Cualquier in english


pronunciation: eni part of speech: adverb
In gestures

cualquier = any ; any one ; either ; whatever ; any and all. 

Example: UNIBID is an attempt to offer a standard record format for use by abstracting and indexing services, independent of any existing description or cataloguing rules.Example: Note that the librarian may choose any one of the five items shown on the screen in Figure 8.Example: Not every index necessarily exhibits all the features of either of these types of indexing systems, and indeed, some will possess elements of both types of systems.Example: In producing this subject, or conceptual, analysis the indexer names the selected concepts in whatever words, or terms, he chooses.Example: The survey aimed to ascertain the degree of computerisation of any and all library functions in any type of school-related setting.


» a cualquier horaanytime(a)round the clock .

Example: 'Now, whenever you want to see me about anything between these get-togethers,' she resumed, 'don't hesitate to drop by anytime'.

Example: Digitization is a value-added way of making library collections and materials available around the world, around the clock.

» a cualquier hora del día o de la nocheat any time of the day or nightat any hour of the day or night .

Example: This bibliographic retrieval system permits users without previous training to search the medical literature themselves at any time of the day or night.

Example: The contributions are by some of Harvard's 135 current scholars, who have access to the library's 3.5 million volumes at any hour of the day or night, should they so wish.

» a cualquier precioat any costat all costsat any priceby whatever means (possible) .

Example: Illegal work practices aimed at achieving economic success at any cost were widespread.

Example: This article presents a decalogue of a librarian's faults: a library for the benefit of librarians; a library for the benefit of the management; a drive to obtain new technology at all costs; egotism of departments; egotism of libraries; dictatorship instead of management; working 'in silence'; putting on blinkers; laissez-faire; and wasteful use of time, people and resources.

Example: The new law would scrap the existing anti-scalping law and allow tickets to be resold at any price.

Example: Naturally, Claire is just dying to be part of the Committee, but they're equally determined to keep her out of it by whatever means.

» aguantar cualquier cosaput up with + anything .

Example: We are made to feel that we have to put up with anything just because our mothers and grandmothers did.

» ante cualquier adversidadin the face of + adversity .

Example: Libraries are struggling to hold on and maintain quality in the face of adversity and reversal.

» apostarse cualquier cosabet + Posesivo + lifebet + Posesivo + bottom dollarbet + Posesivo + shirtbet + Posesivo + boots .

Example: He bet his life that he would be found innocent because he believed there was insufficent eyewitness accounts that would render a shadow of a doubt.

Example: Vachal says there is 'no friggin' way' that happened and that she would 'bet her bottom dollar' that Bialek's allegations are untrue.

Example: Nobody with any sense would bet their shirt on it, but it's worth a small punt.

Example: I can bet my boots those who haven't read the book would love it.

» bajo cualquier circunstanciaunder all circumstances .

Example: Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.

» capaz de hacer cualquier cosacapable of anything .

Example: While in traditional working society, everybody was kept busy, and out of trouble, a leisured society would be one in which people roamed free and unfettered, and capable of absolutely anything.

» casi cualquieralmost any .

Example: This charger will quickly and easily charge almost any lead acid battery.

» casi cualquier cosajust about anythingmost anythingalmost anything .

Example: Learn to cook just about anything either with recipes or without.

Example: Store liquids, powders, or most anything safely in plastic buckets with lids that really make an airtight seal.

Example: This company will let you pay for almost anything with your cell phone.

» consentirle a Alguien cualquier cosalet + Nombre + get away with murder .

Example: He didn't intend to let her get away with murder, and wanted to punish her himself rather than see her behind bars.

» cualquiera de estos díasany day now .

Example: She is due to give birth any day now and was spotted out spending some quality time with her husband.

» cualquiera que sea lo quewhichever .

Example: Whichever he chooses he will still have to sift out and categorize the numerous errors that disfigure all the early texts of the play.

» cualquiera que sea + Nombrewhichever + Nombre .

Example: Whichever word in the term is used as the main entry point in an index, the user might choose to seek the subject under the other word in the term first.

» cualquier cosaanything .

Example: For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.

» cualquier cosa que no seaanything but .

Example: First the desire to read is sapped, then the will, and finally stamina to tackle anything but short, and immediately useful, passages.

» cualquier (de)any one (of) .

Example: Any one document may be required by author, title, subject, form or other characteristics, but this one document can only be grouped according to one of these characteristics at any one time.

