Cualitativo in english


pronunciation: kwɑləteɪtɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cualitativo = qualitative. 

Example: Informative abstract present as much as possible of the quantitative or qualitative information contained in a document.


» análisis cualitativoqualitative analysis .

Example: This will permit national and European qualitative and quantitative analysis based on standardized data and statistics.

» cambio cualitativostep changequalitative change .

Example: Many new learning resource centres have facilitated a 'step change' in learning support provision within their institutions = Muchos centros de recursos para el aprendizaje nuevos han facilitado un 'cambio cualitativo' en la ayuda para el aprendizaje dentro de sus instituciones.

Example: Important quantitative and qualitative changes are affecting employment in the telecommunications industry worldwide.

» estudio cualitativoqualitative study .

Example: This is a qualitative study of the impact that Internet distributed e-conferences have begun to have on the information seeking behaviour of library and information science professionals.

» evaluación cualitativaqualitative evaluation .

Example: This article discusses the differences between quantitive and qualitative evaluation and the instances in which one approach may be preferred over the other.

» indicador cualitativoqualitative indicator .

Example: Moreover, in addition to quantitative measures, qualitative indicators of benefits should be considered so as to present a complete picture when articulating the case for a library's total positive impact.

» investigación cualitativaqualitative research .

Example: The author looks at various approaches to research, in particular quantitative and qualitative research, andat the interpretation of findings.

» método cualitativoqualitative method .

Example: Recruitment efforts of white extremist groups on the Internet were examined using qualitative methods.
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