Cual in english

Which one

pronunciation: wɪtʃwən part of speech: none
In gestures

cual1 = which. 

Example: There are a number of features of a catalogue or index which benefit from some standardisation.


» aceptar tal cualtake + Nombre + at face value .

Example: Some librarians find it more comfortable to stifle their professional consciences and take the question at its face value, disregarding any suspicion they may feel that it is not what the enquirer really needs.

» cada cual por su cuentaevery man for himselfeach man for himself .

Example: If more and more of us begin to see life purely as 'every man for himself,' what other unintended consequences may come with such a shift.

Example: Once the community works together and stops seeing each other as the enemy, or each man for himself, then things will change.

» con lo cualwhereupon .

Example: Mechanization may yet force the issue, especially in the scientific field; whereupon scientific jargon would become still less intelligible to the layman.

» copiar tal cuallift + wholesale and unmodifiedlift out .

Example: The terms in the source will already be in a standard form ready for lifting wholesale and unmodified into a thesaurus.

Example: They are one-sidedly ransacking his writings to 'cherry-pick' and string together whatever can possibly be lifted out and turned against him.

» de los cualesout of which .

Example: No suppose you conduct a search which retrieves 20 documents, but out of which only a certain number prove relevant to the request.

» después de lo cualwhereupon .

Example: Mechanization may yet force the issue, especially in the scientific field; whereupon scientific jargon would become still less intelligible to the layman.

» gracias al cualwhereby .

Example: The basic idea of which is a provision whereby any item may be caused at will to select immediately and automatically another.

» ninguno de los cualesnone of which .

Example: Villainy wears many masks, none of which so dangerous as the mask of virtue.

» por el cualwherebywhereuponby whichfor which .

Example: The basic idea of which is a provision whereby any item may be caused at will to select immediately and automatically another.

Example: Mechanization may yet force the issue, especially in the scientific field; whereupon scientific jargon would become still less intelligible to the layman.

Example: Accession is the procedure by which acquisitions are entered into a collection after checking the order and after collating.

Example: On completion of the search, the VDU will flash up details of the costs accrued for which the library will later be billed.

» sea cual fuereany ... whatsoever .

Example: An 'image library' is any systematic collection of visual images that exist for any purpose whatsoever.

» sea cual fueseany ... whatsoever .

Example: An 'image library' is any systematic collection of visual images that exist for any purpose whatsoever.

» sea cual sea el criterio utilizadoby any standard(s) .

Example: By any standard there were many more illiterate Americans 100 years ago.

» sean cuales seanwhatever they may be .

Example: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.

» según lo cualwhere .

Example: The obious choice for arrangement of place is spatial, where we would try to arrange together countries which are contiguous.

» tal cualunaltereduncriticallyunmodifieduneditedjust aslike thatlike this .

Example: The unaltered message remains in your list of messages unless you request that the changed message be saved.

Example: We must be cautions about accepting Ranganathan's fundamental categories uncritically.

Example: The terms in the source will already be in a standard form ready for lifting wholesale and unmodified into a thesaurus.

Example: This bank of data represented a valuable source of unedited views about users' perceptions, thoughts and attitudes about libraries and electronic resources.

Example: Anything to demonize the West is ok in their book, just as it was during the cold war.

Example: I love movies like that -- where slowly, gradually, bit by bit, all the characters realize that the villain was really disastrously mendacious and criminal.

Example: And as small as Iowa as, I think something like this can have a far larger effect than you might realize if you live in a large industrial area.

» tal o cualsuch and such .

Example: As Carlyle saw it, 'the grand use of any catalog is to tell you, in any intelligible way, that such and such books are in the library'.

» tal y cualsuch and such .

Example: As Carlyle saw it, 'the grand use of any catalog is to tell you, in any intelligible way, that such and such books are in the library'.

» todo lo cualall of which .

Example: But of course, now our civilization is dependent on electronics, chemistry, materials science, medicine, etc. -- all of which require an understanding of the electron.

cuál2 = what ; which. 

Example: Before examining the two main means of constructing classification schedules it is as well to consider what the objective of the designer of a classification scheme should be.Example: Which is the only river in the world that flows both northwards and southwards across the line of the Equator?.


» ¿cuál es el futuro de?quo vadis .

Example: The article 'Quo vadis specialization?' brings into question the validity of any locally developed cataloguing or classification system.

» ¿cuál es tu aspecto?what do you look like? .

Example: What do you look like when you get up in the morning?.

» no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber cuálthere + be + no telling which .

Example: Luke was firing too, as well as Carl, and there was no telling which gun actually shot Jason.

» no saber cuál elegirspoilt for choice .

Example: The article is entitled 'Spoilt for choice? Optical discs and online databases in the next decade'.

» no saberse cuálthere + be + no telling which .

Example: Luke was firing too, as well as Carl, and there was no telling which gun actually shot Jason.

» saber cúal es la verdaddiscern + the truth .

Example: Discerning the truth in a situation sometimes takes cunning.
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