» cualquier día de éstosany day now .

Example: She is due to give birth any day now and was spotted out spending some quality time with her husband.

» cualquier fulanoany Tom, Dick or Harry .

Example: The idea that any women should marry any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of her own feelings is simply prehistoric.

» cualquier hijo de vecinoany Tom, Dick or Harry .

Example: The idea that any women should marry any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of her own feelings is simply prehistoric.

» cualquier mindundiany Tom, Dick or Harry .

Example: The idea that any women should marry any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of her own feelings is simply prehistoric.

» cualquier otra cosayou name itanything elsewhatever else .

Example: To introduce a little vulgarity, it would be absolutely hell on browsers were all the works by Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers or Dashiell Hammett or you name it, entered individually by their title.

Example: Now this may sound somewhat Draconian as an approach to the problem, but I really do believe, and I have studied this and thought about it very carefully for many years, that this is the only answer, that anything else is just an amelioration of the problem and is building up problems for the future.

Example: Mainstream media tends to focus on the negative, on the sensational, and nearly all of that catastrophic -- hurricanes and nuclear war and terrorism and whatever else.

» cualquier otra personaanybody else .

Example: On first thought, it might appear that an author would be the best person to write the abstract, since presumably he or she knows more about the paper than anybody else.

» cualquier otroyou name it .

Example: To introduce a little vulgarity, it would be absolutely hell on browsers were all the works by Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers or Dashiell Hammett or you name it, entered individually by their title.

» cualquier personaanyoneany Tom, Dick or Harry .

Example: Anyone using LC copy and the AACR is well aware of the stimulating challenges provided by superimposed headings.

Example: The idea that any women should marry any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of her own feelings is simply prehistoric.

» cualquier trabajo temporalcasual job .

Example: Quietly spoken, introverted Henry, the main character, tries to get casual jobs (anything, like a factotum) around Los Angeles.

» dar cualquier cosa por Algogive + an eye-tooth for/to .

Example: Who else but a librarian would give an eye-tooth to work at a bookstore on the weekend?.

» dar cualquier cosa si/porgive + anything if .

Example: I would give anything if I had had a chance to bend an elbow with Ralph and swap a few stories.

» daría cualquier cosa por saber qué piensasa penny for your thoughts .

Example: He was staring out at the water so seriously that I said, 'A penny for your thoughts?'.

» de cualquier clase (de)of any type (of)of any kind (of)of any sort (of) .

Example: This article describes various online marketing methods that can be utilised for the promotion of any type of business.

Example: Ignorance is at the heart of any kind of discovery.

Example: To prevent and manage allergies caused by cockroaches, your best bet is to get rid of any sort of infestation entirely.

» de cualquier formain any eventin any casein any way at allanyhowin anyway .

Example: In any event, those using the system will need to concern themselves with the general management of the data bases.

Example: In any case it is best to split up the work among all those involved, having an adult in charge of each group.

Example: We are not liable at all for any loss or damage which you might incur through your use of this site in any way at all.

Example: This is a small service for the bold and resolute would find a way of escape anyhow: the faint-hearted and hesitant are those who need to be enticed into a wider world, and they are very numerous.

Example: This is quite simply a session not to be missed if you are involved in education in anyway.

» de cualquier forma posiblein any and all ways .

Example: Retailers try to reach customers in any and all ways to sell products.

» de cualquier maneraanyhowhiggledy-piggledywilly-nillyin any way at allin any way [in anyway]in anyway .

Example: This is a small service for the bold and resolute would find a way of escape anyhow: the faint-hearted and hesitant are those who need to be enticed into a wider world, and they are very numerous.

Example: A decision has to be made about whether the books will be displayed higgledy-piggledy or according to a plan.

Example: By this time, firecrackers and fireworks were being let off willy-nilly in the streets by any mug with a match.

Example: We are not liable at all for any loss or damage which you might incur through your use of this site in any way at all.

Example: Well, community information is just about that, helping those who are in anyway disadavantaged find the means to solve their daily problems and to find a better life.

Example: This is quite simply a session not to be missed if you are involved in education in anyway.

» de cualquier manera posiblein any way possible .

Example: Christy likes to strut her stuff in any way possible to get attention.

» de cualquier modohowevereither wayhowsoeveranyhowin anyway .

Example: However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.

Example: This mission may exist in the mind of one or more persons or actually be written on paper; either way, this subjective sense of 'why' is universally in place.

