: adjective overlarge in spanish: sobredimensionar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrlɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective life-sized in spanish: de tamaño natural, pronunciation: laɪfsaɪzd part of speech: adjective blown-up in spanish: volado, pronunciation: bloʊnʌp part of speech: adjective macroscopical in spanish: macroscópico, pronunciation: məkrəskɑpəkəl part of speech: adjective king-sized in spanish: tamaño king, pronunciation: kɪŋzaɪzd part of speech: adjective man-sized in spanish: del tamaño de un hombre, pronunciation: mænsaɪzd part of speech: adjective queen-sized in spanish: tamaño queen, pronunciation: kwinsaɪzd part of speech: adjective too large in spanish: demasiado grande, pronunciation: tulɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective
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