Example: Howsoever intelligent we may be, or wealthy, or experienced, we all make mistakes.

Example: This is a small service for the bold and resolute would find a way of escape anyhow: the faint-hearted and hesitant are those who need to be enticed into a wider world, and they are very numerous.

Example: This is quite simply a session not to be missed if you are involved in education in anyway.

» de cualquier tipoin any way [in anyway]in all forms .

Example: Well, community information is just about that, helping those who are in anyway disadavantaged find the means to solve their daily problems and to find a better life.

Example: Another concern is to identify discrimination in all forms, and disparities in resources, programmes, and opportunities relating to women in librarianship.

» de cualquier tipo (de)of any type (of)of any kind (of)of any sort (of) .

Example: This article describes various online marketing methods that can be utilised for the promotion of any type of business.

Example: Ignorance is at the heart of any kind of discovery.

Example: To prevent and manage allergies caused by cockroaches, your best bet is to get rid of any sort of infestation entirely.

» dejar en cualquier sitioleave + lying around .

Example: Are you careful with your belongings or do you simply leave them lying around even while you are outside your home?.

» desde cualquier punto de vistaby any standard(s) .

Example: By any standard there were many more illiterate Americans 100 years ago.

» en cualquier casofor that matterin any eventin any casein either case .

Example: A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.

Example: In any event, those using the system will need to concern themselves with the general management of the data bases.

Example: In any case it is best to split up the work among all those involved, having an adult in charge of each group.

Example: In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.

» en cualquier domingoon any given Sunday .

Example: They are the weak link in the playoffs, but they are good enough to beat any of their competitors on any given Sunday.

» en cualquier época del añoany time of the year .

Example: Some of you may think waiting lines are only long during the holidays, but retailers know the checkout line can be long any time of the year.

» en cualquier lugareverywhereanywhere .

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS stores library files that contain more or less the same information found in manual files in libraries everywhere.

Example: Common facets may be listed anywhere in the schedule order, because they are facets that, although only listed once can be applied anywhere in the citation order, as required to qualify the concept to which they apply.

» en cualquier momentoanytimeat any one timeat any pointat any point in timeat any timeat any momentat any given pointat any moment in timeat any given momentmomentarilyon any given Sundayany day now .

Example: 'Now, whenever you want to see me about anything between these get-togethers,' she resumed, 'don't hesitate to drop by anytime'.

Example: Any one document may be required by author, title, subject, form or other characteristics, but this one document can only be grouped according to one of these characteristics at any one time.

Example: A girl stroked its keys and it emitted recognizable speech; no human vocal chords entered into the procedure at any point.

Example: Clearly, with computer-based systems a list of the terms in the language at any point in time can normally be printed, so this would specify the indexing language.

Example: Each user has a password which he can change at any time = Cada usuario tiene una contraseña que puede cambiar en cualquier momento.

Example: In conversing with her you hadn't got to tread lightly and warily, lest at any moment you might rupture the relationship, and tumble into eternal disgrace.

Example: Unlike alphabetical arrangement, systematic order is not self-evident, and indeed there may be differing views as to the best order at any given point.

Example: The analysis explores whether individual characteristics adequately explain the labor market situation of individuals at any moment in time.

Example: At any given moment, several hundred titles are available in print, and dozes more are published each year = En un momento dado, hay varios cientos títulos disponibles y cada año aparecen otros tantos nuevos.

Example: Regular service will be resumed momentarily.

Example: They are the weak link in the playoffs, but they are good enough to beat any of their competitors on any given Sunday.

Example: She is due to give birth any day now and was spotted out spending some quality time with her husband.

» en cualquier momento en el futuroat some stage .

Example: But at some stage they are going to take off and public librarians will need to be ready to stake their claim to be the most appropriate people to collect and organize local community information.

» en cualquier ordeneither way round .

Example: The search statement 'TAX W/5 SAVING' searches the terms within five words of each other but either way round.

» en cualquier otra circunstanciain any other circumstances .

Example: Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.

» en cualquier otra parteanywhere elseeverywhere else .

Example: The answer was that it could be imported but that it was often no more plentiful anywhere else in the institution than in SLIS.

Example: What bothers me is we are very quick as a people to recognize racism everywhere else except the one place that truly affects all of us.

» en cualquier otra situaciónin any other circumstances .

Example: Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.

» en cualquier otro lugaranywhere elseeverywhere else .

Example: The answer was that it could be imported but that it was often no more plentiful anywhere else in the institution than in SLIS.

Example: What bothers me is we are very quick as a people to recognize racism everywhere else except the one place that truly affects all of us.

» en cualquier otro momentosome other time .

Example: We'll go into that some other time.

» en cualquier otro sitioanywhere else .

Example: The answer was that it could be imported but that it was often no more plentiful anywhere else in the institution than in SLIS.

» en cualquier parteanywhereeverywhereanywhere and everywhere [También usado con el orden everywhere and anywhere, pero con menos frecuencia] .

Example: Common facets may be listed anywhere in the schedule order, because they are facets that, although only listed once can be applied anywhere in the citation order, as required to qualify the concept to which they apply.

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS stores library files that contain more or less the same information found in manual files in libraries everywhere.

Example: Then the heavens let loose and people sought shelter anywhere and everywhere they could.

» en cualquier sitioeverywhereanywhereanywhere and everywhere [También usado con el orden everywhere and anywhere, pero con menos frecuencia] .

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS stores library files that contain more or less the same information found in manual files in libraries everywhere.

Example: Common facets may be listed anywhere in the schedule order, because they are facets that, although only listed once can be applied anywhere in the citation order, as required to qualify the concept to which they apply.

Example: Then the heavens let loose and people sought shelter anywhere and everywhere they could.

» en cualquier situaciónin any given situation .

Example: The reason actions do not reflect thoughts and feeling in every case is the almost ever-present conflict of values which exists in any given situation.

» en un domingo cualquieraon any given Sunday .

Example: They are the weak link in the playoffs, but they are good enough to beat any of their competitors on any given Sunday.

» estar dispuesto a enfrentarse a cualquier cosabe up for a/any challengebe up for a/any challenge .

Example: It was so great to watch her develop into such a gutty, confident player that is up for any challenge.

Example: It was so great to watch her develop into such a gutty, confident player that is up for any challenge.

» hacer cualquier cosado + anythinggive + Posesivo + right arm .

Example: The premise of the show is that gold diggers would do anything to marry money.

Example: I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.

» hacer cualquier cosa porgo to + extraordinary lengths togo to + great lengths to .

Example: For decades liberals have gone to extraordinary lengths to impose new energy taxes.

Example: Writers and publishers go to great lengths to avoid the appearance of supporting or condoning homosexuality.

» jugarse cualquier cosabet + Posesivo + lifebet + Posesivo + bottom dollarbet + Posesivo + shirtbet + Posesivo + boots .

Example: He bet his life that he would be found innocent because he believed there was insufficent eyewitness accounts that would render a shadow of a doubt.

Example: Vachal says there is 'no friggin' way' that happened and that she would 'bet her bottom dollar' that Bialek's allegations are untrue.

Example: Nobody with any sense would bet their shirt on it, but it's worth a small punt.

Example: I can bet my boots those who haven't read the book would love it.

» para cualquier propósitofor all purposes .

Example: Because there is no accepted standard for all purposes, system designers have developed their own schemes for their own needs.

» pasar cualquier cosago + either way .

Example: Life is a gamble that can go either way.

» permitirle a Alguien cualquier cosalet + Nombre + get away with murder .

Example: He didn't intend to let her get away with murder, and wanted to punish her himself rather than see her behind bars.

» ser capaz de hacer cualquier cosa porgo to + any lengths togo to + great lengths togo to + extraordinary lengths to .

Example: Some library staff will go to almost any lengths to avoid challenges, criticism, and controversy over which titles and which kinds of materials should be made available to their communities.

Example: Writers and publishers go to great lengths to avoid the appearance of supporting or condoning homosexuality.

Example: For decades liberals have gone to extraordinary lengths to impose new energy taxes.

» ser un momento tan bueno como cualquier otrobe as good a time as any .

Example: Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.

» tolerar cualquier cosaput up with + anything .

Example: We are made to feel that we have to put up with anything just because our mothers and grandmothers did.

» un día como otro cualquieraa day like any other (day) .

Example: Our story begins on a day like any other for paranormal investigator Ed as he investigates one of the most malevolent hauntings set on record.

Cualquier synonyms

whatever in spanish: lo que sea, pronunciation: wətevɜr part of speech: adjective whatsoever in spanish: lo que, pronunciation: wətsoʊevɜr part of speech: adjective
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